son of Mizo Bowie

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Subal das
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Re: son of Mizo Bowie

Post by Subal das » Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:25 pm

now, as they already had a son, time to think about daughter and I bet her name should kukri.


if she will look like any close to that one, I will marry her :!: :!:
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Re: son of Mizo Bowie

Post by nagarifle » Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:44 pm

What about the sheath. Is it Croc imprint leather? does it have any sort of inserts. Is it the traditional style (does not appear to be) or is a modified version. Details will be appreciated.[/quote]

hi the sheath is of plastic type meterail not sure of what it is, just plastic. uncle Johna would know better on that.

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: son of Mizo Bowie

Post by cottage cheese » Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:12 pm

nagarifle wrote:[quote="Rajat"
What about the sheath. Is it Croc imprint leather? does it have any sort of inserts. Is it the traditional style (does not appear to be) or is a modified version. Details will be appreciated.
hi the sheath is of plastic type meterail not sure of what it is, just plastic. uncle Johna would know better on that.[/quote]

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Re: son of Mizo Bowie

Post by Rajat » Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:22 am

Hello Naga,

The knife deserves a better sheath. After some time this sheath made out of the Croc Imprint Rexine / plastic type material, as you and Cottage Cheese have identified, will crack.

Eljefe has offered some good advice and I agree with him "you know Naga, that 6mm sole leather? fawn colour,smooth on one side , rough on the other? use that (with a fiber liner) for a friction fit sheath. hand stitched ofcourse"

Thinner leather will also do but make sure that it is fairly stiff and not too soft. Get the person who makes the sheath, if he is not a possessional sheath maker, to cut the leather for the sheath in two pieces according to the blade profile or in one piece and fold it towards the blade and sew it towards the front. The key now is to ask him to cut a sliver of thick leather (as thick as the knife blade) and just insert it in between the two pieces to be stitched towards the front, where the blade of the knife will be positioned after sheathing. The sliver in between will prevent the blade from cutting the stitching. I do not know if you can understand from the description. If you are interested I can post pictures of one of the sheaths I got made for my knives.

Get it made. Looking at the blade profile it will be fairly easy to get it made locally.

When it comes to these things we all are boys at heart.


-- Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:24 am --

The Extrema Ratio is a beauty Subal but hand made knives have their own charm. They are timeless beauties.

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Re: son of Mizo Bowie

Post by nagarifle » Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:49 am

thanks mate, some sound advice but leather rots in humid climes. need something that will not rot easily

ie web type sheath may be the answer what do you think?

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: son of Mizo Bowie

Post by Subal das » Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:02 am

nagarifle wrote:thanks mate, some sound advice but leather rots in humid climes. need something that will not rot easily

ie web type sheath may be the answer what do you think?
Naga, there is a tick green fabric sold in tent shops, they using it to make bags sometimes. you can make quite good sheath with it similar stile to Extreama kikri sheath.

Rajat, I agree and do not expect that such kukri can be made in road side forge, there is many good things in making and owning such knife, most important you can make hand made knife exactly up to your hand an needs. and the process itself is story on it's own, which you'll never forget.

Also, it is quite difficult to convince road side blacksmiths to make a knife, they mostly interested to make items which do not take much time to make. Blade smiths as industry in extinction in India, for example Rampuri knife makers almost disappear ... sad. same time China exporting knives on millions of dollars every moth. Something very unfair.
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Re: son of Mizo Bowie

Post by eljefe » Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:32 am

Made my first holster with this sole leather muself. about a couple of hundred holsters and sheaths later, I can offer-If you have access to a HD leather stitching machine, incorporate a fiber liner between 2 layers of leather. If hand stitched, you can still do it. cut the leather 1-2 mm short on all sides, wet it overnight and stitch. coat knife heavily with graphite grease -thats all i had at 0130 am, insert into sheath carefully and let it dry over next few days, remove carefully.Can understand abot the humidity and degradation part...Kydex is available as sheets from Knifemakers here. Can be molded into shape with hot water and wife's EX hair dryer (it will be ex after you use it!)
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Re: son of Mizo Bowie

Post by nagarifle » Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:40 pm

now thats what i call advice, thanks gents as it helps in making a better sheath :lol:

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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