by z375 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:06 pm
fantumfan2003 wrote:z375,
Great going. Did you anneal it before shaping it and applying the grind. Any reason for the shape of the tip ?
Yes, I had to anneal it, as it is not a case hardened file, its a Nicholson fully-hardened, I was lucky enough to pick up a shoebox full of these at the local chor bazaar here in Pune, I like the drop point shape, that's all.
"With solid bullets on heavy animals such as elephant, rhino and buffalo this power is quite apparent but is not so obvious as when soft-nose bullets are being used, say, lion, particularly when is a case of stopping a charge : the .404 will stop him all right, but will seldom crumple him quite so completely as will the .416" -- John Taylor, Big Game and Big Game Rifles, (Ch. IX)