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Guaging the impact of armchair conservation on wildlife.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 12:46 am
by shooter
Hi friends,

Ok lets face it; IFG members arent big on wildlife etc.

I mean look at the number of responses re: wildlife etc. (Except when it is to slam the hunters).
But fair enough its IFG not IFW.

If you think i am right but you are one of the few who care abut or want to prove me wrong by showing you care, please take part in this poll.

Hey, ive even left an option for those who dont care.

I actually wanted to have 2 connected polls depending on if you are a hunting supporter or opposer etc.
But since this is not possible, ive tried to link the two. Please take part and i know the options might seem unfair hence please please elaborate by writing/posting etc.

Re: Guaging the impact of armchair conservation on wildlife.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 7:42 am
by prashantsingh
Others (please specify) :
Hunting is banned in India. My limited experience comes from Africa.
I am a life member of the Wildlife Preservation Society of India and regularly write for their magazine.
Most importantly I try to bring up the topic (conservation and ecological damage) how ever monotonous it may sound (to others) whenever possible.
I have a farm where I have planted trees and have a dream of converting it into a private game reserve (like hvj 1) . Am not sure if the govt. (with its present laws) will ever allow me to do so.

Re: Guaging the impact of armchair conservation on wildlife.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:00 pm
by prashantsingh
Amongst all the paper work which I have with me (after I came back from the hunt in Africa), there is one document which may raise few Eye Brows.
It is called "Nature Conservation Certificate".
If you wish I can put a copy of it here.
How would a man who has hunted / killed so many animals / birds get this certificate. Doesn't make sense initially. But when you read between the realise that you are paying for the upkeep of the game reserve . A part of the money earned from hunting is going back into conservation.
So, it is the hunter who is also financially supporting the cause of conservation.
I have mentioned this earlier in another post (probably Hunting Abroad).

Re: Guaging the impact of armchair conservation on wildlife.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:29 pm
by fantumfan2003
For this to work in our country, the first step would be to completely eliminate poaching / illegal hunting, stop deforestation and "re-settle" forests so that the fauna and flora thrive. This will probably be have to be implemeted for a decade without losing steam. The next step might be be to come up with a plan which will have regulated hunting for a fee. One idea is to only open a hunting season for a few species which are deemed to be in excess. Frankly I am not for such a move. However see this table in TZ where they have done a good job.

This is aimed towards protecting species that are not in abundance (Lions and Leopards). Please note there is no cheetah in the list (The Indian Cheetah is extinct, and people tell me Africans are more backward than us Indians :D ) so the list is not a free for all.

This regulation still won't work in our country as some idiotic future PH will take top dollar/pound/euro/chaipani from an even more idiotic "customer" to shoot a fine tiger or lion. Like the idiotic trophy hunter from the US in Namibia who shot the largest leopard in Namibia so that he could put the leopards "murda sur" in his living room. ... -dogs-566/

A graceful animal wasted.

Regulated hunting and all that is fine but it will come AFTER our flora and fauna get a second chance at life. Which right now is very clearly threatened.

prashantsingh wrote:Amongst all the paper work which I have with me (after I came back from the hunt in Africa), there is one document which may raise few Eye Brows.
It is called "Nature Conservation Certificate".
If you wish I can put a copy of it here.
How would a man who has hunted / killed so many animals / birds get this certificate. Doesn't make sense initially. But when you read between the realise that you are paying for the upkeep of the game reserve . A part of the money earned from hunting is going back into conservation.
So, it is the hunter who is also financially supporting the cause of conservation.
I have mentioned this earlier in another post (probably Hunting Abroad).

Re: Guaging the impact of armchair conservation on wildlife.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 8:54 pm
by shooter
Please put up your nature conservation certificate up here prashantsingh so we can all view it.

Dear fantumfan all changes begin with us.we all have to start first and then "each one teach two". We shouldnt give up just in fear of these idiots as idiots are present everywhere.
IFG is a big multiregional platform and i hope to reach out to people by exploiting this platform. I mean how difficult can it be to enroll and convince decent educated people for a right cause?

I do appreciate you taking part and your concern and enthusiasm.