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India ranks among the worst in nature conservation index

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 4:40 pm
by HasnainQureshi21
India has ranked 176 out of 180 in nature conservation index.

Nature conservation index is a tool to measure a nation's effort to protect it's wildlife

While boasting about saving wildlife, india has ranked among the worst in it

NCI is created goldman sonnenfeldt school of sustainability and climate change

Yaron ziv from goldman sonnenfeldt said"you can't measure what you can't manage"

It's completely true, we don't manage our wildlife properly our government make nonsense, laws made by those who don't even know what is like to spend time in the wild

Many nations are using hunter and fisherman to protect their wildlife while our nation has demonizes it

Hunting and Fishing when done sustainably is the backbone of wildlife conservation

It's time we make laws based on logic and not emotions and protect our wildlife

We need to make our people value and respect wildlife

Instead due to animal human conflict we have made them it's enemies

Nilgai and wildboar are destroying farmers field and man eater are causing fear and panic among the people

And stupid so called activists are harrassing people who try to defend themselves, their loved ones and property

People will protect something when their livelihoods and their generation's life depends on it

What your guys think about it