New Wildlife trade rules confusion

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New Wildlife trade rules confusion

Post by HasnainQureshi21 » Fri Feb 02, 2024 2:22 pm

does any one has more info on new wildlife trade rules. I came across the hindustan times.

I saw "after 40 years, centre revises rules on wildlife trade". I was shocked to see this.

I started reading and became more confuse. Here is what i understood

Old rules from 1983 prohibited of issuing licenses to trade in wild animal under schedule 1 and part 2 of schedule 2

Now it says "No such licences shall be granted if it relates to any wild animals specified in the Schedule I to the Act, except with previous consultation of the central government.”

The authorized officials will be able to grant licenses.

My question is schedule 2 includes animal like eagle, hawk, falcon and owl.

Can we as a civilian get permit and pratice the sport of kings which became extinct in india after 1972 Wildlife Protection Act

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