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Pics from yesterday's fishing trip.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:45 am
by Mack The Knife
Although not intentional, I ended up fishing more for murral rather than mahseer.

Reached Forbes Sagar to find that the WASI member who had booked into the cottage also wanted to fish at Forbes. Since I knew him, I did not have a problem with him joining me in the coracle.

I thought we would do a bit of spinning for murral along the periphery of the lake whilst paddling out to where we cast out for mahseer. Unfortunately, it was 11:30 by the time we reached this place.

On the way, I caught two murrel in quick succession (within 5 minutes of each other, I think). Since the water is still high and the weeds submerged, I opted for a spinner. Not only do I find them more effective but they are easier on the fish as well. With frogs, you need to wait for a second or two before striking, which usually means that the hook gets stuck deeper in the mouth or near the gills.

I started off with a Mepps Long Cast No.4 spinner that I had bought for mahseer, as I wanted to test it. Unfortunately, the first murrel took this deep (never seen this happen) and the hook had to be retrieved from the gills which caused a fair bit of bleeding. I was in two minds about releasing him but did so all the same and I hope he lives to fight another day.


The second murral was caught on the same spinner but cleanly (as has always been the case barring the above exception).



The speed at which the second fellow darted off when released was quite something and later in the day, I was privileged to see at what speeds a murral attacks a lure.

We finally cast out for mahseer at 11:30 and were at it until 1:30 p.m.. During these two hours, all we got was one bite and it had to happen whilst I was doing something else - having a drink of water, this time.

We went back to where the cars were parked. My friend returned to the cottage, the guards to their home for lunch and I forced myself to have two sandwiches and a cup of coffee. What I really would have liked was a couple of litres of chilled orange juice or lemonade and a nice cold shower. :mrgreen:

Around 2:45 I got back into the coracle and decided to spin for murral at another part of Forbes until 4 p.m., when I would try for mahseer again.

This time I switched to a silver Mepps Agila No. 4. A few casts later, I saw this blackish burr streak towards the spinner and bang!




I then switched to a dressed red and gold Mepps XD No.3 and caught two more murral on this.



Reached the mahseer casting point by 4 p.m. and tried till 6 p.m. but no joy. Either the mahseer had moved off elsewhere or they weren't interested in my delectable offerings.

Tackle used for murrel is as follows:
Rod: 6'-6" Rapalla Sportman's Classic.
Reel: Shimano CX 2500.
Line: 20 lb. Power Pro (braid).

Next weekend, I have the cottage, so should have a lot more fishing activity to report on. Hopefully...

Re: Pics from yesterday's fishing trip.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:13 pm
by Pran
Nice write up, Mack The Knife. How big was the murral you caught on Mepps no.4? Have you ever caught any Mahseer at Forbes?

Got to catch my first murral sometime.

Keep on doing it,


Re: Pics from yesterday's fishing trip.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:01 pm
by Risala
As always a nice write up and a good catch.

That murral is big.

Keep on doin it.


Re: Pics from yesterday's fishing trip.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 3:50 pm
by Mack The Knife
How big was the murral you caught on Mepps no.4?
Instead of spot the otter <snort!> let's play 'guess the weight' this time. :mrgreen:

Yes, Grumpy? What's that you are mumbling?
Have you ever caught any Mahseer at Forbes?

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 3:59 pm
by Mack The Knife
Thanks, Sanjay.

BTW, bumped into GasramGandu as I was leaving Indradhanush after breakfast and all he could come up with was, "You are really going by yourself? Mad bug*3r!". I don't know about the rest of you but I took that as a compliment. :mrgreen:

Oi, GG! Braid it is from now on for non-rocky waters. Barring one wind knot, I had an absolute blast using it. Already spooled up another reel with the balance Power Pro.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:24 pm
by Pran
Mack The Knife Bana";p="31264 wrote: "You are really going by yourself? Mad bug*3r!". I don't know about the rest of you but I took that as a compliment. :mrgreen:
Any vacancy for 'Stevie' when you're going fishing next week...


Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:48 pm
by Mack The Knife
Sorry but I cannot take you fishing next weekend.

Weekend after next I am going elsewhere, so unless I make a trip between next weekend and when Asif comes on the 22nd of December, this will be it for 2007.

I am still not sure if I can take Asif fishing but if we go, you are welcome to tag along.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:04 pm
by Pran
Mack The Knife Bana";p="31270 wrote: Weekend after next I am going elsewhere, so unless I make a trip between next weekend and when Asif comes on the 22nd of December, this will be it for 2007.

I am still not sure if I can take Asif fishing but if we go, you are welcome to tag along.
Boss, let me know whenever I can come along.


Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:04 pm
by Olly
Great going Mack The Knife... seems u guys have some kinda magnet to attract the fish to your lines...
I haven't been lucky still... but nevertheless a great sport and a joyous day spend... always...

Don't u carry the hopps beverage for 'time pass' ? :evil:
Here, with Abhijeet, Dev, Sanjay and Asif around, it's a high otherwise too... and merrier despite the empty hands... :P

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 6:02 pm
by Mack The Knife
Great going Mack The Knife... seems u guys have some kinda magnet to attract the fish to your lines...
No magnet, just enthusiasm that keeps us going.
I haven't been lucky still...
Luck does play a part but it is fickle. Better to learn to do it right and then have the patience to stick it out, whatever the conditions. Sometimes, you will return empty handed but learn from it. What is required is a bit of determination rather than depending on luck.
Don't u carry the hopps beverage for 'time pass' ? :evil:
Here, with Abhijeet, Dev, Sanjay and Asif around, it's a high otherwise too... and merrier despite the empty hands... :P
I don't have an ice box, though I have been thinking of getting one. If we are staying at the cottage, I may carry a few cans and/or a bottle of Scotch. However, the drinking is done whilst having lunch or dinner and not whilst fishing.

Frankly, I don't feel comfortable with people who drink too much and then fish/shoot/ drive. It's a recipe for disaster and I'd much rather be some place else. Drinking and fishing can be dangerous, so if you must have a tipple, please keep it well within limits.

End of lecture.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 6:25 pm
by Pran
One PM on the way!

Re: Pics from yesterday's fishing trip.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:15 am
by Grumpy
Well, assuming it isn`t a twig or a cowpat I reckon it weighs about half past Tuesday.
Can`t tell how big it is because of the foreshortening....I dunno, how about 4 1/2 lbs as a starter guess ?

Re: Pics from yesterday's fishing trip.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:18 am
by Grumpy
No. just looked again and it`s more than that.

Re: Pics from yesterday's fishing trip.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 6:55 am
by Mack The Knife
Grumpy";p="31311 wrote:No. just looked again and it`s more than that.
Really! How much more? :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:06 am
by Pran
Olly";p="31275 wrote: I haven't been lucky still...
Keep on trying, Anupam. I've had more fruitless trips than fruitful ones too.
