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Texas any one?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:08 pm
by Vikram ... f4433.html

Pesky wild hogs multiply like rabbits

Web Posted: 09/27/2007 09:50 PM CDT

Betsy Blaney
Associated press

LUBBOCK — Texas ranchers and farmers battling the nation's largest population of feral hogs may soon be trying to ward off twice as many of the tusked, field-shredding animals.
Wildlife officials fear the ample water and vegetation brought by record-setting rains this year could double the current state estimate of 2 million hogs. The animals reproduce prolifically even under normal conditions.

"We are seeing an absolute explosion," said Kirby Brown, executive vice president of the Texas Wildlife Association. "They are on a roll right now."

Feral hogs, which can balloon up to 400 pounds or more and have been known to act aggressively toward people when cornered, annually cause an estimated $52 million in damages to crops and property, state officials said.

Rancher Jim McAdams said a dozen or so hogs can mangle five acres of pasture in one visit to his College Station-area property, leaving behind torn-up ground that damages equipment.

"They're terrible," he said. "They just are a big nuisance. And despite all our best efforts, the population continues to grow."

Wild hogs are the most prolific large, wild mammal in North America. They're descended from domestic hogs and found in nearly all of Texas' 254 counties and in about 38 other states. Texas has about half of the nation's population.

When domestic hogs have a plentiful food supply just prior to mating, they ovulate more and produce more eggs. Wildlife researchers believe feral hogs' reproduction is similar. They anticipate more piglets per litter and more far-ranging herds because food is everywhere.

"The sows are super healthy," said Cody Weiser, editor of Wild Boar USA magazine. "With the amount of nutrition available all the pigs from this past spring have had plenty to eat. It's going to make for a very high survival rate."

Feral hogs reproduce so rapidly that there's a joke among wildlife officials: When a sow has six piglets, you can expect eight to survive. Sows can have two litters a year, and their female offspring can get pregnant as early as six months.

They have no natural predators, although hunters seek them out. Hunting season is year-round and there is no limit.

Texas had the wettest January through July ever recorded, with a statewide average of 27.11 inches — nearly 11 inches above the norm. The wet weather brought growth of vegetation and underbrush and the feral hogs' piglets will use that for cover from hunters.

Wildlife officials say the animals are primarily herbivores but will eat anything, including the occasional rabbits, quail and small fawns.

"They're just opportunists," Brown of the wildlife association said. "They'll eat whatever they run in to. They can take almost anything and turn it into producing more feral hogs."

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:22 pm
by dev
I'm in...wishful thinking. Lots of sandwhiches waiting to be made...wurst case scenario. ;-)


Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:46 pm
by Mack The Knife
Think again, Dev....

The Yanks may just mistake you for a pig and....

Re: Texas any one?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:53 pm
by Grumpy
"wurst case scenario."

Now that`s clever ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

One to be proud of.

( I wish that I`d thought of it !!! )

( All salaam towards Dev - "We`re not worthy". )

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:26 pm
by shooter
the attitude of texans towards hunting is so cool. they have not just hunting mags but trophies for sale in the duty free dept of george bush int airport ( even such magzines are unthinkable in heathrow.) the lady with a toddler sitting next to me on the plane coolly asked me if i was in texas to hunt as i would ask a person in london if he was there to see the big ben.
i was a 'gareeb aadmi' then so couldnt indulge in it but next time.......... u hogs, watch out.

Re: Texas any one?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:20 pm
by WyoJoe
Vikram";p="27956 wrote:"The sows are super healthy,"
Let me take the .44 mag & I will cure that right quick.

Re: Texas any one?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:56 pm
by Grumpy
I`ve seen stetson wearing Chinese Chefs in Mexican restaurants at Houston airport ....... and all the gate controllers seem to be ladies with double names line `Billy Joe` and `Lucy Mabel`.......... with huge boufant hairdos welded in place with a shell of lacquer......... and the last time we were there you could only buy THREE different postcards in the whole airport - one of a hospital ( ?! ) one of a Basketball court ( ?! ) and one of the Texas State flower.....only the wrong coloured flower was pictured ! Cool ? Weird more like.
Lubbock is out in West Texas where I was served the worst hamburger in a diner ever - not a meat pattie but sloppy minced beef in gravy ladled onto a bun...........
Not all of Texas is weird though.........................
LOL :wink: :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:47 pm
by shooter
you forgot to mention the name mary jane. ;-)

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:16 pm
by dev
Mack The Knife Bana";p="27967 wrote: Think again, Dev....

The Yanks may just mistake you for a pig and....
Ugh old vinegar is really getting sour, what a boar ;-)


Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:18 pm
by dev
Grumpy";p="27969 wrote: "wurst case scenario."

Now that`s clever ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

One to be proud of.

( I wish that I`d thought of it !!! )

( All salaam towards Dev - "We`re not worthy". )
I try so hard but meister Mack The Knife isn't pleased, he thinks I be swine casting among pearls...heh heh ;-)


Re: Texas any one?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 7:12 pm
by Grumpy
"Ugh old vinegar is really getting sour, what a boar"

Now don`t push it too far Dev - people will start to think that you`re a right clever clogs.........and nobody likes a smart a*se. :lol:

Mack The Knife ? He can`t help being the way he is - and you know what they say : "You can`t make a silk purse out of a pigs ear"......... or in Mack The Knifes case, a pigs bum might be more appropriate ! :wink: :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:02 am
by Sakobav
Nice one Dev "wurst"

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:12 am
by Mack The Knife
Pot, kettle and black to you, you old trombone. :mrgreen:

You reminded me of that old song from The Music Man - 76 Trombones... :mrgreen:

Re: Texas any one?

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:12 am
by dev
[quote="Grumpy";p="28143"]"Ugh old vinegar is really getting sour, what a boar"

Now don`t push it too far Dev - people will start to think that you`re a right clever clogs.........and nobody likes a smart a*se. :lol:

Not n original one. Lifted from an Asterisk comic book. Point taken mastah.


Re: Texas any one?

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:47 pm
by Grumpy
"Pot, kettle and black to you,"

Well yes.......that I would never deny.

As regards the `76 Trombones` I`d like to point ouit that I only have the one set of equipment and am, therefore, unable to perform any pieces requiring harmony.