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Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:18 pm
by najeeb_khan
Hello Friends,
I found this manual from my father's time, I thought of sharing it here.
Manual is related to...
How to apply an application
How much application fees is to be paid
Duration of hunting
Caliber of weapon especially for tiger hunting
Warrantable sizes of species
Royalty to be paid for hunting different species( Tiger royalty Rs.200.00)
Alloted number of species to be hunted
Different hunting blocks in Uttar Pradesh
I am attaching the copy of huting manaual, I hope all of you will like to read...

Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:09 am
by prashantsingh
What a fantastic find Najeeb.
I found the last part interesting.
"Shooting of black panther and white tiger strictly prohibited".
I have never heard of any black panthers or white tigers in U.P.
Here is something interesting.
Number of tigers shot from 1946 till '55.
The fantastic terai jungles of U.P. were undoubtedly a heaven for wildife.
Year ------------- Tigers ------------------ Tigress ------------------------------- Total
1946-47 -------------- 72 ------------------ 44 ------------------------------ 116
47-48 / 55 / 26 / 81
49-50 / 56 / 26 / 82
50-51 / 67 / 27 / 94
51-52 / 65 / 29 / 94
52-53 / 40 / 57 / 97
53-54 / 67 / 39 / 106
54-55 / 61 / 36 / 97
Almost a hundred tigers a year.
These figures are from a gentleman who was Chief Wildlife Warden of the state. Mr Vijay Bahadur Singh I.F.S. in the last century.
These figures are from the tigers legally hunted in the state and does not include the big cats which might have been poached.
Interestingly in the same article this gentleman closing words are "The greater danger to tiger comes from another quarter,viz,growing civilization and intensive exploitation of forests. If we go on loosing tiger habitats to cultivation , colonies, industrial projects and plantations , no one can save tigers in this State even if shooting by permit is completely closed. Future of tiger , therefore lies only in the protection of its habitat."
Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:22 am
by najeeb_khan
prashantsingh wrote:What a fantastic find Najeeb.
I found the last part interesting.
"Shooting of black panther and white tiger strictly prohibited".
I have never heard of any black panthers or white tigers in U.P.
Here is something interesting.
Number of tigers shot from 1946 till '55.
The fantastic terai jungles of U.P. were undoubtedly a heaven for wildife.
Year ------------- Tigers ------------------ Tigress ------------------------------- Total
1946-47 72 44 116
47-48 55 26 81
49-50 56 26 82
50-51 67 27 94
51-52 65 29 94
52-53 40 57 97
53-54 67 39 106
54-55 61 36 97
Almost a hundred tigers a year.
These figures are from a gentleman who was Chief Wildlife Warden of the state. Mr Vijay Bahadur Singh I.F.S. in the last century.
These figures are from the tigers legally hunted in the state and does not include the big cats which might have been poached.
Interestingly in the same article this gentleman closing words are "The greater danger to tiger comes from another quarter,viz,growing civilization and intensive exploitation of forests. If we go on loosing tiger habitats to cultivation , colonies, industrial projects and plantations , no one can save tigers in this State even if shooting by permit is completely closed. Future of tiger , therefore lies only in the protection of its habitat."
Hello Prashant,
Regarding the shooting of black panthers and white tigers, I was also surprised to read this, but then I thought, printer of this manual must have copied the text from any other manual (place where white tiger or black panther were found)
I am glad to know that you like it. Once I was checking my father's paper and found this manual, there were copies of hunting permits.
Your figure is very useful and as I have heard in my family, when hunting was allowed, very few poacher dare to go and poach in the blocks of registered hunters.
Tiger population decreased due to poaching, encroachment of forest land, cutting of jungle.
I agree with you.
Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:26 am
by Anand
Najeeb, what piece of history for us hunting and gun buffs in India.
Thank you for posting,
Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:02 pm
by najeeb_khan
Anand wrote:Najeeb, what piece of history for us hunting and gun buffs in India.
Thank you for posting,
Your welcome Anand, now a days it's a history which we can only dream off.
Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:35 pm
by AgentDoubleS
Great share, Najeeb.
Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:47 pm
by AgentDoubleS
prashantsingh wrote:
I found the last part interesting.
"Shooting of black panther and white tiger strictly prohibited".
I have never heard of any black panthers or white tigers in U.P.
Maybe the proximity to Rewa district prompted it? Or as Najeeb said maybe it was a text copied from Rewa's guidelines!
Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:22 pm
by TC
A great find Najeeb. Thanks for sharing
Feels great to know there were Black Panthers around the year I was born, 1967
Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:01 pm
by huszaidi
Gr8 piece of information..
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:52 pm
by prashantsingh
TC wrote:A great find Najeeb. Thanks for sharing
Feels great to know there were Black Panthers around the year I was born, 1967
We still have black panthers in India.
Saw a snap on the net recently of a female taken somewhere in the western ghats.
Melanism is also found in tigers.
Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:55 pm
by najeeb_khan
SS, TC and Zaidi, Glad to know that all of you like it. Your welcome all.
TC wrote:Feels great to know there were Black Panthers around the year I was born, 1967
Congratulations TC

Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:01 pm
by najeeb_khan
prashantsingh wrote:TC wrote:A great find Najeeb. Thanks for sharing
Feels great to know there were Black Panthers around the year I was born, 1967
We still have black panthers in India.
Saw a snap on the net recently of a female taken somewhere in the western ghats.
Melanism is also found in tigers.
Hello Prashant,
Yes, they can be found in western ghats and as I have heard in north east India also.
Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:00 am
by TC
Prashant and Najeeb, thanks for the update. I thought black panthers had become extinct in India.
Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:40 pm
by najeeb_khan
TC wrote:Prashant and Najeeb, thanks for the update. I thought black panthers had become extinct in India.
Your welcome TC.
Re: Rules & Regulation For Big Game Hunting In U.P. 1967-68
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:55 pm
by brihacharan
Thanks najeeb for the "rare" find & sharing it...
Thanks Prashant for the additional information...
Although (unfortunately) I have not retained any copy of the permits I had taken during 60's - the contents appear to be very similar - but I do remember 'there was no mention' of Black Panthers or White Tigers in them!
Yes - as Prashant mentions 'Melanin' syndrome does appear rarely among Panthers & Tigers...
I remember seeing a picture of a 'Black Mule Deer' bagged by a hunter in the Field & Stream magazine very many years ago!
TC wrote: Feels great to know there were Black Panthers around the year I was born, 1967