Fishing season opener!!
Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:13 pm
A local forest preserve here stocks some lakes with Trouts twice a year. Once during the spring and once in fall. They close the lake for fishing for two weeks starting the day they stock ,to let the fish acclimatise. This past Saturday was the season opener and I went with my cousin to reel in some rainbows. The gates open at 6AM and even though we got there at 5:30, we were probably the 50th car in queue!! Once in, we found a nice spot on one of the piers and started casting the lines. It was still pretty dark. No sooner that we got all the lines out, we started getting hits. And if you have fished trouts ever, you know how good fighters these little guys are! The daily limit is 5 per person, but we got about 6 fish within about 2 hours and decided to call it a day. We were mostly using the Powerbait putties of different colors. A nice start to the fishing season and some excellent fish fry at the end of the day!