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pump house jig-3

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 3:45 pm
by eljefe
I am mad.On sundays, i wake up at 4 am and run out...other days I wake up at 7.20am
Pump house gang- Indiangypsy and Eljefe were hard at work dispelling myths:

1.Magur taken on
Ragi and hing, a la down south!-In response to Dhruv's question of "sher ghas khata hia kya?"

2.Eel (Bam)-available-again on ragi and hing...
3.Grass carp-Ohhh yessss! on earthworm at that
4.marral/ sowl/solly- come out and do a jig
5.Marral take hair rigs-atta boilie, Did'nt know enough about fish handling to keep him on a no.8 barbless carp hook. :oops: We've promised to meet in a couple of weeks...
Gypsy and I had 2kg+ marral hookset within a minute. both on Shakespeare-my ugly stik10lb, he was on a 6pc travel rod with 2lb line
Gypsy is part spider-hung off the bridge and snared himself a marral loafing below-just presented the bait and the fish took it - 2 lb line at that...

Great offroading-gypsy and his pajero made my day-slithered and skidded thru a slushed up road next to a canal-left side was a drop of 30ft to the fields and to the right was the canal.Gypsy and the Ghilly can probably swim, car and I cant but we reversed out famously...

got a solitary snap on the cell camera of gypsy and his 2nd grass carp, will post.Thats because the magur came by and decided he had to make this south indian's day-it took the ragi/millet boilie!

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:13 pm
by dev
Curses the most successful expedition yet!!! Serves me right for trying to be Jet Li, the whole body was doing its achy breaky back thingie. Then Asif said 0500hrs and I goes into cardiac arrest, mind says don't worry good Doc will fix ye on the move but body gives up.

Anyway I was just curling lip at Home and telling wife that it'll serve em right...and right it did ;-). Congrats for the great catch, I will do a single shimano gun salute in thy honour.



Re: pump house jig-3

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:42 pm
by Pran
Great write up Asif.Nice to know the 'northy' fish have developed a liking for Ragi :)


Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:19 pm
by conty1
Good job Asif. Keep reelin em in ;)


Re: pump house jig-3

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:30 pm
by Risala

You guy's had a blast and I missed the action again :(
Will definitely make the cut next time.

A belated Happy B'day,have a great year ahead mate.
Let catch up on the week end for a few cold ones.

Cheers & keep on doin it.


Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:38 am
by eljefe
Wot birthday? That man Bobbee in IA has been causing havoc with his prequels and sequels :twisted:
Guys, The site will tell you the day-25th Jun...
Thanks for the good wishes in advance!