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We need a survival forum and need survival kits.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:57 pm
by warthog
Hi, I think ifg should have a survivalist sub forum.The way things are moving and after watching nat geo doomsday preppers i think we should be ready.
Can anyone guide my from where i can buy survival kits,emergency food storage,high powered air rifles,off grid power.Sadly most of these items are only available in USA.I am ready to buy online provided there is no customs problems.
Re: We need a survival forum and need survival kits.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:22 pm
by nagarifle
what if a rock hits the world?
Re: We need a survival forum and need survival kits.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:56 pm
by feedramp
nagarifle wrote:what if a rock hits the world?
Then stuff will hit the fan, IDK what will happen if you live in a traditional Naga hut without fan.
Maybe stuff will hit the straw

Re: We need a survival forum and need survival kits.
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:00 pm
by essdee1972
Warthog, stop watching doomsday stuff!! It gets very addictive, as experienced by me personally.
There was a thread sometime back on bug out bags.
IMHO, the western concepts need not work for us. Our being at a lower level of advancement (apologies to the India Shining supporters) actually helps us in some part!
1. We are more used to shortages. Sure, some of the cubicle warriors like me might feel uncomfortable without AC, but then, we'll survive! Millions of us do survive without power anyway!
2. We are used to our water. Yeah, it might have arsenic and lead and God knows what, but we can still survive on that. Most of our cities did have a lot of lead plumbing till the 80's, anyway. We are also used to asbestos, CFCs, diesel smoke, etc.
3. We can do jugaad, on the fly, in the field, without billions of R&D dollars. No power? Someone will jugaad a mobile charger out of AA cells!
Where the "backwardness" will hurt is the lack of preparedness, lack of early warning systems, lack of proper equipment, training, etc. in our early responders (Police, Fire Brigades, etc.), lack of weapons in the civilian populace (the FLOs might want to question that one!), and mostly, lack of any sort of will power or even basic common sense in our "leaders". I am afraid, the last one cannot be made up for by any survival kit of strategy!
Re: We need a survival forum and need survival kits.
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:45 pm
by Mark
My feelings are that a person should focus on living responsibly, being true to ones self, and helping those less fortunate on a daily basis instead of putting it off for some future disaster that may or may not happen.
Re: We need a survival forum and need survival kits.
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:17 pm
by Skyman
" I ain't gonna live forever, I just wanna live while i'm alive "
Jon Bon Jovi.
I advocate what mark has said, stock up on emergency rations.When their time is nearly over, give it away.Keep doing so, you will have fed many before you have to keep it all for yourself, if at all.A bug out bag is a practical necessity.
Re: We need a survival forum and need survival kits.
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:23 am
by warthog
Please this is no joke.Can anyone tell me a place or a website from i can buy survival kits and emergency food storage
Re: We need a survival forum and need survival kits.
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:12 pm
by Mark
I wish I had a simple answer for you, but you are not asking a simple question here.
What sort of survival scenario do you want to prepare for- a power outage for a day or one of the science-fiction types of worldly breakdown?
What do you mean by emergency food storage? Something other than purchasing some 5 gallon buckets with snap-on lids and filling one with rice, one with beans, one with lentils or something else?
It is a rather large subject, so it would help for you to think about what you are wanting to accomplish.
Me, I don't have network TV so I am spared from all those doom-and-gloom shows, and much happier for it.
Re: We need a survival forum and need survival kits.
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:21 pm
by Mack The Knife
Learn some basic outdoor skills like making a friction fire, fishing, making basic snares and traps, basic shelter building and teach yourself a bit about the plant life around you - edible or inedible, medicinal properties, which plants retain water, that sort of stuff.
Get used to eating bugs. Excellent source of proteins.
None of the above come in a logo'd bag with a price tag. Sorry! Learn the above and have fun at the same time.
High powered air-rifle! Is that the latest requirement?

Get yourself a good old catty and learn to use it well.
If you really must have a BOB, make a list of what you think is essential and buy the items locally.
Mack The Knife
P.S.: There is no need for a seperate survival forum on this board. Plenty of them on the internet.
Re: We need a survival forum and need survival kits.
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:04 pm
by Skyman
What are you preparing for?