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Some old shikaar pics

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:28 am
by mundaire
Some old shikaar pictures from the Kasmanda palace hotel Mussoorie... thought these might be of interest to some of our members...

Taluqdar of Kasmanda - Raja Dinesh Pratap Singh at a shoot in Nepal (circa 1950s)

Taluqdar of Kasmanda - Raja Dinesh Pratap Singh at a shoot in Nepal (circa 1950s)

Undated and unlabelled photo - I assume it is the same gentleman in his younger days...


Re: Some old shikaar pics

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:22 am
by Pran
Great pics, Abhijeet.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:23 am
by Sakobav
Nice find..

Re: Some old shikaar pics

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:38 am
by axp817
pics show up only on the left side and cant see the complete picture without scrolling left to right, is it some setting that I need to change or is that normal?


Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:58 am
by Sakobav

Go to the picture and there is scroll bar beneath it try that or may be its the settings then


Re: Some old shikaar pics

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:58 am
by Mark
Great pictures!

Thanks for posting them!

Re: Some old shikaar pics

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:56 am
by penpusher

Nice photos.A memory of better times.A shot from the top of the staircase of the trophies would also have been nice.The Kasmanda Palace too seems to have seen better times.Would not recommend it to anybody.

Re: Some old shikaar pics

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:02 am
by mundaire
penpusher wrote:A shot from the top of the staircase of the trophies would also have been nice.
Here you go... :)

The Kasmanda Palace too seems to have seen better times.Would not recommend it to anybody.
As have all the ex-residences of the erstwhile Indian royalty... Admittedly, the service was not top notch, but the place as a quaint charm to it... quite enjoyed the few days we spent there...


Re: Some old shikaar pics

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:33 am
by penpusher
That was quick.I have found Claridges Nabha to be better.The service is better,the food is nice.No hunting trophies though and it's away from the main bazar.Lighter on the wallet that ways :wink: I have heard of a place called Clouds End(one of the first houses to be built in Mussoorie).Will stay there the next time I go the town.Another thing,on the way to Jaypee Residency,you will find Col.Skinners house.


Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:41 am
by mundaire
penpusher wrote:I have heard of a place called Clouds End(one of the first houses to be built in Mussoorie).
Went down there for a day trip - awesome location! Good choice :)
I have found Claridges Nabha to be better.
Never been to Nabha, but heard a lot about the town as quite a few of my maternal uncles went to school there...
penpusher wrote:Another thing,on the way to Jaypee Residency,you will find Col.Skinners house.
Ah, showed Asif & Mack The Knife Skinner's "Bagh wali kothi" in Hansi (en route to Hisar)... but from outside only. :)


Re: Some old shikaar pics

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:09 pm
by penpusher
I meant Claridges Nabha at Mussoorie.Regarding Nabha,the former family of the Nabha rulers is now putting in money for renovating the Nabha fort.My friend is involved in this and will send you photos when I visit the place.Still have not figured out how to post them myself :oops:

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:48 pm
by eljefe
Been there done that Guys? ;)
Yup we saw the bagh wali kothi of the Skinner family...
That is one serious dude, Isnt a taluqdar a sort of a District Magistrate? he lived in a palace?
Help me with my terminology someone!!

Re: Some old shikaar pics

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:06 pm
by penpusher

In the Mughal times,a taluq was a district comprising about 80-85 villages.The Taluqdar was a functionary of the Mughal state,responsible for the collection of revenue and for maintaining law and order in his area.The post was not hereditary though in practise this was often the case.The Taluqdar received a part of the revenue collected as his salary.

As the central authority weakened,many of the Taluqdar's began to function as independent rulers,paying their dues to the authority above them,if any,as per their convenience and sometimes not at all.Their position was secured by the British Rule which ended the rule of the EIC in 1858.The Allahabad declaration of the Governor General proclaiming the rule of the Crown also declared the survival and continuation of the rule of the Indian prince's( the term royal or royalty was used only for the British Royal Family,the Indian rulers were called Indian Prince's.It's only after Independence,which also ended their rule,that the former rulers were free to use the word Royal for themselves :lol: .So there was no Royal family of ...add the word...before 1947). The Taluqdars during the British rule were akin to Rajas and many also held that title.Some were very rich.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:07 pm
by mundaire

Here's the wikipedia entry on Taluqdars -



Re: Some old shikaar pics

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:59 pm
by kanwar76
Nice pics. Second tiger from left in first photo looks really big.

Thanks Abhijeet for posting them.
