Turkey hunt, week hearted dont watch :)

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Post by mundaire » Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:39 am

Mark thanks for the excellent info... clears a few things up... and that is one nice sized bird you have there! :)

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Post by kanwar76 » Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:20 pm

Mark, that bird gonna puke if you keep holding him like that :D

When is the next turkey season after this? I just love turkey sandwich.. :)

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Post by Sakobav » Fri Apr 13, 2007 6:47 pm

nice bird Mark

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Post by dev » Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:08 pm

Does the turkey shot feel like a 16 guage loaded with a slug. I was really surprised how the ithace pump I was using went 12 o'clock with the slap of the shoulder pad. Great bird and looks like a twenty pounder from here. Lotsa good food soon. ;-)

Mark";p="17759 wrote: Image

That's me on the left with the Benelli, my little brother on the right.

Turkeys are suprisingly hard to kill, and you aim for the head.

They can also fly, I've seen them fly 1/2 km or more on occasion. They roost in trees at night too.

You use a call, there are about a half dozen different sounds you can use depending on the situation (another dominant male, a lonely hen, a lost baby which will get all the hens coming over and then then the male follows the women just like us, etc)

Typically where I live, you are only allowed one male so even if you can shoot 2 at once it is not allowed. Also, you only shoot males, they have to have a beard (I'll try to post another pic showing a beard)

And Pran, yes you use duck and goose calls when hunting those animals (though I am not either a duck or goose hunter).

Turkey season starts here next week, I am going to use a 20 guage I think this year, at least for the first half of the season.
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Re: Turkey hunt, week hearted dont watch :)

Post by Mark » Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:28 pm


You have a good eye, the bird was 23 pounds. (maybe in a year it will have grown to 25 pounds, kinda like the fish I catch!LOL)

A 12 ga turkey load is quite a bit stiffer than a 16 ga slug. I'd also say that the turkey loads kick noticeably harder than 12 ga slugs, but of course that is a generalized statement since there are so many different slugs out there now.

It seems the one thing turkey loads and slugs have in common is they all cost way too much money! I know I won't get any sympathy from any of the Indian nationals here, but some turkey loads are $35+ for a box of 10!
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Post by eljefe » Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:30 pm

As the man says, there's a whole industry out there... some die hards even use a 222 over 16g or 20g drilling (I read) The stevens /fox had an offering like that for the turkey hunter.
Major camo and calls and chokes-To thnk that was an 'almost' national bird' of USA.
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