Update:1,051-Pound Monster Pig Hogzilla II

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Re: Update:1,051-Pound Monster Pig Hogzilla II

Post by Mack The Knife » Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:01 pm

mehulkamdar";p="20848 wrote:The only appropriate term for these people is scum.
Maybe, maybe not. For one, they did not not know that the pig was brought up as a domesticated animal. The only thing I am unhappy about is that the adults accompanying the boy did not finish off the pig with their rifles. But then again, we do not know if they got a shot at the pig or not. Best to reserve judgement until all the facts are known.
IIRC we even had one of their kind on our forum until he got banned - talked about shooting chickens at a farm.
Not to forget that duffer from Dubai who let's people shoot pigeons with his CO2 pistol that doesn't even do 2 ft.lbs. at the muzzle. I am told he now talks to himself on his own forum. :mrgreen:

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Re: Update:1,051-Pound Monster Pig Hogzilla II

Post by Grumpy » Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:05 pm

Scum ? Vermin ? For once Mehul I think the terms you`ve used are wholly inadequate !
ELEVEN shots to kill a pet pig in a fenced enclosure ? What heroes ! The other pond life wouldn`t consort with such scum.......and the vermin would complain that these `vermin` were beneath contempt !
An absolute disgrace.

"Maybe, maybe not. For one, they did not not know that the pig was brought up as a domesticated animal."

Rubbish. They knew that they were engaging in `canned hunting`and that the animals they were able to hunt were domestic stock. This `estate` is only 150 acres which is less than a quarter of a square mile and the `hunting` enclosure is completely fenced.
Your comment about the two adults not being able to get a clear shot in all the time it took to kill the animal - including the kid having to reload his revolver - I will attribute to your usual charitable nature Mack The Knife because it is otherwise pretty ridiculous.
This was sadistic, incompetent and shameful butchery.

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Re: Update:1,051-Pound Monster Pig Hogzilla II

Post by Mack The Knife » Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:46 pm

Grumpy";p="20868 wrote:This was sadistic, incompetent and shameful butchery.
Incompetent and shameful, yes. As for sadistic...that may be the case but then again it may not. We weren't there and none of us known these people. As I see it, the kid's made a mistake and hopefully he will learn from this considering all the strongly worded opnions doing the rounds of the www.

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Re: Update:1,051-Pound Monster Pig Hogzilla II

Post by Grumpy » Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:57 pm

The kid`s eleven years old Dodger so I`m not attributing any blame to him - the responsibility lies with the two adults and the proprietor of the facility.


Re: Update:1,051-Pound Monster Pig Hogzilla II

Post by penpusher » Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:01 am

Coming back to the original discussion.It has been confirmed that the pig was a domestic animal and that it was huge,but no confirmation as yet about the weight and length.A case of exageration?Considering the ethics demonstrated by these jokers,it's certainly possible.In the photo,it looks as big as a hippo.Is that possible?


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Post by snIPer » Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:19 am

For those who watched the "original" hogzilla show on discover channel it was told that crosses between domestic and wild hogs might result in huge beasts - who knows how many more such are out there and breeding - its just a matter of time before the new generation of these giants are seen and eventually " Harvested".
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Post by vishosingh » Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:37 am

hi guys
i have been off ifg for quite some time now, but coming back to the forum was more of a shocker for me than a pleasant homecoming. i feel that there has been a seepage of anger and bitterness among members rather than a feeling of brotherhood. maybe this is off topic but i guess the topic being discussed has bee lost a long time ago to personal attacks and un called arguments. this is a friendly discussion forum where we are expected to respect everyones point of view. people can be reprimanded for wrong info or other things but it should be such that a person should not feel degraded or ashamed.
i guess we already have a lot of anti gun people who are waiting for opportunities to split the forum and we dont want our members gunning for each others blood. come on guys act like a brotherhood, maybe there have been mistakes by members (i also had an argument with mehul about pakistani bullies) but its better to bury the hatchet and act like a close knit community of gun nuts(pun intended). i hope my little speech would provide a small thrust to the forum being a nicer place for all who visit it.
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Re: Update:1,051-Pound Monster Pig Hogzilla II

Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:38 am

The question of "seepage and bitterness" is due to the trolls here who have posted bogus claims and beent alking crap with zero foundation. We have little time for that kind of moron and have every desire to chase them off the forums.

Perhaps, it would help to get a perspective on what happened and why some of the scum we flushed out were banned. There are new members joining here every day for the spirit of brotherhood that we share and not because of the BS that was bandied about by (in bold for emphasis) scum whom we are glad to have gotten rid of.

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Re: Update:1,051-Pound Monster Pig Hogzilla II

Post by Mark » Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:25 pm

Hate to hijack this back on-topic, but I just gotta share...

The website that the pig was on (monsterpig.com) has gotten caught with photoshopping the images:

Some people just don't know when to quit!
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Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:48 pm

Thanks, Mark. Now why did that not surprise me in the least. :roll:

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Re: Update:1,051-Pound Monster Pig Hogzilla II

Post by Grumpy » Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:06 pm

Actually that is the same tree. If you look carefully some of the markings on the tree stay constant but others change due either to the difference in light from the alternative viewpoint or the tree being freshly marked between taking the two photographs.
That the pig was killed is a fact, as, it would seem, are the facts surrounding the kill. What has not been officially verified are the animals weight and length ...... which are of no consequence anyway.


Re: Update:1,051-Pound Monster Pig Hogzilla II

Post by penpusher » Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:07 pm

So the pig is infact not as big as claimed.So the fellows involved are cheats.Picture do lie.Is there a lesson here some where???? Yes.Do not make the internet your primary source of information :wink:


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