Hi People,
I am not fish food, yet .
There is calumny implied-There was a conference and I did my best to attend!
When Capt Rusty 'Nail' Bana goes into warp speed, he adds the mizzen and top gallants to the main sails and awaaay on the mysore road me hearties...
If Mack The Knife talks about the chicken etc , the amount of food he had brought was prodigious to say the least-all with the 30 min heads up that I am in town and free to go fishing
Pran-Yes, used the new Mahseer rod-Ragi + hing as bait-That little fellow in the pic gave a fair fight and I want to meet him again in 5 years or so, when we both have fine honed our fighting techniques.
Sujay, I've been feeling 10 yrs younger since I joined IFG !!
I scuba dive, got my PADI card by floating 200m and dog paddling a bit-Give me a BCD and an air tank - I am comfy.As for life jackets-I had Mack The Knife along...
Crocs-at about 100m was a ring of 4 outfielders, a couple were closer!
Yes, that biz with the regular incandecent bulb and LED bulbs surely amazed me-Always thought croc eyes reflected red
Butt feels like Lance Armstrong after tour de france, the burns are just settling and back needed a couple of strong pain killers.
Cant get the grin off my face -sorry if the female colleagues think its a lecherous leer
Mehul, Happy Birthday-belated but the wishes are many and heartfelt.
HAd a couple of, well, different experiences- a Brahminy kite decided my frog lure was going to be his breakfast and did a stuka dive, HIT IT and I had visions of frantically reeling in a hooked,angry bird and the hassles of unhooking it-fortunately, after a couple of tries, we 'aimed' the oar at it and some subliminal memory must have kicked in-he made for better climes.
As fisherman stories go, a BIG Murral, mad a lunge for my frog bait and took it clean off! I was using a 20lb leader with 10lb main line-frantically reeling in and the slack and then the cut end...no camera to record 'the look' on my face
Well people , the pics say it all, 3 BIIG cheers for Capt Rusty for the time and effort.God Bless.