Tring, tring ? More like you`re a pair of ding-a-lings.
My eyes are fine.......providing I wear my specs..........and my ears will be much better when I get the hearing aids................
And some time in the next few years I`m going to have to get my knee replaced......the sooner the better so I`m hoping it will properly wreck itself ASAP.
There`s a comedy song - to the tune of `Side by Side` - about a guy who marries a lady with a glass eye, spectacles, hearing aids, a wig, and a wooden leg..........but he only discovers this on his wedding night when she undresses and carefully arranges each of the `prosthetics` on the chair next to the bed.
The punch line is:
"So I slept on the chair, there was more of her there. Side by side".
Boom, boom. I thank you !
The rate that I`m going I sometimes think that there won`t be enough room for me to sleep on the chair alongside all the bits and pieces........and with them all removed how will I find my way out of bed in the morning ?
Now shut up. I`m about to suffer a sense of humour failure.