Osceola national forest - Florida

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Post by shutzen » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:16 am

Hello Abhijeet you seem to have had a load of gun fun ! Cool do post some pictures when you go rock'n'roll!
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Post by eljefe » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:32 pm

The secret of looking 10 years younger? smell of cordite/gunpowder, first thing in the morning! ;)
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Post by Sid_kapur30 » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:38 pm

Someone somewhere is going wild.
When do i get to go for such business trips :D


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Post by mundaire » Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:01 pm

Vikram";p="41850 wrote:Psst psst, what's secret of looking 10 years younger in six months? :wink:
:lol: I wish!! But I'd guess cutting down on one's intake of beer is usually a good place to start ;)
mashh1";p="41863 wrote: having a great time there Abhijeet, shooting some of those guns we can only dream here.
Mash, trust me you guys have it much much better there as compared to what we have to deal with in India! :evil:
HSharief";p="41894 wrote:Now, find yourself a range that will rent you a full-auto.
Did that yesterday, pictures and post coming up soon :mrgreen:
Also, one where you will shoot some clays. I'm sure you will.
Yep, been dying to get in some clay shooting... should be next up... ;)

Now for the third part:

After a rather disappointing round with the Kel-Tec, I was up for some more disappointment with the S&W 908S (9mm). This was one of Gibby's pistols (the other was the Glock), and in terms of looks it's a fine looking gun - all stainless steel with nice rubber grips, white dot sights and he also had a tactical light/ laser combo attached to the built in rail (lower forward part of the frame). Well, the laser was a bit of a let down in itself as even with an overcast sky and a target out at 25 yards it refused to provide a clear point... on top of that it made the entire gun a bit clumsy to handle. So after a couple of shots, off it came! The trigger pull was mediocre at best and even though this gun did not have as much of a desire to jump out of my hands as the Kel-Tec did, it simply wasn't a patch on the Kimber.

Next up was the Kahr MK9 DAO pistol (in 9mm), once again I really did not like the finish on this gun, though it was much better than the Kel-Tec piece - and the DAO trigger was simply horrible for any kind of accuracy. My shots were going all over the place and I pretty much gave up on this gun after just one magazine load.

Before I could get a chance to try out the other two pistols, I saw Dave taking out the SMLE Jungle Carbine out of the case and decided that that's the gun I wanted to shoot next. Dave warned me that this had a stiffer recoil than the standard SMLE's, due to the overall weight having been pared down by shortening the barrel etc. Well, it certainly did have a thump to it, but nothing unmanageable and it definitely did not take away anything from it's accuracy - at least at 70-80 yards, which was the maximum distance we were shooting at. It had a smooth action and zeroed in iron sights though there was a lot of trigger creep which took some getting used to.

Next up was the .30-30, lower recoil compared to the .303 but not as low as I expected it to be. The stock design probably has something to do with it... the scope was already zeroed in and it was really hard to miss the targets with this rifle. And with it's cowboy style lever action it was loads of fun to shoot. :)

By this time the other guys were all lining up for their turn with the DPMS Panther, so I decided to try out the Glock and the Taurus. First up was the Glock and even though this gun is all polymer, the fit and finish is eons ahead of the Kel-Tec and the trigger was in a class by itself. This was the Glock model 26, which is smaller than the more popular model 17 and to be honest I wasn't entirely happy with the way the thick but short gun fitted in my hand. That said, it should make for a pretty decent concealed carry pistol.

The Taurus was also a really nice pistol, with a nice trigger (though I'd have to say the Glock's was better) and being a full size gun it also fit in the hand pretty decently (though not as nicely as the Kimber).

Next up the DPMS Panther..

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Re: Osceola national forest - Florida

Post by kanwar76 » Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:22 pm

Hey Abhijeet,

Nice pics and report.. so you making full use of your visit to US.. good man keep on doin it...

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Re: Osceola national forest - Florida

Post by TwoRivers » Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:21 am

Ah, yes. On a cool, misty morning, with the whisper of duck's wings in the air.

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Re: Osceola national forest - Florida

Post by mashh1 » Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:52 pm

you are right buddy as situation is much better but not as much where you currently are. especially love the DPMS Panther, and 30-30 carbine. enjoy your stay

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