Delhi members - some fishing this weekend?

Got some old "Shikaar" tales to share? Found a great new spot to Fish? Any interesting camping experiences? Discussion of Back-packing, Bicycling, Boating, National Parks, Wildlife, Outdoor Cooking & Recipes etc.
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Re: Delhi members - some fishing this weekend?

Post by Mack The Knife » Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:44 pm

Thank You Lord Bana now I'm sure we'll have the best fishing that we'll ever have.
Har har har.... the only thing you chaps will be catching is forty winks whilst waiting for a bite.
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Post by dev » Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:55 pm

Okay okay so you were right damn you ;-). I even tried my jarvis walker minnows that had the legend 'please don't fish your limit off'. har har that was aussie for a joke. crap they didn't work even in Oz.
But i'll tell ye its no fun without the kala teetar as the end score happy or sombre was the same fish 6 visitors 0. But after two hours of baiting really yuccky stuff and resisting Asif's bait...its for the fish Dev not your lunch! It got too much so we decided to get even and gave some weights, bait, tackle, hooks to the locals who were gonna sit there all day. A guy next to anupam and asif was using fevikwick and pulling six or seven inch sized soles every half minute. He kept at it till he got enough meat for dinner and off he went. The sad part is that if this pond was managed well it could have developed into an easy access fishing spot. But right now a massacre of sorts is happening with all kinds of people getting any fish they can any which way. Soon I guess nothing will be left. But we had fun getting a few bites on Asifs soya bait, it took me a lot of will power not to wolf it down and then look around asking ,"Soya what soya?"
Really need to get the good Doc in a Wasi type of lodge and sample his cooking. Maybe we'll carry a small gas stove along next time. That way atleast we'll have had some good food to fill up on instead of the usual comments from the locals," Yesterday a sahib came with your kinda machine and took out a 7 kg Magur." ;-< ;-<
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Post by Olly » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:58 pm

The damned magur didn't even like the chicken shit which i managed so discreetly and obeying the Doc's advice, to lace it with pickled mustard oil and leave it out in the sun to putrify.... curse the nearly 50 crows that gathered on the roof and started their crowing at full volume, leaving the neighbours bewildered on what the heck I was up to...

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Post by eljefe » Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:31 pm

as the penguin says in 'Madagascar'-
"Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave! " ;)
good show Anupam, for getting your hands into the gunk and baiting the hook with the rotting chicken time, its 'clean' soya bait for you-if Dev doesent wolf it down first :evil:
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Post by dev » Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:49 pm

"good show Anupam, for getting your hands into the gunk and baiting the hook with the rotting chicken innards..."

And remember the good Doc did offer you surgical gloves to make it easier :lol:

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Post by Olly » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:00 pm

yaa... the surgical gloves led me into imagining being a surgeon trying to cure piles in an earthworm's a**... uuugghhhh... that's why i didn't try them on... :mrgreen:

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Re: Delhi members - some fishing this weekend?

Post by Pran » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:40 pm

Anupam";p="28326 wrote: a surgeon trying to cure piles in an earthworm's a**... uuugghhhh... that's why i didn't try them on... :mrgreen:
Time you tried spinners,plugs or some kind of electronic worm that you can put on your hook without you having to put on gloves and reach up it's a$$. :mrgreen:
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Re: Delhi members - some fishing this weekend?

Post by Risala » Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:07 pm


It's been a while since we hit the Pump House,how about this Sun.

By now the fish in the jodh's should be pretty big :wink:


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Post by mundaire » Tue Oct 23, 2007 2:08 pm

Sanjay";p="29422 wrote: Guy's

It's been a while since we hit the Pump House,how about this Sun.

By now the fish in the jodh's should be pretty big :wink:

Sounds like a plan... you can count me in :)

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Post by dev » Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:48 pm

Sounds good if all variables come into play ;-)

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