Fish Population and Angling

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Fish Population and Angling

Post by veejosh » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:02 pm

I went through the site mentioned. The topic as usual rallied around conservation of the fish or may be I was callous enough to skip the sentences where the main point was discussed: HABITAT. I feel the main problem is not the rod that is wiping out the fish or for that matter the pot: it’s the trade in fish and the habitat loss - combined

My personal observation is limited to the North East in particular: The forests near one of the main angling river of the North East, that I visit, has been wiped out. (Approx 5000 hectares of land right next to the highway to the river in the past 18 years that I have been going to the place for angling). As usual the blame game goes on.

The encroachment with support of several persons who are in the “right place “for those of “doubtful nationality” have been raping the rivers. Of course, as mentioned, the local residents who rightfully exercise their right over the river and its produce join in the plunder.

The rivers are being fished using the finest nets I have come across. These nets are capable of removing the smallest fish. Add poisoning the rivers to compound the problem. With dwindling rains and flash floods and with silting of the rivers being the final nail in the coffin, the fish, unluckily seems to be doomed. Top this (Cherry on The Icing) by the clearance given by forest officials (may be being forced into it) to projects for damming rivers without the provisions of fish ladders ( Subhansiri River) little can be expected to survive.

Now we also have the Tribal law in place which gives one final push to put all efforts that have been made, go waste.

While the fish population dwindles the debate goes on ! ! !(I still have to learn using the smilies)


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Post by mundaire » Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:46 pm


Unfortunately, it's the same story with the rest of India's wildlife too! :evil: Large tracts of forest land being "acquired" in the name of development and/ or social equality (for redistribution to the "poor"). As was clearly illustrated by the housing for the poor scam (in Delhi) recently (so called "cholagate"), such pro-poor schemes are almost always an eyewash, with the benefits (read money) flowing to those in power.

Of course what little is left in the dwindling habitat is further decimated by poachers - either for the lucrative trade in body parts & skin or (more often) to supply rural/ semi-rural markets with cheap bush meat...

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Re: Fish Population and Angling

Post by Abhilash Nagalingaiah » Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:43 pm

thats very true as guru said it is realy dissappointing to hear a thing like that but it is happening in all of INDIA actually for example as far as i have seen in mysore thier ina place which lead s to mmhills few years back it was considered as forest area but now the local residents for a large amount of money sell it off and a lotta builders acquring it and making the place hell ...
its realy very dissappointing to see a place which was heaven once turning into hell in front of your eyes

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