Pump house gang- Indiangypsy and Eljefe were hard at work dispelling myths:
1.Magur taken on
Ragi and hing, a la down south!-In response to Dhruv's question of "sher ghas khata hia kya?"
2.Eel (Bam)-available-again on ragi and hing...
3.Grass carp-Ohhh yessss! on earthworm at that
4.marral/ sowl/solly- come out and do a jig
5.Marral take hair rigs-atta boilie, Did'nt know enough about fish handling to keep him on a no.8 barbless carp hook.

Gypsy and I had 2kg+ marral hookset within a minute. both on Shakespeare-my ugly stik10lb, he was on a 6pc travel rod with 2lb line
Gypsy is part spider-hung off the bridge and snared himself a marral loafing below-just presented the bait and the fish took it - 2 lb line at that...
Great offroading-gypsy and his pajero made my day-slithered and skidded thru a slushed up road next to a canal-left side was a drop of 30ft to the fields and to the right was the canal.Gypsy and the Ghilly can probably swim, car and I cant but we reversed out famously...
got a solitary snap on the cell camera of gypsy and his 2nd grass carp, will post.Thats because the magur came by and decided he had to make this south indian's day-it took the ragi/millet boilie!