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Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:55 pm
by airgun_novice

Some like-minded Mumbaikars decided to have tete-a-tete at the famous Golf Club located at Chembur, Mumbai. While the agenda included exchanging personal pleasantries, sharing of information on guns, blades and just about anything and set the course of Japaloupe meet, etc. etc. couple of distinguished members like fantumfan2003 and Moin could not make it due to last minute "come-ups" that required personal intervention and hence their "drop-outs".

So while The Doc shared his technical knowledge on the innards of air rifles and various process instrumentation and his experience in shooting and gun-smithing, "brihacharan" enthralled with his witty jokes, stories about blades in his collection and old shikaar tales. "pratik_mahale" was only too keen to share his experience with various scopes, pellets and chrono design and operation and "essdee1972" kept the tempo up by buttering and buttressing with his vast knowledge of various cultures and history and blades and of course, witty rejoinders. Not to be outdone, "ak49" and "airgun_novice" only added to the potpourri of infectious enthusiasm with potfuls of their own. :cheers:

The event was sponsored personally by brihacharanji.

And no - we did not hit the "tees", but definitely watched a few "birdees" and acknowledged our "handicaps". ROTFL In the order L->R we have pratik_mahale, ak49, Dr. Shirsat, airgun_novice, brihacharan & essdee1972.

Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:17 pm
by striker
Hope you Guys had a very nice time :cheers:

Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:38 pm
by only32owner
OOH I missed it,

AGN I reside a stone's throw ( oops sorry, within the range of a magnum AR, IFGians dont need to throw stones :D ) from the Chembur Golf Club.

This shows, I am not making good friends here :stupid: . Will start doing it rightaway.

Thanks for Sharing , VERY HAPPY to see pictures of fellow IFGians.


Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:44 pm
by Glock 25
Thanks for sharing the pictures

Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:10 pm
by Moin.
:cry: The "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen". Damn I missed the meet.


Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:35 am
by ckkalyan
Thanks for sharing story and the image airgun_novice :D

Glad you all had a good time! :cheers:

Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:53 am
by Hammerhead
Thanks for sharing ...... and looks better this way than posting a linky..... !!!!!!

Left to Right is pratik_mahale, ak49, The Doc, airgun_novice, brihacharan & essdee1972

Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:01 am
by ckkalyan
Hammerhead wrote:Thanks for sharing ...... and looks better this way than posting a linky..... !!!!!!

[ Image ]
Left to Right is pratik_mahale, ak49, The Doc, airgun_novice, brihacharan & essdee1972

Good effort Hammerhead - Thank You! Plus the captions below the pic 'in line' would be great! :D

Great to see the faces of many active IFGI'ans - I am especially tickled to see The Doc (of Vampire Destroyer fame!) and essdee1972 (The Cigar Lover)!

:cheers: Gentlemen

Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:22 am
by xl_target
Absolutely great to put faces to the names.
It sure looks like you guys had a great time.

Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:14 am
by brihacharan
Hi All,

> AGN Tks for posting the pic taken at the RV @ the Golf Club!

> At the out set I thank Pratik / AK49 / Essdee / AGN & Doc Shirsat for accepting my invitation for this impromtou (planned & postponed 3 times :lol: :lol: :lol:) meet. We were unlucky in not having Fantumfan & Moin to join us.

> While connecting to exchanging ideas, thoughts & experiences over the forum is great, this eye ball to eye ball meet opened up new vistas of personal interaction what with the wealth of knowledge & experiences shared laced with humour & bonhomie and not to mention the mugs of frothies, fruit juices, tandoori kebabs, fish curry rice & delicious pot kulfies for dessert that followed :D

> I believe that when coded log-in names are unmasked to reveal the faces behind them - bonding becomes stronger than any epoxy glue :D

> My humble suggestion is If IFGians in their own locality could meet periodically & post pictures, we could turn out to be the loudest unified voice to champion the cause of RKBA :D
> Viva RKBA - Viva IFG!!!

Have a Great Week End :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:11 pm
by ckkalyan
Nice comeback there brihacharan-Ji - lovely! :D


Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:17 pm
by AK49
I wish I had half the eloquence of Brihaji. Nicely said sir.
brihacharan wrote:> My humble suggestion is If IFGians in their own locality could meet periodically & post pictures, we could turn out to be the loudest unified voice to champion the cause of RKBA
> Viva RKBA - Viva IFG!!!
I wish this stirs up the IGNians all across the world. May your wish come true. God bless us all.

Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:50 pm
by airgun_novice
Thank you guys. :-) Sorry I could not post the picture in lieu of the link - somehow I still face trouble in resizing it. The right side gets chopped off for whatever reasons.

@only32owner -> Since you are from Chembur, you can meet up with Brihji at a short notice. i.e. whenever you are back here from NCR. Hope to meet up with you subsequently. :-)

@AK49 -> +1 :-)

What we thought would be a chat over luncheon went for twice the time - 11:30-16:30 and didn't even notice how the time flew! :-)

Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:53 pm
by only32owner
Thanks AGN,
Why only Brihji, would like to meet every IFGian from Mumbai.

thanks once again for this wonderful post.


Re: Some Mumbaikar IFGians - Dec 2, 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:20 pm
by mundaire
Looks like you gents had yourself a great time! :) Kudos to Brihacharan for organising it... and for picking up the tab! ;) Look forward to reading about the party you chaps throw for him... you chaps have about 8 months to plan/ organise his 75th birthday bash ;)
