Self defence Situation

A posts related to self defence/ home defence. Please post anything related to legal aspects in the 'Legal Eagle' section.
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Self defence Situation

Post by Shivaji.Dasgupta » Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:56 pm

I have one question to the Group.. the situation is that you are driving your car and some one attacked Draw your weapon and charge towards the attackers.. if its a gun or some unconventional weapon then What is the Possibility in a Self Def. that you will hit first.. how we can minimise the response time.. What are the factors..
1. Practice
2. Weapon
3. some unconventional weapon like Pepper spray etc.. which are more effective.
4. any other factor..



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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by riflemarksman » Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:07 pm

The two factors would be Practice and how smooth functioning is your weapon and the most importantly factor would be the mental aspect, at that moment of panic are you able to remain calm and draw your weapon quickly enough and use it.

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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by Vineet » Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:34 am

Shivaji.Dasgupta wrote:
Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:56 pm
I have one question to the Group.. the situation is that you are driving your car and some one attacked Draw your weapon and charge towards the attackers.. if its a gun or some unconventional weapon then What is the Possibility in a Self Def. that you will hit first.. how we can minimise the response time.. What are the factors..
1. Practice
2. Weapon
3. some unconventional weapon like Pepper spray etc.. which are more effective.
4. any other factor..

Watch YouTube channel 'Active Self Protection'. There are hundreds of videos on how to act properly in self defence situations.

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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by Shivaji.Dasgupta » Thu Apr 02, 2020 4:41 pm

Thanks vineet ji and Riflemarksman for ur views.


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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by Vikram » Thu Apr 02, 2020 9:19 pm

ASP channel is excellent. Known for his forensic analysis of self-defence situations. Situational awareness, presence of mind, training, appropriate tools- mechanical and unarmed combat skills and running the hell out of the place if one can.

In the situation you described, do not get out of the car as it offers the best protection. You cannot chase after them as you are outnumbered and chasing does not count for self-defence. Use your car as a weapon. If you have a handgun, be quick to bring it to use the moment you establish credible threat. Do not stop until the threat is eliminated. Think clearly and act decisively. Just a few thoughts that come to mind when one is typing calmly from the secured space of one's living room. :wink:
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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by ckkalyan » Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:35 am

Vikram wrote:
Thu Apr 02, 2020 9:19 pm
ASP channel is excellent. Known for his forensic analysis of self-defence situation. Situational awareness, presence of minds, training, appropriate tools- mechanical and unarmed combat skills and running the hell out of the place if one can.

In the situation you described, do not get out of the car as it offers the best protection. You cannot chase after them as you are outnumbered and chasing does not count for self-defence. Use your car as a weapon. If you have a handgun, be quick to bring it to use the moment you establish credible threat. Do not stop until the threat is eliminated. Think clearly and act decisively. Just a few thoughts that come to mind when one is typing calmly from the secured space of one's living room. :wink:
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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by Shivaji.Dasgupta » Fri Apr 03, 2020 11:46 am

Vikram wrote:
Thu Apr 02, 2020 9:19 pm
ASP channel is excellent. Known for his forensic analysis of self-defence situation. Situational awareness, presence of minds, training, appropriate tools- mechanical and unarmed combat skills and running the hell out of the place if one can.

In the situation you described, do not get out of the car as it offers the best protection. You cannot chase after them as you are outnumbered and chasing does not count for self-defence. Use your car as a weapon. If you have a handgun, be quick to bring it to use the moment you establish credible threat. Do not stop until the threat is eliminated. Think clearly and act decisively. Just a few thoughts that come to mind when one is typing calmly from the secured space of one's living room. :wink:
I agree with you Sir Ji..


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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by timmy » Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:32 am

I don't know about the legal niceties involved in establishing a credible threat to one's life. Surely, if they are just beating on your vehicle while you're locked inside, it isn't a credible threat, as it would be if they broke out the windows and tried getting inside with you. As Vikram says, if you leave the vehicle to chase them, how can you claim your life is in danger? Your questions seem to be the sort that should be answered by a lawyer.

Vikram said:
Use your car as a weapon.
When I was young, I lived near a very nasty city, crime-wise. For sure, in this city, you would NOT get out of your car for ANY reason! Once, during the evening shift at work, three guys were cleaning their firearms at the table in the break room. The boss stopped by and came through, but no word was said about the guns! It was a nasty city, as I said.

My Dad told me, always drive in the inner lanes of the street, never the outer ones, where cars could block you in and stop you. Then, he said, if you are stopped at the traffic light and someone reaches to open the vehicle's hood, step on the gas! Those were the days when car hoods (bonnets) could be opened from the outside. Goons would open the hood and pull the spark plug wires, and there you were -- immobile. Better to step on the gas and run them over, or smash them against the car in front. But don't get out of the vehicle.

Here's a video where a person checks cars for penetration. You can see that, for someone with, say, a Tokarev, the only place safe is behind the engine. for a 32 Auto, it may go through the door or may not, depending on what it hits inside the door.


I did this same test years ago, at the dump. The cars were 50s vintage and were much tougher, due to thicker sheet metal.

Also look for this same person's video on bullet penetration of the windshield.


You didn't say how people where attacking in your scenario -- were they armed, and with what? More detail would help.
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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by eljefe » Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:19 pm

Should be good for at least 5 pages... India you are guilty until proven innocent
2.use a gun - guiltier- go straight to jail until cops can be bribed to READ the law etc
3. YouTube and and other net sources - caveat emptor!
If you can , get the hell out of there ASAP. Guns sticks and pepper spray be damned.
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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by riflemarksman » Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:40 pm

In our country the attacker is not questioned but the person defending himself has to prove that he was defending himself.....what the hell🤩

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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by russianshooter3 » Mon May 11, 2020 8:32 pm

Shivaji.Dasgupta wrote:
Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:56 pm
I have one question to the Group.. the situation is that you are driving your car and some one attacked Draw your weapon and charge towards the attackers.. if its a gun or some unconventional weapon then What is the Possibility in a Self Def. that you will hit first.. how we can minimise the response time.. What are the factors..
1. Practice
2. Weapon
3. some unconventional weapon like Pepper spray etc.. which are more effective.
4. any other factor..

1 in my practice after i jumped out of the car from device like that
Image Image
All attackers very quick slam in forest near the road (in winter too)

4 pepper spray its my favorite insect repellent

5 my mini cooper (coopers works gp) need catch up
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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by dsingh » Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:34 pm

Inself defence situation the weapon u r confortable is useful in Punjab some hoodlums tried to molest and rape a nursing student .She knew her grandfather tegha(big sword) was nearby hidden self she just made single swing one of molesters was body was cut into 2 pieces after cutting the body into 2 other persons arm was also severed from shoulder and felt on floor others fled in fear . But unfortunatele she was convicted for life imprisonement judge said so brutal u killed and decapitated the other person also. Any how it was antique sword still common sikh families for generations.

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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by riflemarksman » Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:55 pm

Self defence is all about guts and the will to survive.....and using presence of mind

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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by james » Wed Aug 26, 2020 1:06 am

Fight /using or trying firearm response is last option or no option if professionals are involved. If there is some kind of perceived threat , Bulletproof vehicle is first priority to escape the situation.
This is just my view and not any kind of suggestion.

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Re: Self defence Situation

Post by sourabhsangale » Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:21 pm

Self defence and only be properly done when one has proper knowledge of law and how to handle weapon under pressure.
Just keep gun in holster and roming with it on your waist doesn’t not help there should be constant Practice with the gun every month with minimum of 50-100 rounds , which shall include safety precautions , presence of mind , and knowledge of arms act and self defence law .

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