A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

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A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by drlizard » Sun May 27, 2018 10:50 pm

Hi guys,
I'm new here. Joined in 2014 ( if I remember correctly) but never visited much or posted anything.
I've been browsing IFG a lot recently and ..Cheers! This place is great!

I've started shooting again 2-3 months back.
.22 LR 50 metres (prone) at a rifle range.
I know if I apply for a license, the licensing authority will either turn me down outright, or keep me hanging for a year at the minimum.

My main objective is to own a handgun and a big bore rifle in the long run, for shooting practice as well as home protection.
But I know, getting a license will be a longer wait than Rakhi waited for Karan and Arjun to arrive.
Besides, 3-4 friends are already renowned shooters and they inspire me.

So I joined the rifle association and started practising shooting with dedication. It's obvious I have a love for firearms.
I discovered I'm natural at this. Given some time and regular practice, I'll be able to do fairly well,I think. My friends are there to guide me.
My groups are getting tighter day by day.
Let's see.

Anyway, I'm going to go and compete in the State tournament this June and if I score the MQS then I'll go try for North East Zonal which will be held in Mizoram in July.
My friends have told me, qualifying in North East Zonal will, at least on paper, help me get a license to purchase my own firearm (in the same calibre). The key word is HELP.
They MIGHT give a sportsman special consideration in issuing a firearms licence.

The next obvious step is to keep practising and try to achieve MQS at nationals and become a renowned shooter eventually, if everything falls into place.
This'll open up the way for importing a good quality firearm, that too duty free, as well as allow me to import higher numbers of good quality, match grade ammo for practice.
That sounds great.
A good firearm
Plenty of good ammo
And a range to practice at.

Or, like my friends did,after getting some experience with a .22 LR, I could hire a big bore rifle for practice and get a senior shooter to coach me for a fee and THEN go compete in big bore nationals for the MQS. My friends became Renowned Shooters and are now going to import big bore rifles.

However, after talking with my friends, I've come to know about the restrictions on importing big bore rifles..
My friend told me that the barrel has to be minimum XYZ thickness, the barrel length must be ABC mm.. No magazine fed rifles... No semi automatic either.. Etc etc etc..

Can anyone kindly tell me what the exact restrictions are for importing big bore rifles?

I want to own, after giving this sport the requisite sweat and hard work, a big bore,bolt action, mag fed rifle with a good barrel. Something like a Remington 700, Savage Axis or Ruger American etc.
I want to know if those can be imported..
I know mag feds aren't allowed (correct me if I'm wrong). So all three of these rifles above are a no no. Right?
What are the other recently introduced restrictions?

I cannot sell a kidney and buy an old import at 10 times the price.
I can't afford it.
The only affordable and accurate bolt action 30-06 with a magazine seems to be the IOF 30-06 right now.
And I've read good things about it's accuracy and reliability on this forum.

Are there any other options?
For example,my friend told me the "Palma Mod 12" fits the restrictions and can be imported. But it's a single shot feed.

It'll be at least 2 years or more before I can even think about importing.
What I'm trying to do,you see, is to ask questions and educate and inform myself.

Please do guide me and help me out.

Also, do also tell me if I should apply for the license after qualifying NE zonal or should I wait until becoming a Renowned Shot? I know a Renowned Shot has a better profile on paper to apply for a license. I don't want to get rejected and then run around begging for the same license for a second time..a licence that the Arms Act actually grants me.

Looking forward to answers from the veterans here..
My search and my journey has just begun.

RKBA and gun safety...ALWAYS.

Best wishes and cheers!!!
Last edited by drlizard on Mon Nov 20, 2023 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by sniper2014 » Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:40 am

Good luck. You have a plan, now work it out. All the best.

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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by drlizard » Wed Dec 07, 2022 6:35 pm

sniper2014 wrote: ↑
Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:40 am
Good luck. You have a plan, now work it out. All the best.
We'll, thank you!! 4 years later!!

Here's what happened.
I got Bronze in NR category that June.. at the State Championship 2018. Then went on to have equipment problems in Zonals in Mizoram in July.
On the way back home, the whole team was happy and chatting with each other but I was silent. I had never tasted failure before and I was burning inside.
All I could think about was winning next time.

Next year I went mad.
I would practise shooting till it would get dark and they'd kick me out of the range. I'd work morning shift, head to the range, head back to the hospital for night shift, then next morning I'd wake up and instead of going home I'd go to the range. Head back for evening shift and then finally go home at 9 PM, 2 days later.

I got a gold medal in State, Silver medal in North East Zonal and then went on to score MQS at the Nationals in Bhopal thus getting the title of Renowned Shooter in 2019.

Applied for an arms license on November 25th 2020.
After 2 years, I got my arms license on November 25th 2022 :lol:
I did not bribe anyone... Not a single rupee.
I just kept pestering them. They had to give in..

So... I kept on going and got what I had set out to do.

Due to work and family pressure, I'm not competing currently... But someday soon, this old dog will be back, in the familiar jacket and glove, peeping through the sights.


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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by sid9887 » Thu Dec 08, 2022 9:01 am

You dedication is inspiring.. Thanks for sharing . Congratulations for getting your license and if and when you do import some good weapon(s) please share . Looking forward .. 🍻

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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by Mr.Shome » Fri Dec 09, 2022 12:49 am

drlizard wrote: ↑
Wed Dec 07, 2022 6:35 pm
sniper2014 wrote: ↑
Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:40 am
Good luck. You have a plan, now work it out. All the best.
We'll, thank you!! 4 years later!!

Here's what happened.
I got Bronze in NR category that June.. at the State Championship 2018. Then went on to have equipment problems in Zonals in Mizoram in July.
On the way back home, the whole team was happy and chatting with each other but I was silent. I had never tasted failure before and I was burning inside.
All I could think about was winning next time.

Next year I went mad.
I would practise shooting till it would get dark and they'd kick me out of the range. I'd work morning shift, head to the range, head back to the hospital for night shift, then next morning I'd wake up and instead of going home I'd go to the range. Head back for evening shift and then finally go home at 9 PM, 2 days later.

I got a gold medal in State, Silver medal in North East Zonal and then went on to score MQS at the Nationals in Bhopal thus getting the title of Renowned Shooter in 2019.

Applied for an arms license on November 25th 2020.
After 2 years, I got my arms license on November 25th 2022 :lol:
I did not bribe anyone... Not a single rupee.
I just kept pestering them. They had to give in..

So... I kept on going and got what I had set out to do.

Due to work and family pressure, I'm not competing currently... But someday soon, this old dog will be back, in the familiar jacket and glove, peeping through the sights.

Hi Ankur,

Your journey has been amazing. Did you get the chance to try the big bore rifles?

Only sad part from your post

2 years for a license for a national-level athlete on sports quota. This is unacceptable
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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by kanzakibullet » Sat Dec 10, 2022 12:01 pm

Hi sir,

I had a question. Where did you get basic firearms training? I want to get an arms license but that is the only obstacle in my way. I would really appreciate if you could give some guidance on this.


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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by rahulbdelhi » Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:34 pm

drlizard wrote: ↑
Wed Dec 07, 2022 6:35 pm
sniper2014 wrote: ↑
Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:40 am
Good luck. You have a plan, now work it out. All the best.
We'll, thank you!! 4 years later!!

Here's what happened.
I got Bronze in NR category that June.. at the State Championship 2018. Then went on to have equipment problems in Zonals in Mizoram in July.
On the way back home, the whole team was happy and chatting with each other but I was silent. I had never tasted failure before and I was burning inside.
All I could think about was winning next time.

Next year I went mad.
I would practise shooting till it would get dark and they'd kick me out of the range. I'd work morning shift, head to the range, head back to the hospital for night shift, then next morning I'd wake up and instead of going home I'd go to the range. Head back for evening shift and then finally go home at 9 PM, 2 days later.

I got a gold medal in State, Silver medal in North East Zonal and then went on to score MQS at the Nationals in Bhopal thus getting the title of Renowned Shooter in 2019.

Applied for an arms license on November 25th 2020.
After 2 years, I got my arms license on November 25th 2022 :lol:
I did not bribe anyone... Not a single rupee.
I just kept pestering them. They had to give in..

So... I kept on going and got what I had set out to do.

Due to work and family pressure, I'm not competing currently... But someday soon, this old dog will be back, in the familiar jacket and glove, peeping through the sights.

Congratulations!!! You worked really hard and your efforts paid off. But I am confused, what caused the 2 year delay. When you say "kept pestering" do you mean you had to keep visiting them and asking for updates?
Also, now that you have got a license, are you allowed to purchase only sports weapons or any other weapon you like?

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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by drlizard » Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:57 pm

sid9887 wrote: ↑
Thu Dec 08, 2022 9:01 am
You dedication is inspiring.. Thanks for sharing . Congratulations for getting your license and if and when you do import some good weapon(s) please share . Looking forward .. 🍻
Thank you so much for your kind words!! I will eventually import something, and when I do, I'll definitely share it with the IFG family!!! Have an awesome day ahead..

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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by drlizard » Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:17 pm

Mr.Shome wrote: ↑
Fri Dec 09, 2022 12:49 am

Hi Ankur,

Your journey has been amazing. Did you get the chance to try the big bore rifles?

Only sad part from your post

2 years for a license for a national-level athlete on sports quota. This is unacceptable

Yes, it was an amazing experience.. I've never played any sport before like this. Gully and club cricket does not quite cut it. This went on to medals and rubbing shoulders with the National level players. So I was in a different world !!! Besides, shooting taught me a lot of life lessons, about patience, about focus, about setting goals etc. It did wonders for my personality development.

Yes, I had to struggle a lot just to get the license. It is a shame.. the people at the Secretariat actually lost my file for 6 whole months. I had nearly given up, but then I started writing petitions etc and lo and behold !! The file was right there!!! They had "forgotten" to send it to the DM's office.
The police also delayed my case again and again. One particular thana told me point blank they haven't recieved any intimation from the Commisioner's office, even after 4 messages had been sent (1 original message, then 3 reminders). Finally I got the last intimation printed out and signed and carried it to the thana myself, so that they had to comply. I told them do it now, in front of me.

Then the file was lying at DCP Central for 2-3 months. They didn't call me or instruct me that I am supposed to visit that office. I didn't even know where the file was.

Then one of the lady officers at the Commisioner's office fell ill and being a doctor I helped her out with free advice and medicine. This set up a rapport with her.. and she located the file. I had an interview with DCP sahab who was very kind and helpful.
20 days later they said a new DCP had joined and I was supposed to meet him too. I did that and finally the file moved.

The clerk at the DM's office also was a tortoise. He did not act like he wanted to move his firmly seated buttocks from the govt provided chair. If I would enquire about my case, he'd toss the register towards me and ask me to check it myself, if there are any updates.

Them one day I told him, I'm going to talk to some Ministers who I am close with, regarding this issue.
And that I'm going to meet the DM and ADM myself.
He jumped up and down vehemently protesting, acting alive and vigorous for the first time.

A couple of weeks later I got my license.

This was nothing short of an ordeal and the state of affairs makes me want to vomit.. like you said, that too with a national qualified shooter.

Now I know what the general public, who aren't shooters, goes through..
But all's well that ends well.
I got an arms license with all India validity and 8+2 weapons limit and 50,000 rounds carry limit.

Regarding big bore shooting, that's the shooters dream!! But the ammo is super expensive and we don't have a big bore rifle at our range, even though we have a 300 metres range. So if anyone wants to practice big bore, they have to call a friend from Kolkata or Gujrat, pay for his travel, fooding, lodging and the absolutely ridiculous rent for the rifle and overpriced ammo!!! It's nuts!!

So big bore remains a dream for now.
But someday.. it'll come true.
I'm a persistent bug*3r and a hardcore gun nut


Sorry about the long rant..
Have a great day ahead !!!


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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by drlizard » Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:20 pm

kanzakibullet wrote: ↑
Sat Dec 10, 2022 12:01 pm
Hi sir,

I had a question. Where did you get basic firearms training? I want to get an arms license but that is the only obstacle in my way. I would really appreciate if you could give some guidance on this.


Hi buddy..
I got trained at my local Rifle Association.
Search for Shooting Range or Rifle Association on Google and if there's one in your State, it'll show up.
Go join the club and get trained and certified.

Renowned Shooters can also train and certify you, if I'm not wrong.

All the best!!

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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by drlizard » Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:28 pm

rahulbdelhi wrote: ↑
Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:34 pm

Congratulations!!! You worked really hard and your efforts paid off. But I am confused, what caused the 2 year delay. When you say "kept pestering" do you mean you had to keep visiting them and asking for updates?
Also, now that you have got a license, are you allowed to purchase only sports weapons or any other weapon you like?
Thanks a lot !!
I've written a long rant just now replying to the comment a couple of places above yours. You'll get an idea of how I had to struggle and run from pillar to post to get this arms license.

Since I'm a Renowned Shot in 1 discipline, viz 50 metres rifle prone, I am entitled to keep 8+2 firearms. 8 sports firearms plus the 2 civilian firearms that come with an arms license.
In case of two events, the quota is 10+2 and in case of 3 or more events, it's 12+2 weapons.

Renowned Shots also get to carry 50,000 rounds and purchase 1 lakh rounds per year. Also, it's an arms license all India validity.

I hope that info helps you.
Best wishes.
Last edited by drlizard on Mon Nov 20, 2023 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by rahulbdelhi » Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:31 pm

Thanks for sharing the info dr. Reading your posts, one thing I realize is that you need to have nerves of steel if you want to try for a license.

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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by Mr.Shome » Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:17 am

drlizard wrote: ↑
Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:17 pm
Mr.Shome wrote: ↑
Fri Dec 09, 2022 12:49 am

Hi Ankur,

Your journey has been amazing. Did you get the chance to try the big bore rifles?

Only sad part from your post

2 years for a license for a national-level athlete on sports quota. This is unacceptable

Yes, it was an amazing experience.. I've never played any sport before like this. Gully and club cricket does not quite cut it. This went on to medals and rubbing shoulders with the National level players. So I was in a different world !!! Besides, shooting taught me a lot of life lessons, about patience, about focus, about setting goals etc. It did wonders for my personality development.

Yes, I had to struggle a lot just to get the license. It is a shame.. the people at the Secretariat actually lost my file for 6 whole months. I had nearly given up, but then I started writing petitions etc and lo and behold !! The file was right there!!! They had "forgotten" to send it to the DM's office.
The police also delayed my case again and again. One particular thana told me point blank they haven't recieved any intimation from the Commisioner's office, even after 4 messages had been sent (1 original message, then 3 reminders). Finally I got the last intimation printed out and signed and carried it to the thana myself, so that they had to comply. I told them do it now, in front of me.

Then the file was lying at DCP Central for 2-3 months. They didn't call me or instruct me that I am supposed to visit that office. I didn't even know where the file was.

Then one of the lady officers at the Commisioner's office fell ill and being a doctor I helped her out with free advice and medicine. This set up a rapport with her.. and she located the file. I had an interview with DCP sahab who was very kind and helpful.
20 days later they said a new DCP had joined and I was supposed to meet him too. I did that and finally the file moved.

The clerk at the DM's office also was a tortoise. He did not act like he wanted to move his firmly seated buttocks from the govt provided chair. If I would enquire about my case, he'd toss the register towards me and ask me to check it myself, if there are any updates.

Them one day I told him, I'm going to talk to some Ministers who I am close with, regarding this issue.
And that I'm going to meet the DM and ADM myself.
He jumped up and down vehemently protesting, acting alive and vigorous for the first time.

A couple of weeks later I got my license.

This was nothing short of an ordeal and the state of affairs makes me want to vomit.. like you said, that too with a national qualified shooter.

Now I know what the general public, who aren't shooters, goes through..
But all's well that ends well.
I got an arms license with all India validity and 8+2 weapons limit and 50,000 rounds carry limit.

Regarding big bore shooting, that's the shooters dream!! But the ammo is super expensive and we don't have a big bore rifle at our range, even though we have a 300 metres range. So if anyone wants to practice big bore, they have to call a friend from Kolkata or Gujrat, pay for his travel, fooding, lodging and the absolutely ridiculous rent for the rifle and overpriced ammo!!! It's nuts!!

So big bore remains a dream for now.
But someday.. it'll come true.
I'm a persistent bug*3r and a hardcore gun nut


Sorry about the long rant..
Have a great day ahead !!!

Hello Ankur,

A humble thanks for such a diligent and helpful reply to my small comment.

Hope, you carry on with your passion, irrespective of different hindering ife events.

All the best! Bang away.


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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by drlizard » Fri Dec 23, 2022 3:41 am

rahulbdelhi wrote: ↑
Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:31 pm
Thanks for sharing the info dr. Reading your posts, one thing I realize is that you need to have nerves of steel if you want to try for a license.
No problem! You need nerves of steel and PATIENCE!!!
You must be hell bent on getting one.. Must keep visiting and getting under the skin of the officials every week or two. I realised, persistence is the way.
It's not how this is supposed to work, but it's the reality of how things are.

Keep at it... Somewhat you'll get what you desire.

Best wishes!
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Re: A beginner's journey..and the steps involved.

Post by drlizard » Fri Dec 23, 2022 3:45 am

Mr.Shome wrote: ↑
Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:17 am

Hello Ankur,

A humble thanks for such a diligent and helpful reply to my small comment.

Hope, you carry on with your passion, irrespective of different hindering ife events.

All the best! Bang away.



Oh I'm just happy to talk with you and share my experience!!
Life will keep happening.. I'll keep grinding.. And in the little pauses in between? I'll hold my breath and squeeze the trigger and get that reassuring thud against my shoulder, that I love so much.

Cheers, my friend !!
Stay safe and always pack heat..

RKBA for the win!!!
"Kill time before time kills you"
- Dr Ankur Baruah

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