Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

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Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by Kumarnishith » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:29 am

What do you think is the most effective non-firearm Urban self defense Weapon ? I mean you all know how hard it is to get hold of a firearm license in India!! In that scenario what are the best alternatives for self defense/home defense? Keeping tactical pens, kubaton, knife etc is easy in ones pocket but they are useless if a person has not received proper training in handling these things!

For home I guess keeping dogs, installing bulgar alarms, security cameras etc seems to be a bright idea. But what about cars, carrying in person etc...I keep a Pepper spray in my glove box and planning to buy a walking stick (Blackthorn by cold steel) as hockey stick/ base ball bat would look weired in a car!!

Check out the Blackthorn by cold steel.. ... r_embedded

Taser, iron rod, screw driver etc are other things that's running in my mind right now..

The whole idea is to organize a bed side/car self defense kit which doesn't look aggressive or offensive!! Doesn't require too much training and is effective in a crisis situation...And no I am not talking about self defense against armed robbers/goons!!

Ideas please :D


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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by Mark » Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:25 am

Is a can of Mace legal? My police officer friends recommend Mace Gel spray as it not only is more effective because it sticks but also you do not get as much vapor from it, so you don't choke the other people in the house. For in the house another option would be a "taser baton": ... ml?src=gsc
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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by Kumarnishith » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:49 am

Yes Mark...Mace spray is legal and easily available in India...checkout the link..they also sell Mace Pepper gun!

Taser baton seems to be an interesting self defense product!
Thanks for your input.. :)


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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by dr.jayakumar » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:33 am

IF you have to use this mace you need to be as huge as the person in the video to have such effect on the best urban self defence will be "sprinting"!!! :oops:

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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by Safarigent » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:40 am

Apply for a license. Till such time as you are granted one, put up a sign outside your house: THE DOGS ALRIGHT, BEWARE OF THE OWNER! Or: DUE TO RISING COSTS, I AM UNABLE TO PROVIDE A WARNING SHOT TO INTRUDERS. :D
And dont go making a self defense kit for your car and bedroom etc. the best self defence tool is a pair of fast legs. Aftrr that a telescoping baton would be ideal. Light, a lot more lethal than a screwdriver and you csn clip it incongruously on your belt or keep it in your bedside drawer. The more you have dangerous implements around the house/accessible to others, the more chances of the same being used by a kid/unaware adult and you will be in all sorts of trouble.
To cut a long story short: Apply for a license. You might just get the license easily. If not, appeal. A lot of guys have done it. You can and should too.
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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by Kumarnishith » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:52 am

Safarigent wrote:Apply for a license. Till such time as you are granted one, put up a sign outside your house: THE DOGS ALRIGHT, BEWARE OF THE OWNER! Or: DUE TO RISING COSTS, I AM UNABLE TO PROVIDE A WARNING SHOT TO INTRUDERS. :D
And dont go making a self defense kit for your car and bedroom etc. the best self defence tool is a pair of fast legs. Aftrr that a telescoping baton would be ideal. Light, a lot more lethal than a screwdriver and you csn clip it incongruously on your belt or keep it in your bedside drawer. The more you have dangerous implements around the house/accessible to others, the more chances of the same being used by a kid/unaware adult and you will be in all sorts of trouble.
To cut a long story short: Apply for a license. You might just get the license easily. If not, appeal. A lot of guys have done it. You can and should too.
Hi Arjun,

I already have a firearm license...Between Me & my father we share a Rifle, Shotgun & a revolver..And Yes I do also have two fairly big size guard dogs..I feel fairly secured when I am in my home but I can't say the same about others (read relatives/friends etc). Neither everyone else is willing to apply for a gun license (even after repeated arguments). With or without a firearm everyone still deserve a right to self defense...isn't it?
I am just seeking ideas..


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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by Safarigent » Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:46 am

True true. So for my mom, i got her a cute little pink coloured pepper spray can.
She is averse to handling knives, kubotans etc. she carries the pepper spray with her all the time.
She will shortly start learning how to shoot a pistol and will then move upto a fire arm as and when she gets a license.
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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by Skyman » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:23 pm

Your hands and legs will always be with you, learn to use them.You will be surprised how long it takes to take out your weapon if you are jumped.
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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by Kumarnishith » Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:23 pm

Skyman wrote:Your hands and legs will always be with you, learn to use them.You will be surprised how long it takes to take out your weapon if you are jumped.
Yeah you are bang on sky man..nothing better than bare hands and legs if used properly...only thing more important I can think of right now is something that lies between the two ears :lol:


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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by timmy » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:38 pm

A lot of this depends on the person who is protecting himself or herself. The first defense is, of course, being aware, sensible, and having a good pair of running shoes! However, more to the point of the question, it is necessary, just as with a firearm, to have practice and familiarity with what will be carried. For instance, one may feel secure by carrying a knife (just as with a gun), but a knife-savvy assailant can take a knife away from a greenhorn pretty quickly, and then one has (just as with a gun) armed his assailant. The same can be said for nunchucks or other weapons. therefore, I think the question depends on what the person is familiar with, is willing to practice with, and can conveniently carry.
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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by FN-Five-Seven » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:32 pm

Kumarnishith wrote:Keeping tactical pens, kubaton, knife etc is easy in ones pocket but they are useless if a person has not received proper training in handling these things!
Any weapon , firearm or not , is going to be pretty useless , if proper training is not received .
Kumarnishith wrote: I keep a Pepper spray in my glove box and planning to buy a walking stick (Blackthorn by cold steel) as hockey stick/ base ball bat would look weired in a car!!
I would prefer a Kimber Pepper Blaster instead of a pepper spray and a telescopic steel baton ( which is more concealable ) instead of a walking stick , but then it's just me .

Kumarnishith wrote: Taser, iron rod, screw driver etc are other things that's running in my mind right now..
Screwdriver ????
Kumarnishith wrote:The whole idea is to organize a bed side/car self defense kit which doesn't look aggressive or offensive!!

Aesthetics over functionality , aye ?
Kumarnishith wrote:Doesn't require too much training and is effective in a crisis situation...
You cannot be much effective with any weapons , lethal or non-lethal , if you don't have proper training and you need to practise regularly to keep your skill level up .
Kumarnishith wrote:Ideas please :D

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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:00 pm

...would depend upon what your assailant is armed with.Staring down the barrel of a katta,all your fancy martial arts moves and stun gun/pepper spray/knife...will be completely useless

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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by moulindu » Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:30 am

Skyman wrote:Your hands and legs will always be with you, learn to use them.You will be surprised how long it takes to take out your weapon if you are jumped.
I trained myself into AIKF and learned martial arts for couple of years & been to many sparring as well. In that situation you are aware of your opponent and mentally prepared....but when you are jumped the adrenaline is so high that the right move might not be will be all me. And out of practice for such along period need some limbering up to do before you get into action else you may pull some muscle and cause yourself more damage.
In our training it was taught that if the attacker is bigger or stronger than you...try to keep him away as much as you can. So according to me a tazer or a pepper spray is the best non lethal option as it can be easily concealed.
winnie_the_pooh wrote:...would depend upon what your assailant is armed with.Staring down the barrel of a katta,all your fancy martial arts moves and stun gun/pepper spray/knife...will be completely useless
In that case you can run your @$$ off or just pray to God to save it.
The number of crimes is raging against women these days & the only way to stop it is by equipping our loved ones with whatever means we can & ofcourse to do some mock drill so it can be used more efficiently.
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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by StampMaster » Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:50 am

to me its a sensor light, to be installed outside the doors. Any motion captured in the 25 feet range will trigger the light.
And I am also looking to buy burglar alarm for door and window. Door/window opens and breaks contact with the magnet part, alarms goes out loud with 100db of sound.

Mom is reluctant to shooting, giving me a tough time to convince.
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Re: Best Non Firearm urban self Defense Weapon

Post by FN-Five-Seven » Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:25 pm

Here is a short Youtube video , which demonstrates the gun disarming techniques of the Krav Maga . ( It shows the right and wrong techniques )


Training always prevails over tools . So proper training of proper self defense techniques is of utmost importance for survival .

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