New Bulletproof Material invention

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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by blacky420 » Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:26 pm

milind wrote:
blacky420 wrote:I don't understand how would you know its effectiveness you haven't tested. For all we know it might be worse than wearing a metal sheet made of tin.

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I have tested it with NP bore with multiple shots and none of the bullet passed through the rear end. This is what is the necessary criteria of effectiveness in my opinion. I have already mentioned that I do not know the standard testing criteria for bulletproof material. Yes I have yet to test it with prohibited bore. It's real effectiveness can actually be measured only after testing it with higher bore, high velocity bullets.

It is stopping all NP bore bullets.

Stopping NP bore is not much unless you plan to sell it to civilians.

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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by milind » Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:32 pm

blacky420 wrote:I don't understand how would you know its effectiveness you haven't tested. For all we know it might be worse than wearing a metal sheet made of tin.

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I have tested it with NP bore with multiple shots and none of the bullet passed through the rear end. This is what is the necessary criteria of effectiveness in my opinion. I have already mentioned that I do not know the standard testing criteria for bulletproof material. Yes I have yet to test it with prohibited bore. It's real effectiveness can actually be measured only after testing it with higher bore, high velocity bullets.

It is stopping all NP bore bullets.


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I am overwhelmed with the responses and encouragements from the fellow group members. Many group members have contacted me via PM & off forum also. Everyone is willing to offer wholehearted support and I am feeling very grateful being member of this great forum.

Thanks for the support.


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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by milind » Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:20 am

I am not getting your point.

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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by milind » Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:19 pm

My invention is listed in innovation section. (Posted on 29 July 2018) ... -material/

I am sure it will be useful for the nation in coming days. ... -material/


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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by vpillai » Sat Aug 11, 2018 4:55 pm

Dear Milind, congratulations, I think it's better to apply for a patent to protect your invention, thanks

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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by veeveeaar » Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:21 pm

God bless you and your innovation MrMilind

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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by milind » Tue Aug 14, 2018 10:34 am

vpillai wrote:Dear Milind, congratulations, I think it's better to apply for a patent to protect your invention, thanks

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I am thinking about it Mr. vpillai, thanks.

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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by Shivaji.Dasgupta » Tue Aug 14, 2018 10:38 am

All the best milind. Good going.


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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Tue Aug 14, 2018 6:10 pm

Hi Milind, as you said that you have tested your BP Material with all NP Bore bullets, but not tested it with Prohibited Bore. Please tell me what kind of bullets have you used in your tests and which calibers?


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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by goodboy_mentor » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:49 am

Prohibited bore or non prohibited bore have absolutely nothing to do with ballistic or penetration capabilities of the cartridge. This concept of PB and NPB was started around Lord Curzon's time when there was fear of 1857 like mutiny happening again. There was fear that soldiers would pilfer the ammunition from government armories and supply them to rebels. Or rebels may come and loot the government armories. Non prohibited bore firearm is the one that cannot chamber and fire the central government ammunition. That's it. For example 7.62x25 mm cartridge of Tokarev pistol is non prohibited bore but has better penetration capabilities than 9 mm Luger which is prohibited bore. I have posted one video, may Click Here to see that video. Similarly 7.62x63 mm(.30-06) cartridge, 7.92x57 mm cartridge are NPB and and 7.62x 51 mm Nato is PB. All these three are ballistically almost identical.

How far this body armor will be useful or not for soldiers is another question, because the concept and mode of modern warfare is changing very rapidly. For example any type of body armor is pretty useless when faced with artillery shells, IEDs or explosive formed penetrators. Body armor or no body armor, they just rip the soldier into shreds.
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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by SARGE7402 » Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:27 pm

milind wrote:Hello Friends,
I am Milind Gupta, shooting enthusiast and Mechanical engineer from Nagpur. I have experimented a lot creating a bulletproof material which is very effective and durable. The problem with available bulletproof material Kewlar is, it do not stop the impact force and it has got expiry date, it can not be used after specific time duration. I have invented new methodology in my bulletproof material which is very effective. it not only absorbs the impact but also it is durable and long lasting (with no expiry date).

I have used Impact Distribution System to counter the velocity, momentum and penetration aspect of the bullet. Currently I have tested it only with N P bore ammunations and its successful with great results without any single bullet exit from rear end. I want to experiment it with rifle bullets but I have no access to it. rifle bullet resistant material has to be added a ballistic shield to counter the high impact velocity of the gun. I have also designed a substitute ballistic shield which is as effective as current boron carbide shield used in high end modern bulletprof vests, but could not experiment it with actual ammunations as its not available to me.

Photos attached are of 10x12" bulletproof material before testing. (not posting the photos ofter testing as it will attract interest of many people, which I dont want at this stage)

I have experimented it just for the sake of curiosity and quite happy with the results.

Would like to set the record straight on Kevlar ballistic material. While the vest's do carry an "expiration" date, it must be understood that this date is based on 5 years of actual wear. Exposing Kevlar to moisture will eventually degrade it's stopping ability. However if it's only used intermittantly then that degradation does not occur. Vests dated ten years ago will still provide a measure of stopping ability.

Lastly if you folks in india are facing mostly licensed firearms that leaves them mostly 32 S&W Long and .22 Long Rifle right? these are easily stopped by a level IIa vest or almost any age

Good luck on your testing
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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by Vikram » Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:15 am


Very interesting information that I did not know until now. Thank you.
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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by ofbiro » Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:18 pm

In the history of patents there are two extremely different cases.
1. An Hungarian named Biro invented the ball pen (still named "biro" in Italy). The patent text was badly arranged and many others copied the idea. Biro didn't get rich with his invention.

2. Coca Cola formula is not patented, but it is simply secret. The composition recipe is well guarded by the CEO in person.

I don't know what is the secret in your invention, neither I intend to investigate. You may patent the chemical composition, or the process to produce the raw material, or the technology to produce the final armour screen.
Anyway, better to try to protect it before some Ruritanian or Burgralovian steal your idea.

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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by milind » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:15 am

Dear Friends,
My innovation was selected for 'Grand Finale' of Start Up
India Yatra, Maharashtra. My idea of new Bulletproof Material has received incubation offer from one of the incubation center by Govt. Of India. I was one of the top 307 finalists whose innovation was selected from more than 10000 ideas from 14 districts of Maharashtra.

Looking forward to do more R & D.

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Re: New Bulletproof Material invention

Post by Shivaji.Dasgupta » Thu Nov 08, 2018 7:49 pm

Congratulations for this wonderful achievement


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