Police Opinions on Self Defense

A posts related to self defence/ home defence. Please post anything related to legal aspects in the 'Legal Eagle' section.
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Police Opinions on Self Defense

Post by kanzakibullet » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:11 pm

Hi everyone!

Happy Gandhi Jayanti! I have been wondering about what Indian police officers think about self-defense with licensed guns. I am really curious about the following questions:

1. When do they think self-defense with guns is justified?
2. What kind of guns would they suggest for self-defense?
3. What would they recommend to do once a self-defense shooting is happened?

I tried doing a search on Google and YouTube, but I did not find anything substantial. I would appreciate it if someone could provide some insights. I apologize if an existing post on the same topic is already there.


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Re: Police Opinions on Self Defense

Post by Vineet » Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:53 pm

It doesn’t matter what police thinks, what matters is that what the rules say. Answer to your questions are
1. When there is immediate threat to life or property.
2. Any gun registered on your arms license.
3. Ofcourse you have to first check that you haven’t been shot (that was a joke). You have to report to police about the incident.

There was incident recently in Punjab in which few bad guys tried to loot a petrol pump. When they were fleeing, an employ shot a bad guy with shotgun. No case was registered on the employee for shooting the bad guy as it was done in self defence. Below is the video https://fb.watch/mXIu1dxu4I/?mibextid=i2DY3H
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Re: Police Opinions on Self Defense

Post by Southpaw013 » Tue Oct 03, 2023 7:28 am

The role of police officials is to ensure that applicant has knowledge of weapon operating,handling and storing safely.And to verify that Applicant has no criminal history and to justify that applicant has life threat if any attacks on you and you have registered FIR against attackers.(If you are not residing in commissionerate area.)

And if you are from area which is under commissioner of police then they are going to ask you this type of questions.

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Re: Police Opinions on Self Defense

Post by Mr.Shome » Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:47 am

Heavens forbid that if a life-threatening situation befalls an armed person, may that individual be able to neutralise the threat without losing precious moments thinking about the Police's opinion.

The Police is smart enough to interpret such situation s, but may look the other way (trouble for the righteous self-defending shooter), even if the victim was the villain.

So, it's a grey area.

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Re: Police Opinions on Self Defense

Post by HoneyBadger » Wed Oct 11, 2023 5:00 pm

What's the law pertaining to standing your ground to protect your property? I highly doubt we're allowed to do that.

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