Turns out this aym Ammo is czech all right, and is covered in a polymer coating because the bullets are mild steel. With a mild steel core. These were manufactured in 1968, and at that point I believe there was a shortage of copper in CZ. But since the cold war could turn hot at that point... they went ahead and manufactured these.
As my SIL's fiance on Saturday's grape eating trip demonstated it still goes bang without an issue...

BTW what else can you see in the pic..
Also a firend of mine, tried her hand at movie style shooting with my Cz 75's.. With predictably poor results.

-- Mon Mar 29, 2010 23:13 --

here is another friend shooting his .45-70..
He normally uses BP for powder so it is quite a show.
In the background is a Toz .22 and a SHR 970 in 7-08, owned by an acquaintence.