Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

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Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by Amit357 » Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:18 pm

Hi Guys caught between a quandry,sold my 22 Hornet and was looking for a bigger Rifle,saw a Remington 700 ADL,very good condition, had decided on it when yesterday came across this beautiful 6.5 X 57 Brno full stock,factory fitted scope.Its an amazing looking gun,fired a cpl of Horandy,RWS 96Grns ansd S & B 131 Grns cartridges from the Brno,it was amazing shooting, as flat as a 7 x 57, now i am :? and caught in a quandry of which one to pick.looking for some advice from our experinced members, would be obliged.Thanks

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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by z375 » Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:46 pm


While most may argue that one of these cartridges is better than the other, I personally feel they're quite similar, with their own little quirks. The '06 is practical, efficient and most importantly, a very easily available cartridge on our side of the pond that will give you a large variety of projectile weights to choose from, the 6.5x57 too, is a good, flat-shooting number but seemingly hard-to-find ammo and lighter projectile weight will make it a lesser choice (atleast for me). If you're keen on the Brno, check up about ammo availability first, stocking up on a caliber like this will be a good thing. With the '06, this won't be a worry and you can sleep easy, also a modern 180-grain pill from the .30-06 is also blessed with very high SD, making it a clear winner where terminal performance is concerned. Sadly, where we live, practicality outweighs nostalgia, so choose carefully and give it thought. :)

"With solid bullets on heavy animals such as elephant, rhino and buffalo this power is quite apparent but is not so obvious as when soft-nose bullets are being used, say, lion, particularly when is a case of stopping a charge : the .404 will stop him all right, but will seldom crumple him quite so completely as will the .416" -- John Taylor, Big Game and Big Game Rifles, (Ch. IX)

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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:54 pm


You query begs the question,"Good for what?"

Personally,I would get the 30-06.Ammo has never been and never will be a problem.This would not be the case with the 6.5.From time to time,ammo supply dries up for this.Getting ammo then becomes an expensive proposition.

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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by marksman » Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:04 pm

Availability of ammo is the only factor that would make me go for gud ole 30-06.

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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by MoA » Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:51 pm

Depends on what you're trying to do.

Either one will fullfill any activity you might have in mind in India. Ammo availability seems to be the only differentiator.

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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by rjshv » Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:16 pm

I'd say the 30-06, just for ammo availability in India. Anyway, it's a nice all rounder I've seen a 30-06 at work, and if I were to choose just one rifle in India, it'll be the 30-06.
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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by Amit357 » Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:34 pm

Hi Winn,{ You query begs the question,"Good for what??}, Wild boar,Blue Bull,general meriment,flat shooting,ammo for the 6.5 is no issue,know a lot of Gun Dealers,was a part of the trade,manage to get enough of them around.The only thing about the 30-06 i dislike is the racket it creates,sounds like a cannon has gone off,my cousin has a Tikka 30-06,i use earplugs when he lets loose with it.I know that the Gun Powder load of the 30-06 is just 2 Grains more then the 6.5 but i dont know why it creates so much racket.So still :?

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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by eljefe » Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:06 pm

''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by carbine » Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:15 pm

I presently own german 6.5x57 rifle and my father 30-06 springfield military model. i have fired more than 50 ammo from both rifle. both ammo are easily available throughoyt UP ,BIHAR DELHI. IN 30-06 AMMO ( S&B, WINCHESTER SILVERTIP, NORMA SOFT POINT, RWS ) are available in 6.5x57 (S&B 131 grain ) ammo is available.6.5x57 rifle has excellent accuracy it can be fired from one hand and have very low recoil as compared to 30-06. 30-06 is good for long range but its recoil is heavy. after few round you upper half of body will start getting tired .but with 6.5x57 i have non stop fired more than 20 round at rifle club in less than 3 minute

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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by panther » Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:37 pm

As for the rifle, a Brno (I guess the one you'r contemplating to buy is F21) would be a better choice. Built on a Mauser 98 action Brno's quality stands better than a Remington model 700. It dosen't means that Remington is an inferior gun but it doesn't stands anywhere near Brno in quality & performance. Before buying you must check the condition on both the guns, normal use is okay but check for the signs of abuse. Ask the dealer to disassemble the bolt assembly & check the firring pin & spring and check the barrel. If you decide to go for a Rem 06 and recoil is an issue with you then replace the factory recoil pad with something better like 'Pachmayr' or 'LimbSaver'. As for selecting the calibre it all comes down to purpose & availability. I don't think at the moment you can hunt any game in India so, your basic use would be Target Shooting & Self defence. A 6.5 will do anything a 06 can do, in europe lot of hunters use 6.5 for wild boars. Check with your local dealers regarding the availability of 6.5 caliber, what's the use of having a gun without ammo?????

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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by cottage cheese » Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:44 pm

carbine wrote:6.5x57 rifle has excellent accuracy it can be fired from one hand and have very low recoil as compared to 30-06.
...now why would anyone want to fire a rifle single handed...in a practical sense :)

anyway thanks for your input.
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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:36 am


Punjab has allowed limited hunting of wild boar and blue bull.The 6.5x57 works very well on both(but so does the IOF .315).30-06 would give a wider choice in India,as far as ammo goes,though.

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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by brihacharan » Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:58 am

Hi Amit,

> Close your eyes and go for the 30-06, for more reasons than one, I owned a Winchester with a 4 power weaver scope on a Griffin & Howe mount - what a beauty!

> Ammo is no problem - anywhere, anytime.
> Choice of loads from 150gr silver tipped to 180gr soft nosed & copper clad to 220gr softnosed, what more do you want? Place your shots properly and what do you get - A One Shot Kill.
> From barking deer, wild boar, cheetal, sambhar, neelghai to the big cats, it can take them all while using appropriate loads.
> Finally its a man's weapon - the kick makes you respect it!


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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by shooter50 » Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:30 am

brihacharan wrote:Hi Amit,

> Ammo is no problem - anywhere, anytime.
> Choice of loads from 150gr silver tipped to 180gr soft nosed & copper clad to 220gr softnosed, what more do you want? Place your shots properly and what do you get - A One Shot Kill.
> From barking deer, wild boar, cheetal, sambhar, neelghai to the big cats, it can take them all while using appropriate loads.
> Finally its a man's weapon - the kick makes you respect it!

Couldnt agree more
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Re: Whats better a 30-06 or a 6.5X 57

Post by z375 » Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:37 am

The only thing about the 30-06 i dislike is the racket it creates,sounds like a cannon has gone off,my cousin has a Tikka 30-06,i use earplugs when he lets loose with it.I know that the Gun Powder load of the 30-06 is just 2 Grains more then the 6.5 but i dont know why it creates so much racket.So still :?
Shorter barrel= bigger boom, My Remington has a 21" tube, looks like a toy, but when its hammer-time, then all you'll hear is the delicate sound of thunder! 8)
"With solid bullets on heavy animals such as elephant, rhino and buffalo this power is quite apparent but is not so obvious as when soft-nose bullets are being used, say, lion, particularly when is a case of stopping a charge : the .404 will stop him all right, but will seldom crumple him quite so completely as will the .416" -- John Taylor, Big Game and Big Game Rifles, (Ch. IX)

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