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gun smoke
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:13 pm
by eljefe
Had a bit of time at the range today, more to zero in the new 243.As usual, any smell of gunpowder leaves me happy
here come some pics, the 243 was shooting 3 ft high, so Sid, the range officer came by to help me get it on paper at 50m.He shoots a BOLT 32/20 for fun and a 35 whelen for the big game event.At the end of a very enjoyable 30 rounds in 100 and 87 gr, i had contributed to the barrel break in and got the rifle to print with 3 holes touching at 50m, so went up and did a fast 5 shot group at 200m, with Hornady Vmax 58gr,to make sure i am still on paper.All loads were with ADI 2209, load data from ADI handbook.then, the Brno 22 was tested after the bedding and found to be pretty decent at 50m, keeping 5 holes touching. The 6.5x284 reigned supreme at all ranges;from 200 warm up to 500.Was using the ol faithful 139 scenars , and ADI2213.At a temp of about 33 deg C, the mirage was not too bad, surprisingly, so managed several several groups with 2 holes touching and a flyer 2-3 inches away.At 500m, after 3 mo, I think I did pretty well.Now to get ready for the competition season.There's still a couple of hundred rounds left in the barrel
John was there with his 300 win mag and savage 6.5x284 and set the range a rollin with the booming thunder.New 190 gr Berger for the 300.Long COAL, he believes in Jam, not jump! ADI 2213 this time...Then a short visit to Noel, the tempter- a few pics with his guns and Wild pig Tushes for IFG-this guy is singularly responsible for for my continued interest things that go boom, fantastic service-open on sundays, tumble my brass ,busting my bank-and he forgets to take money and has to be reminded!
Like all good things it got over very soon-by my reckoning, and it was time for rub a drub scrub and elbow grease.Hope I can do it again soon.
Re: gun smoke
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:52 pm
by MoA
What's the bench gun? I stopped using my Proshot rod, and switched to Dewey, and am awaiting delivery on the carbon fiber one.
Also KG-1 and KG-12 are miles better than Sweets to get fouling out.
Why are you cleaning the .22? There is absolutely no requirement to do so. I clean my .22 LR maybe once per 1000-2000 rounds downrange. And when I do clean, I find that it takes about 10 -20 shots to get back to its accuracy level.
a 3 inch group at 500 is not to be scoffed at since its a littleunder .6 MoA since 1 MoA at 500 is about 5.23 inches at that range; also are you shooting three shot groups? To get any meaningful result you should be doing 5 shot groups.
Re: gun smoke
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:00 pm
by dev
Work harder Doc them Marlin's waiting to be brought. Even the Henry's look good. Used your kit to clean the twenty two last Saturday. You won't believe that the rag still hasn't come out clean and today is Wednesday almost.

Darn box or so of KF's or so can't remember when I cleaned er last. How about some wind doping gyan for shooting at long range. You can start telling me what to look for at fifty meters.
Re: gun smoke
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:38 pm
by winnie_the_pooh
Where is it?
Re: gun smoke
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:16 am
by eljefe
Hey Guys, Thanks
MoA, the proshot was a gift from John, kind of got a package when I picked up the bench gun off him!
The bench gun? 6.5x284, Tikka T3 action, Shilen 1" barrel in 24", custom laminate stock-by a local company.I hear good things about Dewey and the carbon fibre stuff.Used carbon fibre in orthopedic implants about 15 yrs ago, incredible then, glad to see spin offs in gun industry.
KG1 was too far away, getting liquids shipped is a b***h, so proshot and sweets it is to keep the local economy going.Gave a patch down the barrel of the 22 to keep it from feeling jealous-with all the attention the other guns were getting

Iknow, lead it, de-lead it and again lead it for optimum accuracy...I have probably fired 50 rounds thru this brno since i bought it 6 mo ago...
Usual groups are 5 rounds for the bench gun, a la the competition pattern, just commented on the two touching, which left me a bit amazed.Am still getting used to wearing glasses almost full time, and hate it!
Am thinking of a 7BR when I gotta change barrels,any inputs?
Winnie-its Oz mate!
I know you'll freak on the lever guns, very popular here, esp for goat and pigs.As MoA says, keep track, dont try to get all the stuff out or you'll have to go thru the whole biz all over again
Come on over

Re: gun smoke
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:28 am
by MoA
eljefe wrote:Am thinking of a 7BR when I gotta change barrels,any inputs?
Great as a Contender pistol caliber for shooting shillouette. Rifle... crap. You want to score shoot or agg?
Score for 100-300 you can not beat a .30 BR, point blank agg.. 6 PPC. 300-1000 agg, go 6BR with a Panda action.
Powders the 'new' 8208XBR is promising, otherwise for 6 PPC N133, For 6 BR N140 or Varget, 30 BR 8208XBR, N130, H4198 are good.
as for cleaning, you're better off with using Aviation kerosene to get carbon out, and ammonia for copper than Sweets. However is the ammonia is >20% you want under 1 min of dwell time. Patch wet... Patch dry... dry... dry... wet and repeat.
The action on the BR gun doesnt look like a T-3 action. Then again I havent touched mine in over a year. The action is familliar.. though i cant put my finger on it.
Re: gun smoke
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:33 am
by eljefe
Thanks for that MoA, Dwell time is a cigarette, for sweets and proshot
Re: gun smoke
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:34 am
by MoA
eljefe wrote:Thanks for that MoA, Dwell time is a cigarette, for sweets and proshot
For kerosene it can still be a cigg... for 305+ ammonia about half a cigg...
I leave KG 12 in the barrel for 24 hrs +
Re: gun smoke
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:12 am
by eljefe
Heard talk in gunshop that 6BR is now coming factory loaded for competition.Just load and shoot.Any truth?
Re: gun smoke
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:27 am
by Vikram
Great going,Jefe. More power to you.
MoA wrote:eljefe wrote:Thanks for that MoA, Dwell time is a cigarette, for sweets and proshot
For kerosene it can still be a cigg... for 305+ ammonia about half a cigg...
I leave KG 12 in the barrel for 24 hrs +
Is that some kind of reloaders' arcanum?
Re: gun smoke
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:58 am
by Sakobav
Congrats you own 2 beauties now .22 and the .243? When are you picking up a shotty -- saw one on Noel's rack what say?
Re: gun smoke
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:25 am
by winnie_the_pooh
eljefe wrote:Winnie-its Oz mate!
I meant where is the smoke

Re: gun smoke
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:40 pm
by MoA
eljefe wrote:Heard talk in gunshop that 6BR is now coming factory loaded for competition.Just load and shoot.Any truth?
The Savage BR is coming with a 8 twist, and by all accounts accurate. Keep in mind that the Savage team won the World F/TR championships. My experience with Savage has been good. I however thend to swap out factory barrels, and use Lothar Walther barrels. I can swap a barrel and calibers in about 10 minutes.
-- Wed Jan 20, 2010 13:42 --
Vikram wrote:Great going,Jefe. More power to you.
MoA wrote:eljefe wrote:Thanks for that MoA, Dwell time is a cigarette, for sweets and proshot
For kerosene it can still be a cigg... for 305+ ammonia about half a cigg...
I leave KG 12 in the barrel for 24 hrs +
Is that some kind of reloaders' arcanum?
Nope... it is the amount of time you leave the solvent in the bore before mopping it out. KG 1 and KG 12 are available in the uk via the stuff is better than anything else on the market.
Re: gun smoke
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:54 am
by eljefe
I have an off, lets see if i can post pics of the Tikka up close for you MoA.Do you use a tikka too as a bench gun?
Navi- am not much of a shotgunner.Did some clays a couple of years ago, enough hits to survive, not write home about
Matter of fact Noel did offer me a very decent, made in Turkey,Zafer 28 inch extractor with 5 choke tubes,absolutely affordable too.Someday when the fancy comes on?
Am awaiting the 303 smelly to come by.After using it in my wild and wooly youth, couldnt resist a 303.and it will be fun working on it-not exactly a tack driver now, will be when I've finished with it
Winnie- the smokes in my nose , a subliminal waft now and then, brings back memories of childhood, smelling the fired,(Big!) KF 12 empties when dad had downed a couple of geese, and the smell of boiling hot water being pushed through the rifle barrels...
Re: gun smoke
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:38 am
by kanwar76
eljefe wrote:I have an off, lets see if i can post pics of the Tikka up close for you MoA.Do you use a tikka too as a bench gun?
Navi- am not much of a shotgunner.Did some clays a couple of years ago, enough hits to survive, not write home about
Matter of fact Noel did offer me a very decent, made in Turkey,Zafer 28 inch extractor with 5 choke tubes,absolutely affordable too.Someday when the fancy comes on?
Am awaiting the 303 smelly to come by.After using it in my wild and wooly youth, couldnt resist a 303.and it will be fun working on it-not exactly a tack driver now, will be when I've finished with it
Winnie- the smokes in my nose , a subliminal waft now and then, brings back memories of childhood, smelling the fired,(Big!) KF 12 empties when dad had downed a couple of geese, and the smell of boiling hot water being pushed through the rifle barrels...
You should buy that shotty. I need something to shoot when I come visiting you