Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

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Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by amjadkarim16 » Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:38 am

My fathers friend who is in gun making business has agreed to modify my crude .315 despite his advance age.I spend most of my time these days in his factory.
He will change butt and hand piece and brown.Upon taking off paint he told me that the purpose of paint is to hide the poorest form of workmanship.Bolt and trigger guard is casted and painted.Barrel is well finished because it came from exotic source.please give suggestions to make my .315 a gud one.

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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by Vikram » Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:09 am

What not to do to your .315 (unless you have a fetish for such stuff)

What can be done in better ... 30&start=0

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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by amjadkarim16 » Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:43 am

hello vikram ji,
i saw both links.
1st one(UP style)....looks like I am telling Dilip Chabaria that I want my Maruti 800 to look like an amalgam of Ferrari and Rolls Royce.It is silly work.
Other link was by Bobby sidhu I suppose.I have already shown these pics to uncle.
Personally speaking my uncle doesnt do this work routinely but will do for me.He has to do everything from scratch.He will go for walnut butt and hand piece and may be a foresight.And browning off course .Will redo the whole bolt by hand.It is 3rd day and we just finished taking off paint and throwing away the wood pieces.Uncle is doing small things but so patiently.
He knows a lot about rifles and owns a real good stuff.He has remade underover 12 bore.It is a master piece.It took him 11 years to perfect the design.It is a treat to see.He is a perfectionist.I havent seen anyone this patient with his work.

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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by Vikram » Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:58 am

Hi Amjad,

If you could share with us the pictures of the modifications being done to your rifle and any other works by your uncle,we will be very thankful.Nothing more pleases us than seeing the work of a skilled craftsman. All the best with the modification work.

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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by amjadkarim16 » Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:49 pm

hello vikram ji,
i dont know if it is ok to write here like this.Tomorrow I am going to the factory,I will take pictures of 12 bore under/overs.His butt work.I have seen beautiful guns made by jammu gun manufacturers but I found that trading in guns is some thing and passion for perfection is something.I feel sometimes for my uncle that his work has not been as appreciated as it should have been.I was saying that beautiful guns are made by most of gun manufacturers here but I was amazed by seeing how he has cut the handpiece from inside,how he has designed tools is marvellous.He is a known figure in India who are in this field.Khairuddin and sons and it is Afzal uncle.He is really master crafsman.I dont have a digital camera but I will surely take it on loan from someone and share pictures.
Regarding .315 he is just doing the bolt and designing the butt....and also was telling me that I will make some special tools for cutting the wood from inside.
7.92mm mauser just needs browning but I will share all pics what I have and will keep you posted .
Plz stay in touch.
thanks dear

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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by gorakhurmi » Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:32 pm

dear amjad
i know this is not right to ask u in this post.i am sorry for this
as u live in jammu & ur uncle is a gun manufacturer
can u suggest me a good o/u wich is best of indian made
i have listen about khurmi i havent seen it, as by chance my sir name is also khurmi
Modern i buy it in 2005. i experienced near about 3 pieces in my city all were faulty low in chamber
the dealer fix it. it is working fine.i am thinking to change it but my choice is o/u.
i dont wana spend to much money on imported one.
can u please suggest me witch one i should buy and if u can post some pictures or some comments comparing to moderns o/u
sorry again if i bother you.and thaks if you reply

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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by amjadkarim16 » Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:40 am

hello Mr Gorakhurmi,
replying in private.

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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by darwinmauser » Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:18 am

Vikram wrote:Hi Amjad,

If you could share with us the pictures of the modifications being done to your rifle and any other works by your uncle,we will be very thankful.Nothing more pleases us than seeing the work of a skilled craftsman. All the best with the modification work.


:agree: :cheers:

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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by sa_ali » Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:12 pm

Vikram wrote:Hi Amjad,

If you could share with us the pictures of the modifications being done to your rifle and any other works by your uncle,we will be very thankful.Nothing more pleases us than seeing the work of a skilled craftsman. All the best with the modification work.

me tooo :agree:

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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by amjadkarim16 » Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:14 pm

amjadkarim16 wrote:hello Mr Gorakhurmi,
replying in private.
By this I didnt mean that everyones message should be in private...
i rather was addressing Mr gorakhurmi that i replied to his querry in his PM inbox as protocol doesnt allow to write something which doesnt pertain to the post topic....i was criticised by a member once so I take care...
We can share all the messages here.

-- Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:18 pm --

mr Jaz and mr sa_ali,
hello dear,
i am not sharing business of my uncle so i have no idea of price,,, but i will take pics and by tomorrow you will be seeing the pics in detail which uncle allows.
regarding walnut,it is sold opn licence i suppose and i have never enquired about it. can u imagine walnut wood used on butt of u/o is 35years old(means seasoned) which is so hard to find.
regards amjad

hello brother,
i assure you that its finish and reliability is 2nd to none in India.I go to factory daily and take out all three types of under overs and look at each of them for minutes,,,,treat to see and i am seeing gns being made from scratch.materials used ,machining techniques on action plate and chamber....then workings on will love it.
allah hafiz amjad
i promise tomorrow you will be seeing the guns.

-- Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:21 pm --

Hello all,
regarding my not posting pics today,we had an cylinder blasting incident in one of our relatives family so was bit busy with the patients in the hospital.sorry for that

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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by jaz » Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:48 pm

Amjad bhai , never taper your orignal barrel , taper barrels of .315 are very much inconsistant to shoot because they change point of impact .

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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by amjadkarim16 » Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:32 pm

jaz wrote:Amjad bhai , never taper your orignal barrel , taper barrels of .315 are very much inconsistant to shoot because they change point of impact .
uncle is doing the modification personally and we just took paint off by boiling the whole thing in caustic soda(NaOH).We are not buffing the parts but using manual filing and sand paper.Doing nothing to barrel ,,,,Action part,bolt and trigger guard will be filed properly but nothing to barrel.
Barrel is original which bears the footprints of turning on lathe and it looks good but rest of the parts have been mould casted and so crude and raw that is why other than barrel part lot of effort is going in making the surface smooth.Also metal used is probably EN-9 so it is too hard to file on.
anyways thanks for suggestions

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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by darwinmauser » Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:31 am

Hello Amjad , I would really like to see pictures of your rifle before , during and after the work has been done.
As your uncle has said paint can hide a multitude of sins.

The reason it is not a good idea to turn down or turn a taper on a barrel as Jaz mentioned is that you need a vacuum furnace to stress relieve the barrel before and after modifying it , failure to do so will in most cases leed to a changing point of impact as the barrel warms up .


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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by Sakobav » Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:40 am


Its heartening to know that there are experienced gunsmith around and lucky you to have such an access. Regarding decent guns from Jammu maybe handful are around but I have yet to see an example or proof. We all are befuddled that why doesnt some one from that neck of woods manufacture decent guns especially with the captive Indian market. Sorry for the OT :deadhorse:
Looking forward to your the way is it possible to get walnut wood in India? I thought it was restricted.


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Re: Modification of IOF .315 under progress.Suggestions if any!!

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:59 am


If I were you I would take up darwinmauser's offer.Australia is home to some of the better gunsmiths working on the Lee Enfield.

Bedding the fore-end is something that is crucial to the No1 Mk3's accuracy and it is something that can't be done unless you know how to do it.The same for working on the trigger.

You can polish the barrel to remove the tool marks.Caustic soda? The paint is the stuff that is used for grills and comes off pretty easily.Any commercial paint stripper would have taken it off.
Best of luck and do post pictures.

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