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Converting a Remington 742 Woodmaster...
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:42 pm
by Mack The Knife
...from a semi-auto to pump action.
I am told this may be possible. If this is the case, would anyone know what parts would be required?
The rifle in question is chambered for a .30-06 cartridge.
Mack The Knife
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:10 pm
by eljefe
I heard some Delhi gunshops had converted MI Garand 30-06 rifles to single shots and selling them as such.... will involve filling out the mag tube and opening up the gas regulator...but pump? long shot sir!
Re: Converting a Remington 742 Woodmaster...
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:39 pm
by Risala
Why would the owner want to convert it to a PA
Semi to single shot yes,but to a PA is it possible at all,even if it were is there a
qualified gun smith in our parts who will get the job done without butchering the rifle.
I wouldnt take a chance,suggest also check on AR or NE
Re: Converting a Remington 742 Woodmaster...
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:07 am
by Grumpy
I won`t even bother to tell you what a Remingtom employee once ( notoriously ) referred to the 742 as....................................
- And that after almost a million and a half had been made in 20 years - it was discontinued in 1980.
You were told right, the 742 can be converted to pump action......probably the best thing that can be done to the thing.
I seem to remember being told that centrefire semi-auto rifles were illegal in India - is that the reason for converting it ? Or because it is such an unreliable piece of .......... ?
I don`t know about getting the work done in India but in the US the conversion costs $229.
Talk to Ahlmans:
They should be able to supply the parts and might be willing to discuss the procedures involved in the conversion.
...... I really ought to start charging for access to my knowledge base.......I wonder if I can get a card reader fitted to the back of my head........................ ?
Re: Converting a Remington 742 Woodmaster...
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:09 pm
by Mack The Knife
I won`t even bother to tell you what a Remingtom employee once ( notoriously ) referred to the 742 as....................................
The jamomatic?
Thanks for the links. Will have a look at them later. However, the fact that it requires real gunsmithing rather than just some DIY is a bit disappointing...
Semi-automatic rifles and shotguns are not illegal in India. They merely come under the Prohibited Bore/Mechanism category.
Thanks again for the links. Appreciate it.
Put it on my tab.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:47 pm
by mundaire
Mack The Knife Bana";p="30879 wrote:They merely come under the Prohibited Bore/Mechanism category.
Which I may add is a bit of a misnomer as they are not really "prohibited" - in stead their ownership is highly restricted with only a "chosen few" being able to wrangle the relevant arms license from the Min of Home Affairs... BTW even rimfire semis are under this category as are shottys - in short ALL semi-auto long guns belong to this classification...
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:47 pm
by Mack The Knife
Hi Grumpy,
Just had a look at the site. Will ask them what parts are needed but I have my doubts they will entertain the request.
Mack The Knife
Re: Converting a Remington 742 Woodmaster...
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:36 pm
by Grumpy
No, not the `Jamomatic`( even though that describes the problem very accurately. ) Something rather more basic than that !
If you don`t ask you don`t get.
My experience of American gunsmiths is that they are a lot more forthcoming - and a lot less `precious`- than their European counterparts. I haven`t dealt with Ahlmans for years but they are nice people........and a sale is a sale - even if it`s `only` the parts and not the actual work.
I doubt any `gunsmithing` as such will be required, just accesss to a machine shop.
By the way, gas operated semi-autos need to be kept immaculately clean. The first thing to look for is whether the gas port is clogged-up. Burnt powder and oil combine to make a really hard carbonised material that builds up in the gas port ( and other places ) reducing the flow of gas which causes the action not to cycle efficiently it`s so hard that it needs to be chipped out. A build up of copper from jacketed bullets can do the same. Another thing that will cause problems is a worn extractor. Powder particles getting into the bolt can also be responsible - as can carbonised material building up in the forward part of the chamber.. You should be able to find a schematic diagram online in order to strip the rifle down properly - the first place to look should be Numrich Gun Parts.
It has to be said that many people have used Remington 742s with no problems for years so a strip down, thorough examination and thorough cleaning should be the first priority.
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:25 pm
by Mack The Knife
Stripping the rifle down is not a problem. It's been in the 'family' for sometime now.
The little that I have read on the net regarding this rifle, shows that this rifle is prone to jamming when not using Remington ammo. Yes, I have read of a few examples which have never jammed but those seem to be the exception. So far this rifle has jammed when using Soddit & Buggerit ammo but then so did a Mod.70 Pre-64 bolt rifle. Something wrong with that particular batch of ammo. Which, unfortunately, seem to be the only fresh rounds available in Bangalore at present.
BTW, my e-mail has been on the blink since Friday night / Saturday early morning. Just in case you were wondering... Will give you the details regarding this rifle when it is up and running.
Your experience may have been different but I have found that atleast half the U.S. websites I have sent questions to, do not even bother to reply. Will send them an e-mail all the same.
Mack The Knife
Re: Converting a Remington 742 Woodmaster...
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:21 am
by Grumpy
Many of the US dealers have given up on exporting firearms related products because of the increased bureaucracy involved since 9/11 - even some of the smaller rifle stock manufacturers.........That doesn`t excuse them not responding to emails though. You shouldn`t have a problem with 742 conversion parts as there`s nothing firearms specific involved - ie, you can`t make a firearm from the parts involved. Don`t bother to mention that you`re not in the US until a dialogue has been established.
Remind me by email to tell you about something that you should take care about however.
If you think US dealers, etc are poor at responding to emails you ought to try some of the British firearms dealers/companies as many never even bother to check their email even though they advertise email addresses.......obviously far too high tech for them to cope with.
So your email `is on the blink` ? There`s a surprise. When it refuses to deliver baby photographs on the basis that they are `spam` there`s certainly something wrong with your email providers !
I told you the problem wasn`t at this end.
Re: Converting a Remington 742 Woodmaster...
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:45 am
by Mark
This company does the conversions:
they said it costs $229.00, turnaround time is 3 weeks.
Let me know if I can be of assistance.
Re: Converting a Remington 742 Woodmaster...
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:19 am
by Grumpy
Mark.........have a look about seven posts up.
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:04 am
by Mack The Knife
Thanks, Mark.
However, with Art_Collector posting about the imminent release of the IOF .30-06, this 'project' may just get shelved.
Grumpy, I renew that particular e-mail address every year. I have informed the company to do the needful but nothing seems to have happened as yet. I am quite tempted to go for one of those free e-mail IDs and ditch this one for good.
Re: Converting a Remington 742 Woodmaster...
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:13 am
by Mark
Grumpy";p="30929 wrote:Mark.........have a look about seven posts up.
Unfortunately, I can't even blame it on booze today!

Re: Converting a Remington 742 Woodmaster...
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:57 am
by Grumpy
Made me smile anyway.
I`ve done dafter things here.........I once had to get Mack The Knife to get rid of a whole topic including pictures after he pointed out that the whole thing had already been posted........Mehuls 30-06 come to think of it.
