Interesting Rifle for Right handed Left eye dominant

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Interesting Rifle for Right handed Left eye dominant

Post by archer » Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:39 pm

One of the most interesting guns I have seen: a left eye dominant right hand shooter custom. Made by master Flerin Robert from Kamnik, Slovenia, a custom stock maker for over 25 years. He uses Slovenian walnut almost exclusively.

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Re: Interesting Rifle for Right handed Left eye dominant

Post by Vikram » Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:05 am

I saw that today. Interesting concept, isn't it? I am not an expert but I do not know how this will work with a rifle. As one of the posters mentioned, one could simply close the left eye as a solution. With a shotgun, your eye is your rear sight and you shoot with your both eyes open;hence eye dominance could be an issue. There are those who advocate shooting with both eyes open with rifle too, but I never did and do not do badly at all. Also, with small/medium calibres the stock might work but with heavy recoiling cartridges, I do not know how it will hold up and how recoil is transferred. Will be interesting to see the real experts' replies.

Thank you for posting it here.

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Re: Interesting Rifle for Right handed Left eye dominant

Post by timmy » Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:13 am

It would seem that heavy recoil could be an issue, I agree, forcing the rifle to swing to the left when shooting, and maybe even giving the shooter a severe knock on the cheek, as well.

As far as eye dominance, I wonder whether this could be something that varies from individual to individual. It could be that some folks have a more marked dominance than the other.

Back in my 20s, I read somewhere that having both eyes open was an advantage because of increased field of vision, so I taught myself to shoot this way. It took some practice, but I was shooting a lot in those days, and after a while, it became easier and more natural. These days, I do shoot everything that way. Whether it really does any good, I can't say, but I do suspect that this could have some dependence on the individual, as well.

It is a lovely piece of wood, however!
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Re: Interesting Rifle for Right handed Left eye dominant

Post by aadhaulya » Fri Jul 03, 2015 5:16 am

I suppose that considering the recoil, it would have been a better to have a left hand firing gun for all practical purposes, except maybe for showing it as a piece of innovation and art.


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Re: Interesting Rifle for Right handed Left eye dominant

Post by TwoRivers » Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:38 pm

Not much innovation, stocks like that have been made for a long time. Biggest problem is finding a piece of wood with proper grain structure. With a smaller caliber cartridge, recoil won't be a problem (for most shooters).

Not everyone can close either eye independently of the other; I for one can only close my left eye, but not the right, without closing the other. If I were right-handed, left eye dominant, I'd probably go with an eye patch while shooting. But to each his own.

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Re: Interesting Rifle for Right handed Left eye dominant

Post by Commonwealth_of_PA » Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:51 am

I guess you can get a more interesting scope kiss :)

Probably vertical instead of sideways. And probably more often!

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