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H&H Double rifle
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:12 pm
by HydNawab
Is a .240 H&H Flanged double rifle and a .375 H&H mag double rifle,both Holland and Holland royal models, worth 20 lacs each???The 240 is in 70% condition and the 375 in 50% condition.
If so, which one would you go in for?
Re: H&H Double rifle
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:06 pm
by art_collector
.......don"t be in a hurry to buy any DBBL rifle.....I think some one is really taking u for a ride...20 lacs for a rifle........please if u have that sort of money to waste there are many other interesting things u cud do with it....have u thought of giving some money in charity, help a poor girl child to get educated..the list wud be endless.
Coming back to the topic the prices at what these rifles are generally sold is jus 2-3 lacs....bombay choro.....try other cities...if u have the time and think u dont have the money...try look around and ull find what u looking for much cheaper.
Formula for calculating ur purchase price should be divide the price offered by 5 and then multiply it with 1.
Hey buddy don"t mind the suggestion......but 20 lacs is absurd.
Re: H&H Double rifle
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:34 pm
by Mack The Knife
Got to agree with what AC says.
If you look around for a private seller you may still be able to pick one up at a very good price.
Mack The Knife
Re: H&H Double rifle
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:50 pm
by HydNawab
AC and Mack The Knife
Thanks for the advice AC.I really appreciate it.I was willing to pay that much price for the .240 H&H because it belonged to one of my family members and I have been looking around for a good DBBL rifle since a long time.I know I waste a lot of money this way and I can be evry impulsive sometimes.I will definately remember the divide by5 and multiply by 1 rule AC.Thank you so much.So I wont pay anything more than 5 lacs for the .240 then.
Mack The Knife, can you let me know where I can advertise for the DBBL rifle?I have already put up a request in the wanted section.Help me out here please.Since you guys are more enthusiastic and have more knowledge about guns than me, you will have contacts of people who deal with these things
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:00 pm
by Mack The Knife
I know a few people who have double rifles but none of them have indicated that they would like to sell. All I can do is keep an eye open on your behalf.
Other than the target shooting site (forget its name), this is the only other Indian shooting site that I know off.
Have you thought of putting a small ad in popular newspapers in some of the metros?
Mack The Knife
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:08 pm
by HydNawab
Thank you Mack The Knife that will be a great help.
Re: H&H Double rifle
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:07 am
by Mack The Knife
I am sending you a PM. Please call the person, he may be able to put you onto a few double rifles.
Good luck!
Mack The Knife
Re: H&H Double rifle
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:03 am
by Grumpy
Why is 20 Lacs ( Rs 2,000,000 right ? ) so unreasonable ? I make that rather less than £24,000 which is around a third of what a new gun would cost. If the guns are in exceptional condition ( which this pair obviously are not ) they could easily be worth £24,000 on the international market........which is just about everywhere except India.
It seems that the artificially high prices generated by the `closed` Indian market doesn`t extend to very high value guns.
Something that has to be mentioned is that the condition estimates offered on guns in India are invariably hopelessly optimistic.
By the way: All things being equal - model. condition, etc - a .375 H&H would be worth rather more tham a .240.
Re: H&H Double rifle
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:37 am
by penpusher
Indian mkt in firearms defies all logic.So you have a mass produced handgun like a S&W .357 mag going for about $12,000 while a double rifle by H&H in a decent condition in a caliber for which ammo is not available here, goes for half that price or even less.A fellow bought a double rifle by William Evans(I forget the caliber) for 50,000/- last year.The rifle was in a fairly good condition.Clean bores and tight action.
Re: H&H Double rifle
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:05 am
by HydNawab
Hi guys
I received information for H&H yesterday regarding the two double rifles.
Rifle History
1.Calibre: .375H&H Flanged Nitro Express
Model: Royal Hammerless Ejector
Barrel Length: 26 inches
Regulated: 270 gr Bullet @ 50/200 x 350 x 500 yds
Stock Length: 14¾ inches
Year of Manufacture: 22 May 1916
Weight: 9lb 15½oz
Additional Information: Top lever, Treble grip action, Pistol handgrip & cheekpiece, Recoil heelplate,
No loops for sling, Standard with two leaf rear sight.
Best finish and gold oval.
Fitted with new barrels by Holland & Holland in 1950.
2.Calibre: .240 H&H Flanged Nitro Express
Model: Royal Hammerless Ejector
Barrel Length: 25 inches
Regulated: 100grs @ 50/200 x 500 yds
Stock Length: 14 3/8 inches
Year of Manufacture: 14th March 1921
Weight: 7lb 13oz
Additional Information: Detachable locks, Top Lever, Automatic safety, Treble grip, Pistol grip with cap box. Cheekpiece, Vulcanite heel plate and scored. Telescopic sights – recticule and magnification unknown.
Standard fixed sight with one folding leaf.
PS I have given a very substantial offer to the seller and have asked him to make a decision before the 1st of May.Keeping my fingers crossed.Used Vikrams formula.
Re: H&H Double rifle
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:54 pm
by Vikram
You mean Art Collector's formula.

All the best Ashar.Hope you get this beauty in your hands.Then you can post your pics posing with them for all of us to cheer you.
Re: H&H Double rifle
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:16 pm
by HydNawab
Sorry my mistake.AC's formula.
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 6:04 am
by Vikram
Can any one point me to a .375 double rifle in good condition under 1 lakh? I will try my best to get one.I am not contesting that claim.Simply, a new interest is sparked.Thanks.
Re: H&H Double rifle
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:08 am
by Risala
Arent there any Doubles available in a Cal for which ammo is easily available in India.
Just curious,and if around 1 L would be definitely intrested.
Re: H&H Double rifle
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:25 am
by HydNawab
I agree with apex shooter.I have found out that the guns have been with him since the past 2 years and he has some problem exporting it.May be its the same reason which Apex Shooter mentioned.
I am trying some other sources and also I am trying to put some pressure on him who is very influential.I want to get that gun by hook or by crook.The 240 I mean.Lets see how things work out.