Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

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Mack The Knife
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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:48 am

Zulu: Depending on the distance one flips-up the appropriate leaf. For lateral adjustment, the front sight can be drifted to the left or right.

Ashok: Thanks and it's high time we met. I also need to relieve you of a bag of Assam's finest. ;)

James: Thanks for the link but that is not the sort of hood I am looking for. If ever you come across one that resembles the one in the pictures on this post, please let me know.

Herb: Thanks once again for a detailed reply. I am now begining to realise why the collection of Oberndorf Mausers would interest so many people - "Darling! My Type A has a lever release for the floor plate and I need another with the release in the trigger guard."
although marketed as Type A the factory designation was "Normal Hunting Rifle Type E".
I suppose that explains the 'E' I have seen in the inletting. Do the books say anything about why it was marketed as Type A, rather than the factory designation of Type E?

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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by penpusher » Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:34 pm

Nice rifle Mack The Knife,I wish I had your luck in finding one.Enjoy it.

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Post by Sakobav » Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:39 pm

I thinks its the guns that find you rather than other way around. It reminds me of my late uncle's 8 mm Mauser. I just hope family hasnt sold it in Sirsa.


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Post by The Doc » Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:44 pm

ngrewal";p="65198 wrote: I just hope family hasnt sold it in Sirsa.
In case they want to , I am just a few miles away. :mrgreen:


It's always better to have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it !

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Post by Sakobav » Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:50 pm


I sincerely hope not has been a while since I met them.

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Post by monty3006 » Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:30 pm

Rusty Banana,
That will make u a mauser lover like Moi.

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Post by z375 » Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:02 pm

[quote="monty3006";p="65223"]Rusty Banana,
Good Lord! I was laughing out loud in office!! ROTFL :clap:
"With solid bullets on heavy animals such as elephant, rhino and buffalo this power is quite apparent but is not so obvious as when soft-nose bullets are being used, say, lion, particularly when is a case of stopping a charge : the .404 will stop him all right, but will seldom crumple him quite so completely as will the .416" -- John Taylor, Big Game and Big Game Rifles, (Ch. IX)

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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by Anand » Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:43 pm

Rustum, congratulations!
What a piece. I just have to say you are one lucky guy to find the Mauser in such good condition and that too it has not been modified in anyway.

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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by timmy » Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:34 am

Your quest for the perfect bolt action has ended, Mauser (original Oberndorf sporter) is a giant among giants as far as rifles go. If you can own only one gun for the rest of your life, this should be it. I will not even try to say anything about the 30-06, there is nothing to say that has not been said before, it is a legend on its own.
Herb's eloquent words entirely express my sentiments. This rifle is a true treasure.

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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by Mack The Knife » Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:20 pm

penpusher";p="65197 wrote:Nice rifle Mack The Knife,I wish I had your luck in finding one.Enjoy it.

You could always add your name to the list of interested buyers. You're number 7. When it reaches 20 I will hold a raffle at Rs.50,000.00 per ticket. :p

On a serious note, if I find a Sauer 202 Takedown in .30-06 in mint condition I would be very tempted to do a part exchange with cash my way.

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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by Mack The Knife » Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:44 pm

Anand, Timmy and Monty, thanks.

Now, another question. Does anyone know where I can get a similar looking stock? I do not want to alter the original but if I had another I can free float the barrel and / or glass bed the action. This would also protect the original from any unforseen accidents.

I definitely do not want any space age looking stocks such as the one from Advanced Technologies with the integral scope rail and neither am I interested in getting one custom made. Something along the lines and price of what is available at www.rifle-stocks.com should be fine. So, if you come across one for a large ring Mauser please let me know.


Mack The Knife


Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by penpusher » Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:02 pm

Mack The Knife Bana";p="65360 wrote:
penpusher";p="65197 wrote:Nice rifle Mack The Knife,I wish I had your luck in finding one.Enjoy it.

You could always add your name to the list of interested buyers. You're number 7. When it reaches 20 I will hold a raffle at Rs.50,000.00 per ticket. :p

On a serious note, if I find a Sauer 202 Takedown in .30-06 in mint condition I would be very tempted to do a part exchange with cash my way.
Never said that I wanted to buy your rifle.

In India,a Remington 700BDL or a Winchester Model 70 in 30-06 would sell for almost double a Mauser(A,B,C,D does not matter) in the same condition.

A mint condition rifle,any make,would cost more than your Mauser.

Strange but true :lol:


Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by penpusher » Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:29 pm

BTW,if this is an original Obdernorf, are there any duplicate ones also :?: :lol:

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Post by eljefe » Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:25 pm

after all is said and done, I'm sure a lot was DONE to get the rifle onto its mouth watering avatar Mack The Knife.Enjoy and god bless
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Post by herb » Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:08 am

PP - Mauser mainly produced rifles for military use, Mauser rifles were used by majority of the armed forces around the world during the first half of the last century. Most good guns today are some kind of modified Mauser action including Win 70, Dakota, Ruger, H&H, Rigby etc. The Mauser factory did make some rifles in sporting configuration which are know as Original Oberndorf sporter and are valued by collectors. No more of these rifles will be made so the value and nostalgia to Mauser collectors. Many people convert military Mausers to sporters and these too are Mauser sporters but not one made originally by Mauser in a sporting configuration.

Below is the picture of one of my guns converted from a military mauser, and for hunting it will be as good as any other gun on the market but at end of the day it is just a modified military rifle and there are thousands of them around. Can you call it a duplicate? I don't know because this action is also made by Mauser.




It is entirely up to an individual what the value of a product is for him, an off the shelf new synthetic Remington costing $450 will be more accurate than a Type A and makes more sense as a hunting rifle, but there are people willing to pay $5000 for an Oberndorf sporter which in most case they will never even shoot once. It all depends on demand and supply and value for a any given purchaser.

For example my 6 year old sons $15 Casio is more accurate than my $4500 mechanical Omega Titanium Chrono. From just time keeping point of view the Casio makes more sense because quartz are inherently more accurate than mechanical movements and it can be argued that the Casio is a better watch as it is more accurate. The battery in the Casio has died and it will be thrown away but I will cherish the Omega and pass it on to my son when he grows up. If watches are just tools to keep time, $20 is too high to pay for the Omega when there is a Casio available for $15.


So it all depends, in India where a nice Remington is as scarce or rare as a Mauser Type A both are equally valuable or the Remington is better and it makes perfect sense for a buyer to pay more for a Remington or Win 70. In countries where every gun shop has at least 15 Remingtons on the shelf at any given time and it takes months or years before you see a good original Mauser sporter for sale, things are different and that too only if you are a Mauser collector. I have hunter friends who would any day take a plastic stocked Stevens over a Mauser Type A, but then for them gun is just a tool to bring the meat home.

Last edited by herb on Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:13 am, edited 3 times in total.

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