Rechambering 7.9 werke mauser to 8mm?

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Re: Rechambering 7.9 werke mauser to 8mm?

Post by amjadkarim16 » Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:50 am

I saw the posts at 2.50am and felt so happy after seeing posts.Wont be doing anything to it.
Suggest shall i use sand paper on the metal parts and clean it and then bluing or browning.Whatever you suggest.
I will just now edit the subject of my post and remove rechambering.
Thanks dear.
I will keep the rifle as I know how I got it.Kind of precious catch you can say.

What description of purchase you need.I will tell you every detail.

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Re: Rechambering 7.9 werke mauser to 8mm?

Post by TwoRivers » Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:24 am

Amjad: Before you go sandpapering your rifle, try some steel wool and WD-40. Hard to judge by the pics, but it looks like fine surface rust or congealed and oxydized oil. Should clean right up with a bit of elbow grease. Cheers.

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Re: Rechambering 7.9 werke mauser to 8mm?

Post by MoA » Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:00 am


Please do not change the stock. Part of the charm of the rifle.

There are plenty of websites which will walk you though on how to disassemble the rifle. Your's will clean up very easily with kerosene and patches as well as a little steel wool. When you do disassemble the bolt, do not remove the spring from the firing pin.
Some elsbow grease and she will be rejuvenated. Personally I wouldnt bother having it re-blued. No point, and takes away from its charachter.

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Re: Rechambering 7.9 werke mauser to 8mm?

Post by amjadkarim16 » Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:20 am

MoA wrote:Amjad,

Please do not change the stock. Part of the charm of the rifle.

There are plenty of websites which will walk you though on how to disassemble the rifle. Your's will clean up very easily with kerosene and patches as well as a little steel wool. When you do disassemble the bolt, do not remove the spring from the firing pin.
Some elsbow grease and she will be rejuvenated. Personally I wouldnt bother having it re-blued. No point, and takes away from its charachter.
I will exactly go by your suggestion and also of Mr two rivers and mr CZ.
But honestly I am touched that how people who are not known to you put in so much effort in finding data for a stranger and then giving such detailed suggestions.
I thank all of you.I wont even remove a screw without your consultations.
Will tell you bit detail about why it looks so rough from outside and also how this rifle came to india and then me,
In a hour i will be posting agaian .got to go out.

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Re: Rechambering 7.9 werke mauser to 8mm?

Post by eljefe » Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:40 pm

I dont think it would be a wise idea for anyone to travel to J&K with any ammo, how ever genuine your cause is
google 'chamber casting with sulfur'-am sure you can get sulfur to melt and pour in the chamber to get a mold of the chamber, which you can compare with a case or a bullet and confirm for yourself about it being a 7.92 mauser;Its quite simple and safe.
and, use lots of steel wool.We hope to see you in a couple of weeks :D with more pics
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Re: Rechambering 7.9 werke mauser to 8mm?

Post by amjadkarim16 » Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:52 pm

Hello all,
I opened the rifle today by opening just two screws on the trigger guard plate and then I saw a lot of markings when wood was separated.I have taken pictures of all marking with my cell camera but I used a magnifying glass in order to bolden the markings. I think these will help in further shedding some light on it

-- Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:54 pm --

more pictures

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Re: Rechambering 7.9 werke mauser to 8mm?

Post by shooter50 » Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:20 pm

I would agree with what Two Rivers said. If it can chamber the 8 x 57 round go ahead and shoot it provided the barrel and action are good. Forget about the difference between 7.92 and 8 mm, its a whole load of nonsense.
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Re: Rechambering 7.9 werke mauser to 8mm?

Post by amjadkarim16 » Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:20 pm

I posted the same info. on some other forum as suggested by one IFGian.Got mixed suggestions.Some said safe to shoot 8mm and some said check barrel for exact bore.moreover am trying to arrange 8x57mm ammo.
Regards amjad

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Re: Rechambering 7.9 werke mauser to 8mm?

Post by TwoRivers » Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:59 am

Amjad: No need to check for the exact groove diameter, it's going to be .323-.325". The rifle is chambered for the 7.92mm German military cartridge (since 1903), aka 8x57 S, or 8x57 IS. Or simply "8mm Mauser". No ifs or buts about it.
As I said, no more nonsense has been written about any other cartridge by our American writers. And that is what you will pick up on forums. Regards.

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Re: Rechambering 7.9 werke mauser to 8mm?

Post by eljefe » Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:16 pm

Ah, lots of steel wool and kerosene oil, I see! happy scrubbing
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."

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