I note that this thread was first started in Nov 2010.
A lot of water has flown down the Ganges since then

And in that period of time, many many knowledgeable shooters have realised what a tremendous rifle the IOF 30-06 is.
I have rarely come across a rifle that shoots the lights out straight from the box as this rifle does. Half a minute of an angle with S & B match ammo is the norm.
With an adjustable trigger, hard chrome plated barrel that cleans out in seconds, for the price it cannot be beaten.
Yes, there are issues of feeding, smoothness of action, force of closing bolt . Most savvy gun owners are able to rectify these in less than Rs 10,000.
The wood can be changed and the price would depend upon the grade selected and level of workmanship desired.
Of course one can still look down on this great rifle and buy something else from the market. Starting prices of used 30-06 rifles is about Rs 5 lacs, and I doubt if any will outshoot the IOF.

Encouraging our local gunsmiths need not be frowned upon, maybe we should consider nurturing and encouraging them.