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Post by jonahpach » Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:31 pm

cottage cheese wrote:
TRX wrote:Is there some place where an INSAS user's or armorer's manual might be found online?
Highly unlikely. No one in the forces have ever seen one either.
actually there is an armourers manual! Both in English and Devnagiri.. Had Ideas of scanning it and posting it online but the copyright warning on the cover page put me off! Will post pictures of the books ;-)
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Post by TRX » Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:36 am

Since my chances of being able to acquire a real INSAS are basically zero, I'm trying to collect enough information to build a replica. CC's breakdown was very helpful, but I could still use some more pictures of the rear sight block and gas block.

The most complex part looks like it would be the rear sight block and cocking handle. I have the capability of making or modifying the metal parts as needed, but I would probably have to do the furniture in wood and declare it "close enough."

There are some rifles that diverge at least as far from the basic Kalashnikov AKM - the Valmet, PSL, and the Saigas come to mind - but they're also quite well known and well-documented. Heck, there's even a reasonable amount of information about the South African CR-21, and those never actually went into production.

By contrast, the INSAS is almost unknown outside of India, and almost all the useful information about them (that I've found, anyway) is in a couple of threads right here.

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Post by jonahpach » Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:24 pm

Here's some more pictures for y'all.. Dont have pics of the rear sight but it is a bad copy of the M1 carbine rear sight..

Scrap grade cast aluminium Butt plate.. Needs a heavy screwdriver to pry open up the tool recess!

LHS (View of the cocking bolt)

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Post by nagarifle » Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:27 am

hi Jonah please tell me in the pic above the rifle with the bolt action with a scope mounted on top. how the heck do you get the clip of ammo in the meg? ROTFL

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Post by jonahpach » Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:40 am

one at a time..
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Post by dev » Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:36 pm

that insaas almost looked like someone else :D
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Post by jonahpach » Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:39 pm

naahh devji
Just a lousy 315 made to look like the other.. :wink:
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Post by sayareakd » Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:55 pm

i found this pic of INSAS with modifications made by Israeli's Image
Shot at 2010-08-19

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Post by msandhu » Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:06 am

sayareakd wrote:i found this pic of INSAS with modifications made by Israeli's [ Image ]
Shot at 2010-08-19
That's a weird looking gun..are you sure its INSAS..If it is INSAS, what are Israeli's doing with it ?

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Post by cottage cheese » Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:11 am

Just a pimp job to 'sex-up' a turkey.... speaking of turkeys... the Grenade launcher is originally a Turkish based on the M203.... the fancy sights are ...well the receiver cover has some rudimentary rails so....

One needn't get too excited about Israeli cooperation. IOFB has this live-in relation ship with the israelis which led to a tepid attempt to manufacture a Tavor variant (Zittara) at SAF Kanpur...Perhaps even a few examples of the Negev LMG.

Underneath all the fancy doodats, its still the same old masterpiece of sarkari Ironmongery.

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Post by sayareakd » Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:40 pm

cottage cheese wrote:Just a pimp job to 'sex-up' a turkey.... speaking of turkeys... the Grenade launcher is originally a Turkish based on the M203.... the fancy sights are ...well the receiver cover has some rudimentary rails so....

One needn't get too excited about Israeli cooperation. IOFB has this live-in relation ship with the israelis which led to a tepid attempt to manufacture a Tavor variant (Zittara) at SAF Kanpur...Perhaps even a few examples of the Negev LMG.

Underneath all the fancy doodats, its still the same old masterpiece of sarkari Ironmongery.

Please go through the two link given below ... od_imi.pdf ... guttel.pdf


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Post by cottage cheese » Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:07 am

Still ain't getting switched on by that ..... similar technologies have been in development since the early nineties. In any case the contraption can be mounted on any gun...even a .303 or IHP national airgun as long as the appropriate mounting rails are fitted. As good or bad as the contraption is, the INSAS underneath remains the same toottey-toot.

Also note that the brochure dates back to Defexpo 2006.... nothing has happened since...all I see are a handful of Tavors.

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Post by 17H » Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:26 am

Most INSAS are still usable due to highly competent armourers of the EME and the fact that troops shoot thousands of rounds on the range to smooth out the aberrations. Though it cannot be said to be the most effective even when it is firing properly.

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Post by nagarifle » Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:06 am

17H wrote:Most INSAS are still usable due to highly competent armourers of the EME and the fact that troops shoot thousands of rounds on the range to smooth out the aberrations. Though it cannot be said to be the most effective even when it is firing properly.
beggars have no choice in the matter :|

try to use that ugly contraption, over dressed, better of with M16/203 combo

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Post by TRX » Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:09 pm

jonahpach wrote:Scrap grade cast aluminium Butt plate.. Needs a heavy screwdriver to pry open up the tool recess!
Interesting. That buttplate appears to be exactly the same as the SMLE No.1 Mk3 buttplate laying on my workbench.

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