My Rifle Collection

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My Rifle Collection

Post by Drunknhappy » Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:27 am

In order top to bottom

air rifle
AK-47 semi auto
xm-15 semi auto
12 GA 18 inch barrel shotgun with top folding stock
.22 rifle
8 mm mauser
12 GA single shot
.50 cal Magnum muzzle loader

I couldnt fit some others on the bed
but I also have another
12 GA with pistol grip
another air rifle black stock

and my pistol collection will be in the next set.


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Re: My Rifle Collection

Post by timmy » Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:53 am

Drunknhappy: That's a very nice collection you've got there! I am particularly partial to the SKS! You have enough to keep you happily shooting for some time!

We know what that means -- what's next on your list!


Thanks for sharing -- looking forward to the handguns.
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Re: My Rifle Collection

Post by brijendra » Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:41 am

superb gun collection !!! I have only one query -that , how did you manage to get licence for all these guns <especially in india> or keep it without trouble ????? :cheers:
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Re: My Rifle Collection

Post by Drunknhappy » Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:05 pm

This is my collection from my university days in the US. Today in the US I have around 30 guns. I am planning on moving to India in the next month or so on TR and planning on importing a HK .40 pistol. My lawyer in India is working on the license.

I consider being in the US lucky for the following reasons.
1. I have a lifetime handgun license that makes me legal in around 30 states.
2. I was able to take multiple tactical combat courses along with learing how to shoot and control full autos.
3. I learnt how to reload ammuntion and have a complete four stage press at home, I am able to load any center fire quickly as it got very expensive buying ammo at the rate I was practicing.
4. I was able to customize my carry gun a Springfield 1911 Custom with a complete jarvis conversion kit, replaced all springs with match grade and a custom 2 pound trigger job. Not to forget the cool competition novak sights.

Collection, modification and shooting cost me quite a fortune, but oh well it was all worth it.

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Re: My Rifle Collection

Post by MoA » Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:35 pm

Cool collection.
How do you like your inline .50?
Waht kind of a progressive do you have? I have been considering one, but cant make up my mind.
Importing the .40 might be a poor choice in India given the scarcity of ammo, might be a big damper. Also the ammo quota's are fairly restrictive and hence might put a damper on the shooting front.

What calibers do you load for?

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Re: My Rifle Collection

Post by Drunknhappy » Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:02 pm

The inline .50 is a great gun. I love it. Being Magnum capable it is able to take a maximum charge of 150 grain magnum pellets.
There are times when I like to measure out my charge and use FFG Powder. I would rather use PowerBelt bullets as they provide a better gas seal giving consistent pressure and dont dirty the barrel as much as traditional rounds.

If you get a muzzle loader its all about gaining access to blackpowder and primers in this case. If you are using lead bullets you could cast it yourself if you really wanted to.

I shoot a lot of pistol rounds so I used to reload .40 and .45. later I stopped shooting .40 and increased shooting .45 as it cost me approx the same per round and I carried a .45. Better to get more practice with the gun you carry. By the way it takes me about 20 mins to load 50 rounds with a 4 stage press. and it saves me about 20 - 30 % depending on how much I can get the powder and bullets for. As for the brass I have a tumbler to clean and polish it.

Only if you shoot more than 200 rounds per month go into reloading or the savings are really not worth the time, effort and initial investment.


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Re: My Rifle Collection

Post by MoA » Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:13 pm

What BP do you use? I tend to stick with Swiss FFFG for my cap and ball revolvers. Do you make your own lube?
As for reloading I do use a single stage currently, and could load 50 rounds in 20 minutes if I was in a hurry.
For cleaning I use a tumbler with a mix of corn cob and walnut for my non-precision ammo. For cleaning the precision stuff I use an ultrasound, though the brass is not as shiny it is a lot cleaner.
I was looking at a progressive primarily for 9mm. For the .40 the issue remians the Glock chamber, and the lack of carbide bulge remover.
When I do get the chance to shoot, I tend to go significantly over 200 rounds a session.
When I do carry, it is normally a Cz a 75, which despite being a full size pistol is fairly easy to conceal.

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Re: My Rifle Collection

Post by Drunknhappy » Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:28 pm

I dont make my own lube, I just use the ones available at the time, not too picky about it. As for powder percussion revolvers, most single shot pistols and rifles under .45 cal use FFFG. As for Larger .45 and higher cal rifles and 12, 16 and 20 Ga muzzle loading shotguns work better with FFG.

If you want to use FG.. look for a 10, 8 or 4 GA shotgun or a dang cannon.

As for FFFFG is only used for priming flintlocks.

My carry gun is a Custom 1911 with a feather trigger. Breathe on the trigger and it will go bang. 2# smooth pull with no creep. Its my baby.


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Re: My Rifle Collection

Post by MoA » Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:53 pm

I have always been hesitant to carry a pistol with a hair trigger.

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