The inline .50 is a great gun. I love it. Being Magnum capable it is able to take a maximum charge of 150 grain magnum pellets.
There are times when I like to measure out my charge and use FFG Powder. I would rather use PowerBelt bullets as they provide a better gas seal giving consistent pressure and dont dirty the barrel as much as traditional rounds.
If you get a muzzle loader its all about gaining access to blackpowder and primers in this case. If you are using lead bullets you could cast it yourself if you really wanted to.
I shoot a lot of pistol rounds so I used to reload .40 and .45. later I stopped shooting .40 and increased shooting .45 as it cost me approx the same per round and I carried a .45. Better to get more practice with the gun you carry. By the way it takes me about 20 mins to load 50 rounds with a 4 stage press. and it saves me about 20 - 30 % depending on how much I can get the powder and bullets for. As for the brass I have a tumbler to clean and polish it.
Only if you shoot more than 200 rounds per month go into reloading or the savings are really not worth the time, effort and initial investment.