Too late

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Too late

Post by herb » Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:48 pm

Any practical purpose? Looks like a couple of million years too late as the Dino's are all long gone, and there are better anti-tank armament out there. ... piece.html

2500gr bullet compared to the 300gn bullet of a .375 H&H, in the video's the shooter is in no position for a follow up shot. A followup may never be needed unless the shooter entirely misses the animal due to fear of the recoil.

Last edited by herb on Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Too late

Post by xl_target » Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:50 pm

In anticipation of the movie Jurassic World? :)


There's all the people gearing up for the Zombie invasion, why not get ready for the Dinosaurs? ROTFL
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Re: Too late

Post by timmy » Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:49 am

Looking at those cartridges reminds me of watching an episode of a TV show in the USA called "Pawn Stars." This episode featured a guy with an old 42mm field piece, and the rounds that guy is holding in his hands in your link, Herb, don't look much different than the ones being fired in that field piece!

Thre is always an opportunity, market to types who aspire to have the biggest and/or most powerful. I'm sure that there are a number of reasons for such a desire, but the one I often think about might be called "compensation," if you get my drift.

But to try to be more charitable, I'd observe that a number of things that I do are viewed as silly or foolish by others, so I suppose that letting others experience the joys of owning and shooting this thing is something I can allow them to enjoy in peace, and without excessive interest on my part.

On the other hand, I did enjoy the Pawn Stars episode where the 42mm field piece was fired.

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Re: Too late

Post by astronomy.domaine » Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:41 pm

[quote= I'm sure that there are a number of reasons for such a desire, but the one I often think about might be called "compensation," if you get my drift[/quote]

LMAO..[emoji38] . 'Compensation' indeed!..!!!
However, Americans(no offence) are said to have a penchant for everything big (cars, ships, guns, buildings etc). Wonder how much of that can be attributed to the 'compensation' theory.! [emoji13]
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Re: Too late

Post by herb » Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:25 am

timmy wrote:
But to try to be more charitable, I'd observe that a number of things that I do are viewed as silly or foolish by others, so I suppose that letting others experience the joys of owning and shooting this thing is something I can allow them to enjoy in peace, and without excessive interest on my part.

On the other hand, I did enjoy the Pawn Stars episode where the 42mm field piece was fired.

Timmy - Agree , our inherent desire to have something different, very reason I mentioned "practical purpose'. Very unpractical to lug around a 50/100 lb rifle for hunting, even on the range I will not shoot that baby with out the fear of developing a flinch and ruining my shooting.

I too love Pawn stars, specially when a rusty antique firearm is found in a forgotten locker and the quest for its history/value.


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