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My defensive pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:06 am
by rpm148
I was asked to post some photos of my handguns, so let's begin...

This first one is my pride and joy. It was a 30th birthday present from my wonderful wife, who has really come full circle in her opinion on guns since we've been married. I did a great deal of research, and decided I wanted a large caliber semi-automatic combat pistol. The first decision was Polymer or Steel. I decided that I like the extra weight of steel, as well as the ability, if out of bullets and unable to reload, to engage in hand-to-hand combat and use the pistol itself as a striking weapon. The other thing I decided is that for accuracy and light trigger pull, I wanted a single action semi-automatic. As many of you can guess, the natural choice for me was the 1911 platform. Then came the question of specifications. I decided I wanted match grade components, tritium night sights, and an integral picatinny rail for mounting a tactical light or laser. The options were the Kimber Warrior, Taurus PT1911, or the Springfield Operator. After much research, I fell in love with the Springfield Loaded MC Operator for one reason above all--reliability. Chatting with many soldiers and law enforcement officers who carry this as their duty pistol, they told me that they had fired upwards of 25000 rounds of all different types of 45acp ammunition without a single fail to extract or fail to feed malfunction. If nothing else, a defensive pistol must be reliable. That, and this one looks pretty mean. The price tag was relatively steep for a production 1911 ($1300), but my wife told me to spend whatever I wanted since it was a birthday gift. My best friend then gave me three 8 round Chip McCormick PowerMags, which are top of the line, and I bought a few holsters for it.

The Specs on the pistol are as follows:

Match Grade Barrel and Bushing
Match Trigger with 4.5 lb pull
Beavertail safety
Ambidextrous Thumb safeties
lanyard loop
NO Integrated Locking System :D
Novak Low Profile Tritium Night Sights
Front Cocking Serrations
Integrated Picatinny Rail
Polished Feed Ramp
Lowered and Flared Ejection Port

Weight Unloaded: 42 oz (~1.1 Kg)

It's pretty heavy with 9 rounds of 230 gr. JHP Ammunition, so I bought a Browning Hi Power MkIII for EDC. I will post photos of that baby as soon as I get a chance to take some hi quality ones.

I'm not having any luck with embedding the photos--can someone provide me with instructions on how to post them in this forum? I use Picasa to store most of my online photos. ... directlink ... directlink

Re: My defensive pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:12 am
by MoA
Its a nice gun. You might want to have the trigger lightened. :cheers:

Re: My defensive pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:16 am
by OverUnderPump
Hi Mate,

You have a beauty there, here are your pics.

I have used but you can try with flickr,photobucket you name it. A HTML code snippet is usually provided by the site which you can embed in message boards/forums to display the pictures at runtime.

Woopics is no longer available. :(


Re: My defensive pistol

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 2:58 am

It looks like a Taurus.

Re: My defensive pistol

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:50 pm
by weapon247
A very nice 1911 indeed unfortunately we only have access to taurus made or chinese made 1911 here!! :D

Re: My defensive pistol

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:45 am
by xl_target
Very Nice!