I'm here for the first time. Please let me know if I bring a handgun (pistol/revolver) back to India under 'Transfer of residence', what would be the practical choice - based on caliber, durability and service as this could be done only once in a lifetime ? I'm thinking about either Sig Sauer P232 or Beretta 81FS Cheetah, both in .32 ACP. Please advise and thanks in anticipation.
With regards,
Raj Chaudhuri
Re: Practical 'Transfer of residence' Handgun
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:10 am
by Drunknhappy
They are both great guns considering the easy access to ammo. As for me I am a fan of larger cal pistols. As I visit the US every 2 months I can shoot in the US and save my ammo in India. By the way where are you from ??
Re: Practical 'Transfer of residence' Handgun
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:13 am
by MoA
A .357 is always good and in demand. Anything in .32 is easy to get ammo for as well.
Re: Practical 'Transfer of residence' Handgun
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:37 am
by raj.chaudhuri
Hi Friends,
Thanks for your kind replies. I'm from Stockholm, Sweden. Waiting for more info.
Re: Practical 'Transfer of residence' Handgun
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:36 am
by nagarifle
please check out the legal section as we already have a very healthy thread running there. so no need to start a new one.
Re: Practical 'Transfer of residence' Handgun
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:01 pm
by Amit357
Hi Raj,like MoA said,get a .357 Mag,see if you can get a Desert Eagle there,the one with a spare barrel,you can get the ammo here its a bit expensive but in comparision to 32 imported ammo the diffrence isnt much.I am sure you wont be using KF ammo in your SIG/Beretta,so its not much. A 357 Mag with a longer spare barrel is not a handgun its a bloody Rifle.All the best,Amit
Re: Practical 'Transfer of residence' Handgun
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:23 pm
by brijendra
go for sig pistol ...rest for the legal part check the legal section
Re: Practical 'Transfer of residence' Handgun
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:22 pm
by winnie_the_pooh
Practical pistol on TR
If you want a pistol get one in .380 ACP .Ammo is available though a bit pricey.Considering that you are going to be limited to max 50 in a year,that is not a problem.If you have the option of getting a pistol in .32 or in .380 I would go with the .380.
If you are looking at getting a revolver get one in .327.
Re: Practical 'Transfer of residence' Handgun
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:21 pm
by The Doc
Raj Chaudhuri ,
If I were you , I would listen to winnie_the_pooh .
good luck,
Re: Practical 'Transfer of residence' Handgun
Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:51 am
by winnie_the_pooh
Ruger in .327 Federal Mag. You have the option of three cartridges .327 Fed Mag,.32 H&R Mag and .32 S&W Long.I am sure it would be able to fire the .32 S&W as well.
In case of a pistol I would try to get the Glock Model 25 in .380 ACP (get at least three mags)
Have no idea if any of them are available in Sweden
As far as getting a .357 mag revolver is concerned,ammo is hard to get and when you do get it,the price is going to hurt your pocket at Rs.400-600/- a pop
Re: Practical 'Transfer of residence' Handgun
Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:14 am
by xl_target
I like Winnie idea of the Ruger in .327 mag. Very versatile.
Since you're in Europe, another neat little pistol to consider is Walther's new PK380 in .380 auto.
They are also reasonably priced.
Keep in mind that you need to have owned the weapon for a year prior to bringing it under TR if I remember correctly. Also given that you are Sweden, you might find buying a gun a little difficult. At the very least you need to join a shooting club. I am not intimately familliar with the law in Sweden, but my suspicion is that the process of acquiring a license might be time consuming though simple.
I know that in a number of EU countries you need to display proficiency over a six month period before a pistol license will be issued. But thankfully you're not in the UK where Pistols are banned and the UK Shooting team actually has to practise in France or Belgium.
Re: Practical 'Transfer of residence' Handgun
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:33 pm
by raj.chaudhuri
Thanks a lot guys for all your responses. My best wishes to you all.
-- Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:17 pm --
Since one can only import one gun in his lifetime as 'transfer of residence', do you think it's a good idea to buy a polymer frame gun ? I personally think a stainless steel pistol or revolver will serve better than a polymer one on durability count. Another thing I would like to know which one is easily repairable in India - pistols or revolvers ? Friends , what do you say? Best wishes...
Re: Practical 'Transfer of residence' Handgun
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:01 pm
by grewal
raj.chaudhuri wrote:Another thing I would like to know which one is easily repairable in India - pistols or revolvers ? Friends , what do you say? Best wishes...
With state of the art Jugaad Technology available in India , repairing wont be a problem.