Springfield xD

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Springfield xD

Post by itins » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:16 pm

Hi guys

I need some help with choosing a pistol for me and my father. Basically we are property developers and now feel the need to have a pistol with us since sometimes we need to carry a fair bit of cash with us.

I have been researching on-line and feel something similar to Springfield xD will be a good choice and it also offers quite a bit of safety features. But i have no record of a gun except shooting few air soft guns.

Where can i find one in Punjab, I am willing to travel up to delhi, if need be and what sort of price should i be looking at.


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Re: Springfield xD

Post by Vikram » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:29 pm

Welcome to IFG.That is a very good choice as I like it a lot.Unfortunately, we cannot import firearms except for a few exceptions like renowned sport shooters. Since, many of us are not, we cannot import.

In your case, an IOF made .32 revolver/pistol would just do a dandy.Not very expensive (if you can really get an XD in India,it would cost you no less than 12-15 lakhs of rupeeahs) and reasonably reliable.

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Re: Springfield xD

Post by tingriman » Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:13 pm

hi itins,

wellcome to IFG,
Springfield is very good choice, but i fear, they may not be available in India also, the choice of calibre may be a problem for you to select as they produce pistol in 9 mmp, .40, .45, and .357 sig. I am not sure if it is available in .32 or .380 acp


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Re: Springfield xD

Post by to_saptarshi » Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:06 am

Its good that you do some research before buying a pistol or revolver, springfield is no doubt a good make as others already mentioned to you, but what I think most important is to know how to use your pistol/revolver properly in a life threatning situation. Even a IOF .32 will solve this purpose very nicely and on the other hand a S&W or Pocket Positive has no value other than ornamental if you are unable to use them when they are needed most. No offence to anyone but we often concentrate on fancy names and make,and paying ridiculas amount of money on them but hardly put much effort to sharpenning our shooting or pistol combat skill which is I think most important than make. Since you dont have any previous gun experience , I would suggest you apart from buying a nice revolver or pistol , put equal effort to you skills and gun seafty rules, so that at the time of crisis you can count on whatever you have with you.
Thanks and Regards,

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Re: Springfield xD

Post by Sakobav » Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:29 am

Agree with to_Saptrashi advise "put equal effort to you skills and gun seafty rules, so that at the time of crisis you can count on whatever you have with you." Add to it situational awareness and the local rules. I would also recommend revolver over pistol because of its reliability and ease of maintenance. Especially when one doesnt have adequate training.


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Re: Springfield xD

Post by kanwar76 » Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:30 am

to_saptarshi wrote:Its good that you do some research before buying a pistol or revolver, springfield is no doubt a good make as others already mentioned to you, but what I think most important is to know how to use your pistol/revolver properly in a life threatning situation. Even a IOF .32 will solve this purpose very nicely and on the other hand a S&W or Pocket Positive has no value other than ornamental if you are unable to use them when they are needed most. No offence to anyone but we often concentrate on fancy names and make,and paying ridiculas amount of money on them but hardly put much effort to sharpenning our shooting or pistol combat skill which is I think most important than make. Since you dont have any previous gun experience , I would suggest you apart from buying a nice revolver or pistol , put equal effort to you skills and gun seafty rules, so that at the time of crisis you can count on whatever you have with you.
Nice point Sapta,

I think if somebody regularly practice and is able to empty a magazine on a man size target in one go then he/she don't really need a need a .45. .22 will do good but with ammo quota of 25 rounds per year “Kya nanga nahayega kya nichodega” :mrgreen:

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Re: Springfield xD

Post by itins » Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:51 pm

So its not possible to get something like a Springfield xD or maybe a 1911 ??

How good is ashani .32 compared to 1911 or xD ??

We have a farm house in Rajasthan around 150km from Ganganagar, and I intend to practice shooting but as i understand one is only allowed 25 rounds per year. In that scenario can one source more than allocated rounds ??

Also i had the chance to shoot with a 850 AirMagnum 0.22 and i am wondering how can one import it in india if at all and whether the co2 cartridges (88gram and 12gram) are available for it or refill solutions are available.

Thanks for the help guys.

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Re: Springfield xD

Post by MoA » Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:37 pm

Ashani .32 compared to a 1911, is comparing apples to oranges.

As for ammo quota's well anything is possible .
Airgun... I believe you can import them with a number of restrictions. :cheers:

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Re: Springfield xD

Post by tingriman » Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:38 am

kanwar76 wrote:“Kya nanga nahayega kya nichodega”




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Re: Springfield xD

Post by itins » Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:15 pm

But still any idea for comparison??? I just wanna know how reliable Ashani .32 will be.

And what are the restrictions on these airguns, would an RWS 850 airmagnum be allowed to be imported?


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Re: Springfield xD

Post by Sakobav » Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:40 am


Simply conduct research on the key words on this forum..Search is top right box...you can find all the info for importing air guns and..regarding IOF guns suggest seeking advise from a responsible gun owner on handling and safety...


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Re: Springfield xD

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:15 pm

There is a ban on the import of firearms since 1986.If any Springfield XD has made it's way into the country since 2002,it could have only be brought in on TR.Fireams brought into the country on TR can't be sold during the life time of the importer.So unless some one has brought in a Springfield XD on TR and died after bringing it in,you are unlikely to find any here.

9x19/9mm Para/9mm Luger and .45 ACP are PB's license for which license can only be issued by the centre and only under very limited circumstances for which you are unlikely to qualify.

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