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Pistol explodes in Deputy's hand!
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:09 pm
by xl_target
Re: Pistol explodes in Deputy's hand!
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:59 pm
by MoA
I would put my money on the round being double charged or a squib followed by a normal charge.
Re: Pistol explodes in Deputy's hand!
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 7:07 pm
by tingriman
Another Glock KB. the suspect is bad ammunition. There have been many incidents of KB involving Glocks, interestingly .40, .357, and .45 were the calibre when KB were reported. Many people believe that basically the Glocks were originally designed for 9 mm P, but later on, they included the other calibers, but without modification in basic design. The chamber design, which leaves 2 or more mm of case unsuppoted underneath, is main cause. Some more interesting facts are here:
Re: Pistol explodes in Deputy's hand!
Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:03 pm
by MoA
I personally have never understood the popularity of the Glock. It feels plasticky, not particularly accurate and certainly not a very tight pistol. Compared to a S&W, CZ, Ruger et al it rattles like an old car. Plus I dont trust the unsupported chamber...
What is good for me is the fact that my BIL to be loves Glocks, and is buying mine, for what I paid for it..
I in turn am going to try and get another Cz..

Re: Pistol explodes in Deputy's hand!
Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:06 pm
by tingriman
MoA wrote:It feels plasticky, not particularly accurate and certainly not a very tight pistol. Compared to a S&W, CZ, Ruger et al it rattles like an old car.
Hi MoA,
I differ in the opinion. Glock is very successful weapon system, and I love it simply because it works for me. I found it very accurate, what else you need if you can get .05 inch groups from 35-40 yards. Don't forget Rugger SR 9 mm p also had an issue and were recalled and retro-fitted with new trigger system, which is true copy of Glock. Now there is news of 300 S&W M&P being sent back from SA as they throw the empty cases right at the forehead of the shooter. CZ is a good weapon, but what about its extractor and ejection slots. I think you know about the extractor needing frequent replacement and sometime people complaining the ejection slot being not up to the mark. CZ, now a days, are being manufactured in polymer frames as well and people love them. I am not saying that one weapon system is better than the other. They are tools, and my brother nothing is perfect in this world, the one which works better becomes the right choice
