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Hyderabad - Buying Guide

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:59 pm
by raindance
I am searching for a handgun / pistol in Hyderabad. I am a NRI and have bought some land outside RR District and want to keep a decent gun to deter tresspassers etc. Please advise what the best options would be, where i can buy, how much, what models etc. etc.

Best regards

Re: Hyderabad - Buying Guide

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:25 pm
by Vikram
Welcome to IFG.

Assuming you have a valid license, try to get an IOF .32 pistol or revolver.Should be economical.Still cheaper is a 12 bore SBBL gun from a decent make.

I do not know what's your idea of deterring trespassers on your land.While the right to defend your property is constitutional/legal and your determination really applaudable, please keep in mind that what can be construed as a misuse of a firearm can land you in a lot of unnecessary trouble. You certainly need to "think" a lot on what you will do in a variety of situations with a firearm at hand. This is not to discourage you form owning a gun, but to make you aware of how to use, or not to use in certain situations, it effectively.

Re the rest of your question, please take time and go thorough the forum.There is a lot of information around.


Re: Hyderabad - Buying Guide

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:58 pm
by rcdoma
RD, try

I was impressed by the comments there. Also visit the other local dealers listed in the yellow pages here to see what pistols they have in stock. Post info on the models, condition and prices here so the forum members can help you narrow your choices.

Also keep in mind that a pump action/DBBL shotgun is your best bet for home/property defense. If you are getting a license, you might as well get one for two or three weapons for the same hassle :) Good luck!


Re: Hyderabad - Buying Guide

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:50 pm
by sravanreddy
In my idea if you want to go for a pistol / Revolver then go in for a IOF Revolver / pistol. The other advice is to go in for a 20" DBBL Shotgun. It is the ideal for self defence in India with the No 1, 2 or 4 shot. Use the Shaktiman Riffled Slug to drop a attacker in 30 - 50 yards.

Re: Hyderabad - Buying Guide

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:11 pm
by winnie_the_pooh

You can not lawfully obtain a gun license in India.Only an Indian citizen can do so.A tourist can obtain a license but then only for sport and for no other purpose.

Re: Hyderabad - Buying Guide

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:50 pm
by Anand
Winnie what you said: "can not lawfully obtain a gun license in India.Only an Indian citizen can do so"
is not accurate;

The Law does not say that a license applicant has to be a citizen of India.
The other thing is that, any one who has spent a minimum of (6 months?) continuously abroad is considered an NRI or something like that.
If you are specifically be refering to PIO card holders, then they are not considered NRIs; or if you are talking of Indian passport holders living abroad on Green Cards/Permanent Residence cards, then they may be issued licenses as they are still Indian citizens.

Re: Hyderabad - Buying Guide

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:20 pm
by winnie_the_pooh
If you are a citizen of another country then automatically you are no longer an Indian citizen.If a person is of Indian origin but a citizen of another country he or she can not be issued a license.

It is specifically for this reason that the proposed policy of the MHA has a provision to grant a license on heirloom basis to POI's (persons of Indian origin) but has rejected their demand for a license on any other grounds.