this shows amazing results hitting beyond 30 meters nearly 50 meters. effective range 25 meters.
Re: range of iof revolver
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 12:33 am
by russianshooter3
dsingh wrote: this shows amazing results hitting beyond 30 meters nearly 50 meters. effective range 25 meters.
sir for accuracy test need minimum 5 shot and special target ipsc type
in video its "piu piu piu in jungle" please make new video with better video camera
65 j bullet you can scare the fish in the aquarium!
real effective range does not exceed 7-10 meters when this bullet can stop anyone!
and about effective for self defense in 25 meters
for example, take the traumatic cartridge 18,5x55 bullet weight 13.3-15 grams energy 93-100 j
the bullet of one cartridge weighs as much as 3 bullets of your revolver
at 25 meters has an energy of 80 j may see graph on foto
15 g bullet flown in with an energy of 80 j is very dangerous because it has a high destructive power
your lead revolver's bullet is easily deformed, which reduces its penetration
and powder in iof cartridge veeeeery bad! its piroxilin or smoke powder? see foto from many fog ! its not normal for powder and its very bad quality of powder!
Re: range of iof revolver
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:12 am
by sumbriavikramaditya
dsingh wrote: this shows amazing results hitting beyond 30 meters nearly 50 meters. effective range 25 meters.
This video in no sense demonstrates the effectiveness or accuracy of IOF Revolver.
Re: range of iof revolver
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 4:25 pm
by Shivaji.Dasgupta
What is actually you want to show bro.
i think here you are showing how far this bullet can go and cause harm. but without any target on a blank wall its hard to say anything