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Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:39 pm
by James_Bond
. According to my knowledge There are two version or IOf REvolver First is with 3 inch Barrel wheather it is mark I II III of IV/Nirbheak. and second with 5 Inch barrel Anmol. Than the difference of price/etc are. All the data copy from the ofb site
Difference between these are

1) 0.32" Revlover MK-III(L) Rs 90,000 plus taxes as applicable Rs 1,22,360 (ex-Kanpur) Total price (including taxes)
Factory Address Phone Price w.e.f. 01/07/2013
The General Manager,
Field Gun Factory,
Kalpi Road, Kanpur, UP.
PIN - 208009 0512-2295100-04

2) 0.32" Revlover (Long Barrel) Rs 83,000 plus taxes as applicable Rs 1,12,843 (ex-Kanpur) Total price (including taxes)
Premium version (long barrel) is sold directly from the following factory.
Factory Address Phone Price w.e.f. 01/07/2013
The General Manager,
Small Arms Factory,
Kalpi Road, Kanpur, UP.
PIN - 208009 0512-2295042-46

3) 0.32" Revolver
This weapon is sold directly from the following factories.
Factory Address Phone Price w.e.f. 01/07/2013 Total price (including taxes)
The General Manager,
Field Gun Factory,
Kalpi Road, Kanpur, UP.
PIN - 208009 0512-2295100-04 Rs 63,000 plus taxes as applicable Rs 85,652 (ex-Kanpur)
The General Manager,
Small Arms Factory,
Kalpi Road, Kanpur, UP.
PIN - 208009 0512-2295042-46 Rs 63,000 plus taxes as applicable Rs 85,652 (ex-Kanpur)
The General Manager,
Machine Tool Prototype Factory,
Ambernath, Maharashtra.
PIN - 421502 0251-2610884-87 Rs 63,000 plus taxes as applicable Rs 79,637

4) 0.32" Revlover (MK-IV)
This weapon is sold directly from the following factory.
Factory Address Phone Price w.e.f. 01/07/2013 Total price (including taxes)
The General Manager,
Small Arms Factory,
Kalpi Road, Kanpur, UP.
PIN - 208009 0512-2295042-46 Rs 64,000 plus taxes as applicable Rs 87,012 (ex-Kanpur)

Re: Difference

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:07 pm
by drms
Difference is due to material and technology used as well as marketing strategy .