Request for information on .32 FA Spain revolver

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Request for information on .32 FA Spain revolver

Post by gunlord6 » Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:49 pm


I am Goutham, from Hyderabad. I am new to this forum and like to request you to help me identify this gun details.

I recently came to inherit a revolver, rifle and a double barrel gun. I am a novice and have little knowledge about guns.
From what I understand of the documents available about the gun its a .32 FA revolver - made in Spain. The original transfer document specifies it as "NP bore Revolver .32 bore No. 9736 by F.A. made in Spain". It was originally transferred to my uncle in 1978. Please find attached the pictures of the revolver taken recently. Picasa album link - ... directlink

As I have little knowledge of this gun, I would request all the Gun gurus here to provide me more information about the revolver and the approximate price it can fetch in the current market. I understand that the revolver is pretty old, made before 1978. But I have no idea about its value or worth and I am at the mercy of the local dealers regarding its price. So any suggestions about the approximate price of the revolver would be appreciated.

Thanks :)
Links to the images (as I am not able to add the images to the post) ... directlink ... directlink ... directlink ... directlink ... directlink ... directlink ... directlink

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Re: Request for information on .32 FA Spain revolver

Post by cottage cheese » Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:36 pm

Hi Goutham,

Welcome to IFG.

What a bizarre looking piece you have!!

Its probably made by one of the numerous and obscure gun makers in the Eibar region of Spain. It is without doubt ancient...probably dating back to the 20's-30's.

Most guns by obscure manufacturers in Spain still abound because they are/were simply dirt cheap.

The design of your revolver, though odd, was made by other Spanish gunmakers as well as reputed makers in Germany, Italy and Belgium, Arminus being one of them. The design is primarily to aid in concealibility, with no protrusions like hammers to snag on clothing. The hammer is probably concealed underneath the odd extension of the frame behind the cylinder. How ever the length of the extension may also suggest that it could be striker fired rather than hammer. The safety catch and the Bakelite grip follows the styling of small automatic pistols the period.
...or perhaps there was a market for revolvers that were made to look a bit like automatic pistols of the era!!

F.A could mean two things:
1) Fa. de Trocaola Aranzabal


2) Francisco Arizmendi

Both operated out of Eibar, Spain. Also be aware that the origins of Spanish manufacturers are made more confusing because many 'companies' were simply resellers... they got some small maker to manufacture something for them and had their name stamped instead of the manufacturers.

Of the two, Fransisco Arizmendi is relatively more well known. If there is FA with a star and crescent marked anywhere on the metal parts, its in all probability a Franscisco Arizmendi, and more likely, it was made for the German market as there were several similar designs made in Germany by Geco (Genshow & Co) and Arminus.

As regards, value, it wouldn't be worth much in a healthy market, but in India where demand far outstrips supply, anything with a "foreign" tag will fetch obscene prices. Slap any price, you'll have a long queue of moneyed idiots handing you wads of cash for the Phoren made "status symbol".... :)

Hope this helps.

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Re: Request for information on .32 FA Spain revolver

Post by vrohan59 » Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:27 pm

That really is an interesting piece!!By the looks of it,it seems very old.The ammo too looks ancient.I agree with cc,its probably made by some obscure manufacturer in Spain.Have you fired it/Lets us know how it performs.
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Re: Request for information on .32 FA Spain revolver

Post by The Doc » Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:56 am

CC you are right as usual :) . It think it is Francisco Arizmendi . Here is what I found, a very similar Francisco Arizmendi Revolver but in 6.35 mm !! This link also gives details of proof marks and dissembly of the firearm. Apart from the hammer and the DA ; the loading gate, ejector rod and the removable cylinder assembly remind me of a Ruger Single Six convertible model . You think the Americans got their inspiration from the Spanish as the single sixes came into production only in 1953 ? :mrgreen:

Goutham , a word of caution . The production date on this particular pistol in the link are "first half of 19th century (I hope they are right). I would advise you to get your piece checked by a competent gunsmith before attempting to fire it .

Link ..... ... =190979172

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Re: Request for information on .32 FA Spain revolver

Post by saahil » Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:40 pm

im really sorry to say but seems like a mixture of iof pistol and revolver.

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Re: Request for information on .32 FA Spain revolver

Post by diskaon » Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:04 am

looks like a desi (country made) revolver - psitol.. Revol-tol or may be a Piss-volver.. :-)

if i had a permit to have to keep 50 guns, then this would be 51st.

klick klack..... diskaon

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