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Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:22 am
by Amarinder_47
Hi everyone

I'm a 19 year old guy, and have been designing weapons since I was 16. Just yesterday, a guy came up to me asking if I could anyhow get one of my designs fabricated for him for a price. I am, of course, interested. But I can't really find anyone to help me on the issue. The guy is licensed to carry a firearm, and owns a couple of them as well.
Anyhow, I need help in locating someone who could work with me on the design he finalized, and get the firearm made. Of course, Money is involved.
If anyone needs to have a look at any of the designs, send a PM.
Thank You

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:42 am
by to_saptarshi
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: WOW !!! We have a unique case here. Amarinder its very nice to know about your passion , but unfortunately I dont think you can do that privately as in India Handgun Manfucaturing is solely done by Govt of India and precisely by Ordnance factories of India. The best you can do is keep your dream alive and try to get a job in DRDO or similer organization. Thats the only way to achieve your dream in India . if you Can try abroad there are many options.

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:45 am
by Talwandi
Hi amarinder

u have a pm

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:10 am
by Sakobav

Care to elaborate what exactly you mean by designing ? Do show some samples way too many trolls hit this board. What kind of engineering drawing classes or autocad related stuff are you familiar with?


Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:01 am
by hvj1
A word of caution mate, what you are doing is illegal. Please do not be caried away by any body, if he asks you to manufacture a pistol for him. You just never know, who he really is or what his intentions are. You risk getting into jail for at least 7 years.

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:07 am
by nagarifle
hvj1 wrote:A word of caution mate, what you are doing is illegal. Please do not be caried away by any body, if he asks you to manufacture a pistol for him. You just never know, who he really is or what his intentions are. You risk getting into jail for at least 7 years.

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:41 am
by sagar
Hi Amarinder,
hvj1 wrote:A word of caution mate, what you are doing is illegal. Please do not be caried away by any body, if he asks you to manufacture a pistol for him. You just never know, who he really is or what his intentions are. You risk getting into jail for at least 7 years.

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:14 pm
by grewal
Boy oh boy. Amrinder control your emotions and just forget about what you are planing . Just leave this thought and end the crap. You dont need to show any thing over here, neither plan or anything.

You should think before saying anything on this forum.

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:35 pm
by vrohan59
Keep away!I agree with grewal,think twice before posting anything here,negative publicity is something we can do without.The fellow who approached you can be anybody from a nut case,to a cop or even a pervert!!! The babus can slap any charges against you,starting from violation of the Arms Act to getting booked under POTA!!!

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:19 pm
by kb100
:shock: Amrinder.. please DESIST! :shock:

It is totally against the law - and with the current security circumstances you will get into such serious trouble, it will ruin your life for ever!

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:29 pm
by Bespoke
First of all it is Illegal and there is nothing like Private Handgun Manufacturer.

Second to draw a fancy weapon on AutoCAD or paper is the easiest part,Gun Manufacturing is much more than just designing.

I would conclude this by saying excuse me if I am blunt but I think you really don't know what you are talking about and my suggestion is to go and read more about firearms and understand details and reconsider what you are saying.

All the very best.

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:46 pm
by The Doc
Bespoke wrote:I would conclude this by saying excuse me if I am blunt but I think you really don't know what you are talking about and my suggestion is to go and read more about firearms and understand in details and reconsider what you are saying.
A troll possibly :?:

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:03 pm
by saahil
hi arminder,
its really nice to know that you have passion for guns. why dont you use your expertise in making good bb guns or air guns.

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:50 am
by Amarinder_47
For those who have advised : Thanks a zillion tons ! I had this thing in my mind all along that twas illegal, but had some doubts. And courtesy you guys, I'm gonna say NO to the guy who approached me. thanks again.

For 'Bespoke' : Yours is a rather intriguing case. Go drop that attitude in that trashcan you picked it up from. You ask me to go and read more about firearms. I wonder what made you say that, maybe coz I'm rather young to know anything about firearms at all. When your grand-dad happens to be a Retd. Colonel, and your uncle is a Brigadier, and your dad has been a War-time analyst since long . . . and your own opinion on latest firearms is the one that's counted . . . That's when you know it's not just a lil design made on CAD or a piece of paper. I agree I'm a lil immature, and at this age can easily get under someone's influence. But, that's entirely different from grabbing knowledge . . Not just by reading it from somewhere, but practically as well. Looks like I'm not gonna have to be the one to reconsider what I said.

Finally for those who think I wanna show something here: Why would I ? ? I've got a big enough platform in my own family. This website here serves me as just a pastime.

I'm sorry If I got offensive. But I don't feel the need to prove myself to anyone who doesn't matter nuts to me. I thought there might be ppl with some good advice, and I've thanked those who came up with one.

Re: Private Handgun Manufacturer

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 2:25 am
by xl_target
For 'Bespoke' : Yours is a rather intriguing case. Go drop that attitude in that trashcan you picked it up from. You ask me to go and read more about firearms. I wonder what made you say that, maybe coz I'm rather young to know anything about firearms at all. When your grand-dad happens to be a Retd. Colonel, and your uncle is a Brigadier, and your dad has been a War-time analyst since long . . . and your own opinion on latest firearms is the one that's counted . . . That's when you know it's not just a lil design made on CAD or a piece of paper. I agree I'm a lil immature, and at this age can easily get under someone's influence. But, that's entirely different from grabbing knowledge .
While Bespoke could have been a little more diplomatic, he does make a few valid points. It really doesn't matter even a little bit what your antecedants are. What do you know about metallurgy? For example, what grade of steel are you going to use? Once you pick a caliber and cartridge loading, you have to find out what kinds of pressures are generated when the cartridge is fired. Once you know that you have to find a grade of steel that is capable of handling that pressure. Only then can you decide on barrel thickness, chamber dimensions, etc., etc., etc. What do you know about metal casting? What metal will you use for the frame? How robust must it be? What will the required Tensile strength be for the various part? What Brinnell or Rockwell scale readings are required for each part? Will it be cast, forged or machined? If any of the three, what would be the advantage and why would you chose to go with any of those methods? What do you know about manufacturing? Which metals will meet tolerances specified? Do you know what tolerances you can or must hold for different methods of manufacture? What do you know about machining? Can you code a CNC machine? Can you program one if you someone did the code for you? I submit that at 19, it doesn't matter if you grandfather is Birla or a Tata or a Sam Manckshaw, you personally do not know what it takes to manufacture a handgun. No matter what you think you know, at 19, you haven't had the schooling to even know that you don't know enough. But don't feel bad, at 19 I knew all the answers too. :D

So what Bespoke was trying to say, I think, is that being in possession of a drawing, even a completed CAD drawing is meaningless till you can specify the fundamentals of the different materials used for the various parts of the gun..... and that is only the beginning. You can't even begin the drawing till you have the fundamentals down. Without those preliminaries, all you can have is a concept and those are a dime a dozen. Don't get discouraged, if you are really that interested in the subject, you know know in what direction to proceed with your studies. If you really know what you want to do in life, you're way ahead of the game because most 19 year olds don't have a clue.

However, I guess the point is moot as it would be illegal for you to try and manufacture a handgun in India.