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Points to look at when buying a second hand revolver?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:21 pm
by paddy
Dear Gurus,

please advise the important points to look for when buying a second hand revolver. Specially when buying a 5 years old IOF Revolver?? ( Don't want to buy a new IOF as don't wish to get bounded for a 5 year no sale period)

Thanks in advance for your time and advise.



Re: Points to look at when buying a second hand revolver?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:45 pm
by Anand
Hi paddy,
1. Check for obvious signs of visible damage including from rust
2. Check if the rifling is shiney and if there are any barrel bulges
3. Check if the action; cocking;de-cocking; trigger pull are all smooth and snag free
4. Check to see if the alignment of each chamber with the barrel is true
5. Check to see if the timing and lock up are true
6. Finally if possible, see if you can fire it before buying

The most common type of damage to firearms apart from rust will be when they have been dropped at some time :shock: . This can lead to internal components either going out of alignment or breaking apart from external damage. Worn out springs can lead to misfires, or accidental discharges in case of springs on safeties or "locks". The best safety is between your ears :) . Practice safe firearm handling !

Re: Points to look at when buying a second hand revolver?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:13 pm
by paddy
Hello Anand,

Thanks a Ton! for your most valuable advise. I will share with you my most recent experience of Merrut Gun Dealers.

1. All the 5 year old IOF Revolvers that I checked at 4 dealers were shining like they are new.
2. They claim- one or two shots have been fired in five years. In this case I asked for the original box, cleaner etc supplied with the revolver- none had.
3. Test Firing in Merrut is not an issue they give you one cartridge, come out of the shop on the busy street and just fire in the air. One shot only.
4. I was really confused as even the Colt Revolver of yesteryears was being passed as almost new - with sales pitching of no shots fired at all.

Whenever you have time please elaborate more on your points 4,5 and 6.

Warm regards


Re: Points to look at when buying a second hand revolver?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:22 pm
by ruger_rugged
Hi Paddy,
You may check this

Although this is for S & W, but these tips can be used for any swing out cylinder type revolver.


Re: Points to look at when buying a second hand revolver?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:27 pm
by Anand
Hello again paddy,
" Whenever you have time please elaborate more on your points 4,5 and 6. "

4. Check to see if the alignment of each chamber with the barrel is true.

Some times due to either sloppy machining or excessive firing the alignment of the individual chambers in the cylinder may not line up with the center of the barrel. In such cases bullets will be shaved as they enter the forcing cone of the barrel and be very inaccurate at the least. Some times catastrophic damage to the firearm may occur.

5. Check to see if the timing and lock up are true
As above, because of poor machining or excessive usage etc, the action may not align the cylinder with the barrel when the "hand" (the part that moves the cylinder into alignment with the barrel) is worn out. This must be checked for each chamber individually!

6. Finally if possible, see if you can fire it before buying
If purchasing from a known dealer or licensee they may allow you to fire 1 or two cylinder fulls of ammo to check functioning. Firing only 1 round into the air (totally unsafe :shock: )will tell you that the round is going off, not if its accurate, nor if there is any other problem.


Re: Points to look at when buying a second hand revolver?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:14 pm
by paddy
Anand - Many many thanks!

Also thanks to you Rugger_rugged

I will submit my report soon

Re: Points to look at when buying a second hand revolver?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:27 pm
by captrakshitsharma
firing in air in merut is murder.. specially if u talking of pl sharma road... check utube for videos on inspecting used s&W revolver and the basics apply to all....

Re: Points to look at when buying a second hand revolver?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:21 pm
by DAN
Isn't this in the wrong forum???? :?

Re: Points to look at when buying a second hand revolver?

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:21 am
by paddy
Yes Dan you are right. Request the admin to move this to Handguns Please!

Profound apologies for the fiasco.



Re: Points to look at when buying a second hand revolver?

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:44 am
by dev
Post moved to handguns section, no need to apologize it's not that big a deal. :D



Re: Points to look at when buying a second hand revolver?

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:24 am
by SARGE7402
Hope you find this at least entertaining and perhaps a bit useful. ... ndguns.htm

Skeeter's been dead 22 years now and this might be a bit dated, but some things never change