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Info on Largo revolver

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:09 pm
by Vineet
One of my cousin wanted to buy a handgun. A dealer has a revolver made in Spain by Largo company. It has 6 inch barrel, fires .32 cal rounds, and has 1929 marked on barrel. The cylinder swings out like those of S&W revolvers.Asking price is 2 Lacs. If any member have information regarding genuineness,perfomance would be greatly appreciated. I'll try to post pics by monday as I have to visit the dealer on monday.

Re: Info on Largo revolver

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:41 pm
by winnie_the_pooh
This is the best that I could find on the net

Largo would refer to the calibre and not the make.

Re: Info on Largo revolver

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:52 am
by The Doc

If I were you, I would urge my cousin to consider buying a new IOF .32 revolver instead of going in for some vague old Spanish piece costing 2L . :)


Re: Info on Largo revolver

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:37 am
by mundaire
As the Doc says, old Spanish guns can have decidedly "iffy" quality... not worth it IMHO. Go for an IOF or for that kind of budget range he can also get the trusty 'ol Webley. Both would be much better options.